Don't fall for this!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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Women are a lot smarter then we give them credit for when it comes to the dating/mating/fvcking you over game. Something that occurred today reminded me just how good some women are at this sh*t. One chick that rejected me before (even though she did it a smart way. She counter offered but not specifically. Just enough to allow myself to ask her out some other time)

Reminder: If you try to setup a date with a woman a week in advance or anytime for that matter and she replies with anything but a yes and doesn't counter offer she's not interested. Don't fool yourself and become an orbiter off the notion that you may have a chance. You don't!

I'm sure a lot of you already know this, but I found myself falling for a well placed trap.

Today was my first day back in classes off spring break (I'm an MBA student). Over the break, I decided that any chicks I tried to game before spring break that weren't interested enough I wouldn't pursue them at all anymore. This woman in one of my classes I considered her to be one. Usually after class, I'd walk with her outside since I'm leaving anyway. Well today I didn't. I simply got up and left straight after lecture.

Few minutes later I get a phone call from her, but I didn't answer because I had my cell on vibrate. I called her back, but didn't get an answer so i text her letting her know I was just returning her call. She immediately responds saying she just wanted to know if I did a report. Of course I didn't and ended up shifting the text to something more fun. Hell I thought since she initiated with me I might as well go for it, right? :yes:

Basically through text I told her she must have called to hear my voice. After a few funny responses from her I let her know if she wanted to have a stimulating conversation we should go out for drinks next Wednesday. I then ask her what time should I come get her.

Her response: "I don't know yet. How's your day going?"

After that I figured she just wanted another chump to play text with so I responded with "Good" and never sent another text.

Won't even bother with this chick again unless she wants to blow me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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nexting is way out of hand..........not sure if you know this....women are not just poke holes. U might wanna ask how her day is going.

I think Mystery would agree far as I am concerned thats a botched potential escalation. I will agree eject to save self respect is an option but not if you are just burning thru females everytime she answers outside of your PRE-SET parameters. U gotta work around that dude.......consider it like a token NO and ask the same question again.

Yes it's easier to start a new set but sometimes with a lil more effort you can get anything from anyone. Its all in how you ask and how U handle the propencity for rejection.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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I see where you're coming from, but in this case nexting isn't out of hand.

I've asked her to hang out in the past, get to know her better, etc and she was very receptive to the idea. By her saying that now she "doesn't know yet" in my opinion is her implying that she's simply not interested in me. This isn't some trick ho I just met. I've developed a solid rapport with her. If she's not onboard right now I don't want to keep wasting my time.

I should have also mentioned in the past she told me she had a boyfriend but didn't seem to care. So I don't feel like putting in much effort with her.

I'll probably continue talking/flirting with her and see if it gets anywhere, but it just doesn't seem like she's interested.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
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..they are

Of course they are smarter! (though not in all areas)

If you used to be fat, or used to be skinny, and started working out and turned into gorilla with muscles, you might have noticed that the more pumped you became the more aggressive and "dumber" you become. Women don't have testosterone, they can actually think better.

Another advantage women have over us is through nurture and upbringing they have more experience over things like that.

We tend to desire things we are around. That's why priests like young boys. That's also a reason for why we have homos, and why some of you like to play dress up. :whistle: Most men grow up how? Why exactly 100% of us here? :whistle: While women usually don't have such problems, instead from the early age women realize what they have (tits and *****), and they learn to use them everyday and I don't mean sex.

Women are skillful at playing games and manipulating us testosterone dumbed men.

If you think about it, our human behaviors don't fit well into those of other animals on this planet. NOT EVEN MONKEYS! How did we came to be is a mystery, even scientists that study this are baffled..


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
This chick is just being a chick. I'm sure she's perfectly capable of accepting a date offer. If she's busy I'm sure she knows the art of the counter offer. This ain't rocket science. You just need to get her more interested. I would do this by moving on to something or someone else. Live your life.

You are in class with this girl so keep it light. I wouldn't act like it bothered me. It shouldn't bother you. Just don't ask her to hang out anymore. I wouldn't call her or text her. We men get extremely busy doing manly things and are far too occupied to worry about using their damn cell phones.

IF she likes you, she's going to notice the difference in your behavior and fantasize about you being one of those men. Or maybe not. It all lies in the level of your game homie. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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GuanYu said:
Basically through text I told her she must have called to hear my voice. After a few funny responses from her I let her know if she wanted to have a stimulating conversation we should go out for drinks next Wednesday. I then ask her what time should I come get her.

Few issues here:

(1) You didn't initiate the call or the date, she called you about her studies. If she called you about her studies, you answer about that and nothing else. Anything more you are feeding her ego without her having to give up anything to you.

(2) You shouldn't go back and forth several texts before you ask her. Plus, you asked her after she called you. You didn't really show initiative that you wanted to spend time with her and it doesn't make her feel good.

(3) "We should go out for drinks, what time should I come get you?" That sounds kind of arrogant. You are saying "My time is very very valuable and you better say yes because I'm so important." That won't really make her knees weak.

Her response: "I don't know yet. How's your day going?"

After that I figured she just wanted another chump to play text with so I responded with "Good" and never sent another text.

Good not to send another text, bad to show anger that she didnt' respond the way you liked. You are showing she has emotional control over you and you made it important that she didn't respond the right way.

GuanYu: If you want a stimulating conversation, we should go out for drinks next Wednesday. What time should I come get you?
Girl: I don't know yet, how's your day going?
GuanYu: Good

GuanYu: I'd love to talk to you more about the class project. Perhaps we could go for a coffee after class next Wednesday.
Girl: I don't know yet, how's your day going?
GuanYu: Very well thank you. I'm actually just about the head to class. Let me know about the coffee if it suits you. Take care.

Which sounds better to you? Which shows her that you would like to spend time with her and have sex with her but its not important if she doesn't feel the same way? You can't let a girl know her answer has affected you in any situation.

Won't even bother with this chick again unless she wants to blow me.
If she contacts, you keep it short and be polite.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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xingcong said:
If you used to be fat, or used to be skinny, and started working out and turned into gorilla with muscles, you might have noticed that the more pumped you became the more aggressive and "dumber" you become. Women don't have testosterone, they can actually think better.

We tend to desire things we are around.
No, people in general desire things that they can't have, not things that stick around with them (or things they just like and find attractive.) They get comfortable with people they spend time around (often indifferent.)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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DonJuan11 said:
Good not to send another text, bad to show anger that she didnt' respond the way you liked. You are showing she has emotional control over you and you made it important that she didn't respond the right way.

It's hard to perceive anger through texts. I actually texted her back an hour later and told her I was busy so asked her how her day went.

You didn't initiate the call or the date, she called you about her studies. If she called you about her studies, you answer about that and nothing else. Anything more you are feeding her ego without her having to give up anything to you.
She claimed she called to ask if I did a report that had absolutely nothing to do with her. It was an optional report and had already been collected in class. I think her reason for calling was to get the attention I usually giver her and didn't this time. So I fvcked up and gave it to her anyway. Also with your interpretation, wouldn't asking for a date be feeding her ego anyway? Guys do that all of the time else are we to get closer to the glory hole.

Keep in mind I have decent rapport with this chick and asked her out before. This would be a lot different if I just met her.

Which sounds better to you? Which shows her that you would like to spend time with her and have sex with her but its not important if she doesn't feel the same way? You can't let a girl know her answer has affected you in any situation.
Yeah your way definitely sounds nicer. In fact, it's so nice I think she'd laugh about me speaking that way. She's not the type of woman to like overly nice guys, but I do treat her with decency and respect.

I dunno ..I've mentioned before I'm at a stage where I find it very difficult to work overtime for a woman's attention. I have enough plates and get enough tail at the moment that it's extremely hard to have to go all out to just get some drinks with a chick.

Nothing should be so difficult. Any woman with true interest wouldn't bullsh*t around. Her interest isn't high enough therefore I won't waste anymore time asking her out.

Cableguy said:
IF she likes you, she's going to notice the difference in your behavior and fantasize about you being one of those men. Or maybe not. It all lies in the level of your game homie.
Yeah I'm definitely busy and did mention I wouldn't ask her out again. I think she picked up on my behavior change towards her, that's why she called me after class when I didn't hang around for her. I think she just wants the attention without having to give anything in return. I don't play that stupid game anymore. I also mentioned I wouldn't waste a lot of energy on her.

Pretty confident in my game, like I previously mentioned it's just so hard to have to work hard for a simple date when I don't and shouldn't have to.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
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GuanYu said:
Pretty confident in my game, like I previously mentioned it's just so hard to have to work hard for a simple date when I don't and shouldn't have to.
That's the spirit. Have fun with it should the opporunity arise If not, keep on keepin on.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
GuanYu said:
Nothing should be so difficult. Any woman with true interest wouldn't bullsh*t around. Her interest isn't high enough therefore I won't waste anymore time asking her out.
I beg to differ... Girls are full of crap


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
"Any woman with true interest wouldn't bullsh*t around"
not true. its a false thing people around here have said, but its not true. women bs, men bs. its a part of the courting process and basically meeting and spending intimate time with new people. get used to it


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
Im in a similar situation that some of you have mentioned. I asked a girl on a date and she gave me the "Ill check my work schedule" line, fine whatever. I didnt text her or IM her for the next few days, and then she starts sending me messages instead.

Point is like some of you have mentioned, don't send text messages like crazy seriously go a day 24 full hours without sending her a text or talking to her, if shes interested she'll send you a message instead.

Also phone her! talking is way better way to ask a girl out than a text message, it gets her out of the comfort zone of not responding via a text or a sorry ass excuse.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
MisterMcGee said:
"Any woman with true interest wouldn't bullsh*t around"
not true. its a false thing people around here have said, but its not true. women bs, men bs. its a part of the courting process and basically meeting and spending intimate time with new people. get used to it


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
To be honest with you GuanYu,when I first read this thread,I was kind of confused. So I read it a second time. Then a third,and a fourth. The name of this thread is,"Don't fall for this!". Well,I was trying to find out what "this" was. I didn't understand what you were talking about. I read it over 4 times,and all I saw was a girl who you say earlier that didn't have an interest in you call you about some school work. Then,at one point,you said,
GuanYu said:
"Hell,I thought since she intiated with me,I might as well go for it,right?:yes:
Well,when I read that,I was like,"intiated what? All the did was ask you about class". Seem to me that you misinterpeted her calling you as some sign of interest. Then when you asked her out,she gave you the "I don't know" line,which of course means no. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly is was that you fell for. All she did was ask you about school work. Where did you get that she might be interested in you because of that? I mean,you said from the getgo that there were a few girls that you had tried to date before spring break who didn't seem interested,and that she was one of them. Well what changed? What happened to all of the sudden make you think that she might be interested? What,the phone call....about school work? Or was it something else?

I hear you on the possibility of her calling you because you didn't walk out of class with her,and her wanting attention. That's possible. But when did you discover that is was only attention she was after? Was it after you you asked her out and she said she didn't know?

Yeah,boosting a girl's ego is a slippery slope. You can fall into doing it and not even know.....until you try to date her and she turns you down. But by then,it's too late.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
GuanYu said:
It's hard to perceive anger through texts. I actually texted her back an hour later and told her I was busy so asked her how her day went.


She claimed she called to ask if I did a report that had absolutely nothing to do with her. It was an optional report and had already been collected in class. I think her reason for calling was to get the attention I usually giver her and didn't this time. So I fvcked up and gave it to her anyway. Also with your interpretation, wouldn't asking for a date be feeding her ego anyway? Guys do that all of the time else are we to get closer to the glory hole.

You are correct, but generally you should do it on your own terms and when you contact the girl. If she contacts you and you ask for a date or something of the like, it can sound like you got nothing better to do and she reminded you she's still around. Granted there are no hard and fast rules, I just don't think they find it very appealing when they initiate and the man asks for a date at the same time.

Keep in mind I have decent rapport with this chick and asked her out before. This would be a lot different if I just met her.

Yeah your way definitely sounds nicer. In fact, it's so nice I think she'd laugh about me speaking that way. She's not the type of woman to like overly nice guys, but I do treat her with decency and respect.

Fair enough. Generally, if I find girls offer resistance, I like to be polite, make the feel important and then take away attention. Others like to be straight up and let them know what they want and then cut them off. Neither way is better, one way might just work better for some people than others.

I dunno ..I've mentioned before I'm at a stage where I find it very difficult to work overtime for a woman's attention. I have enough plates and get enough tail at the moment that it's extremely hard to have to go all out to just get some drinks with a chick.

Nothing should be so difficult. Any woman with true interest wouldn't bullsh*t around. Her interest isn't high enough therefore I won't waste anymore time asking her out.
Very true on the last two paragraphs.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
I read it over 4 times,and all I saw was a girl who you say earlier that didn't have an interest in you call you about some school work. Then,at one point,you said,Well,when I read that,I was like,"intiated what? All the did was ask you about class". Seem to me that you misinterpeted her calling you as some sign of interest. Where did you get that she might be interested in you because of that?
Ok here's the deal...

At the beginning of the semester we didn't even speak to each other. One day the professor assigns us to meet other people to discuss a case. She immediately turns my way and we instantly like each other (even as just "friends" I suppose) She starts to sit beside me each class, convo, i get her number, etc..

One day I said fvck it and offered her a ride since she usually catches the shuttle everyday. She accepted. As soon as I get to her complex I say..

"You're not going to invite me in?" Her reply..

"Well I do have work to do for my class, (her other class was a few hours later the same day) but don't you have to be somewhere?" (I told her I had plans)

Unfortunately, I had plans that day that couldn't be cancelled. (with a sure shot of pvssy) So I reply ...

"Some other time then." Her: Sure, just hit me up.

So that's when I began to try to setup dates/hang outs with her and she starts to flake, but not so much to chase me off. She'd mention another day but nothing else. For instance I'd say, "Lets get together Tuesday." Her response, "I have class Tuesday, but Thursday...." that's it. She'd kinda leave me in limbo.

So I'm guessing this chick has interest but she doesn't want to appear to be cheating on her "boyfriend."

We chat again...

Me: We should [insert whatever] on [whatever day]
Her: Here? With a bunch of girls?
Me: Want me all to yourself eh?
Her: No ..I do have a BF
Me: I didn't say anything about a relationship, I just want to get to know you better.
Her: Ok we can chill in the living room

But I didn't do sh*t. Didn't go over there or anything.

I could go on and on, but don't want this to be too lengthy. After all of that though can you see where I might have a chance? Or am I just being played?

But when did you discover that is was only attention she was after? Was it after you you asked her out and she said she didn't know?
I figured because it made zero sense for her to call me about a one page report that was due on that particular day after spring break where only 3 people did it. I did hang out a fair bit of time after lecture packing my laptop, books, etc and we sit next to each other. She could have asked then...why wait three minutes after I'm long gone to call me just to ask if I did it? It doesn't make much sense at all.

Also she's been telling me how her spring break was shetty and she didn't enjoy going across the country at all. I dunno, something about this whole situation tells me I could bang this chick I'm just not doing a certain thing right. Either I can't figure it out or I'm fooling myself just because I'd like to get in between her thighs.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Ok,that's better. I know there had to be some pieces of the puzzle missing somewhere. It just didn't make any sense at first. I like to dissect interactions and find out what happened,why it happened,where it went wrong,etc. I have a thousand questions I could ask,but I think I'll give my fingers a rest.
From everything you just said,it seems to me like there was somewhat some interest in the beginning,but it quickly faded away. Where it started to go south.....I couldn't tell you,but I don't think that "you're not going to invite me in" remark helped you out any. Probably made her think you were out for only one thing. Then internally,she probably lost interest in dating you,but still enjoyed the attention. Plus you being her new cabbie giving her rides only sweetened the temptation to keep you around as well.

Male attention + a new chaffeur in exchange for nothing? Not to many girls who'll pass that up. The fact that everytime you'd mention a time for you two to get together was met with her giving you an excuse while at the same time not making a counter offer.....huge red flag there man.

But anyway,thanks for clearing that up for me. I knew something was up.:)


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Captain said:
No, people in general desire things that they can't have, not things that stick around with them (or things they just like and find attractive.) They get comfortable with people they spend time around (often indifferent.)

Dude, you misunderstood me. What I meant was if you're a man, and you grow up without interacting with women, you don't have that ability to interact with women well. Even if you learn game it takes years and years to be good at it.

If you're a woman, it's practically impossible to not interact with men. Women get hit by men how many times per day? Thus, women are skilled with men. While men are not skilled with women. In general.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
xingcong said:
If you're a woman, it's practically impossible to not interact with men. Women get hit by men how many times per day? Thus, women are skilled with men. While men are not skilled with women. In general.
That's true. Something I've always wondered though is if women know men so well, they should know we don't like people beating around the bush. We like direct answers, especially if it's dealing with whether or not to continue pursuing them.

I know women always like to keep their options open and some simply don't want to hurt chumps feelings that can't hear the truth ..but why do women insist on keeping men they have no interest in whatsoever on a leash?

They know the guy wants to get in her pants, yet a lot of them give them subtle signs to keep the guys guessing. Wondering if maybe they have a shot.

Ego boost? Confirmation that they're hot?

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Text messaging is the devil. I don't get why guys engage in these stupid text message/idle chatter games with women. Text messaging is so high schoolish...