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  1. X

    Report from Mexico City - what you see on TV is not real

    What you see on CNN, FOX, NBC, is 110% bullsh1t.
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    Clutch in my car....

    Clutch is a pedal, connected with cables to your transmission's clutch. It is highly likely that problem lies somewhere within this connection. On the other hand, it could be your clutch itself. If you don't have tools, and if you don't know how to take out transmission, you should go to a...
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    Crazy Call To Radio Station

    Book by Zbigniew Brzezinski, that's the man who sponsored Obama, if it wasn't for Brzezinski Obama would not be our president. It's called The Grand Chessboard. Target is China and Russia. You can get it on Amazon. Basically real power is in China and Russia, that's where real resources are as...
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    Crazy Call To Radio Station

    There is no such thing as end of the world. Only end of the world as you know it. Once you find yourself in one world government system, with communism at the helm, and paganism as religion, you'll realize that. Weaponized pandemic is being used to scare your little piggie self into more...
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    Bonehead question about computer processors

    So you going for an HP laptop, and trying to decide on processor. There will not be any considerable difference between 2 GHz, and 3GHz dual core CPU for internet, dreamweaver, photoshop, unless you intent to do some video editing with primer, or if you want to do flash. However, you want...
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    Crazy Call To Radio Station
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    How to find out your HB number?

    How to find out your HB number? Dress up and go out to where its crowded. Find a seat, look your best, smile at people. If no one approaches you, you're a zero. If the hottest chick that approaches you is a 6, then you are a 6 too. If the hottest chick that approaches you is a 9, then you are...
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    Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions

    Who is Gerald Celente? To my understanding, this is not a psychic prediction, but an analytic one. The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax...
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    3D Tats

    I too think a tattoo on woman's butt does not add to the beauty. I like tattoo on this rapper's hand, yea, with this one you could look professional.
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    3D Tats

    Me neither. Can be used to ID a man. Here are more tats, non 3D, but still funny.
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    Raw Science - The Open Chemical Physics Journal

    Here is the fixed link. You should be able to use your reasoning now. That is if you have that ability. Which I doubt you do, because if you did you'd be able to click on Journal's website and find that information. Holly crap. You should...
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    Raw Science - The Open Chemical Physics Journal

    Son, that's because I've been studying this sh1t for a long time. I've seen a lot of good people locked up, in this land of the free, for opening their mouth about this. Now we have to question your reasoning behind dismissing scientific evidence. What is your motivation? Ahh, I get it, TRUTH...
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    Raw Science - The Open Chemical Physics Journal

    Are you unable to check sources for yourself? How old are you, 12? I'll teach you how, you click the link, download PDF, read it, check all sources sites and all science done. :kick:
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    Raw Science - The Open Chemical Physics Journal

    LINK FIXED. It's a 2nd 2009 article. Quote from: , click on Download link to download article in PDF The Open Chemical Physics Journal and all their articles can be found here. To read full article you will have to download PDF from...
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    Sunrise on Mars
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    3D Tats
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    Don't fall for this!

    Dude, you misunderstood me. What I meant was if you're a man, and you grow up without interacting with women, you don't have that ability to interact with women well. Even if you learn game it takes years and years to be good at it. If you're a woman, it's practically impossible to not...
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    No it can't!! Of course, there are exceptions, but rare, and I'm not aware of any such cases. Any faulty electronics can catch on fire, even cell phones, that's why manufacturer's test them extensively, unless of course it's made in China. Basically, in a desktop it's pretty much impossible...
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    Don't fall for this!

    ..they are Of course they are smarter! (though not in all areas) If you used to be fat, or used to be skinny, and started working out and turned into gorilla with muscles, you might have noticed that the more pumped you became the more aggressive and "dumber" you become. Women don't have...
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    Don't Let Your Corroded Mind Be Your Own Worst Enemy!!

    ..continues 4 of 4, last one DISCLAIMER: I chose political idiocy as an example, because ALL are familiar with them in the past 6 months. I could have also used other events as an example, such as commercials, but problem with commercials is that not all would have seen them. However, ALL know...