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  1. X

    Don't Let Your Corroded Mind Be Your Own Worst Enemy!!

    ..continues, 3 of 4 DISCLAIMER: I chose political idiocy as an example, because ALL are familiar with them in the past 6 months. I could have also used other events as an example, such as commercials, but problem with commercials is that not all would have seen them. However, ALL know...
  2. X

    Don't Let Your Corroded Mind Be Your Own Worst Enemy!!

    ..continues, 2 of 4 Let's continue... Proprioception What is it? It's your brain's map of your body, and it screws up on a regular basis. Um, What? Your sense of proprioception is your brain's ability to sense where your limbs are. Nothing strange about that, right? This is how...
  3. X

    Don't Let Your Corroded Mind Be Your Own Worst Enemy!!

    I would like to talk about our minds, this will be a scientific discussion and you will get a kick out of it. I guarantee you that by reading this post bellow you will learn something new, right now. I also guarantee you that this new information will help you with women. Hey, who knows, you...
  4. X

    Do you guys find these videos....

    OMG! Thank you so much. I posted one of the vids on one forum and the other one on the other, and in both cases got mod warnings. No sense of humor. And yes, forums were adult oriented.
  5. X

    -weird scenario- ( i need your thoughts on this)

    All women are waked out, some more than others. Though, you failed her man tests. When she didn't give you her number, you should have taken that as a no.. But be cheerful, because you can fvck back with her. Continue showing total AFC towards her, even become a friend with her, I mean totally...
  6. X

    How can I get over regrets??

    You guys might consider this a bad advice, most likely. But I am serious actually, and I would swear by this method. I too, grew up as an AFC, 28 now, and until a few years ago I was an AFC. Worst kind of AFC, with worst kind of personality disorders. I had no life in HS, and only 1 friend...
  7. X

    Are people happier in Europe or Asia vs the US?

    You hit the last nail into this coffin. I wish you could expand on this some day. Yes, people are absolutely terrified in the U.S.. Especially in big metro areas.. Why I don't know, but I bet it has something to do with what is shown in the news and this countries general outlook on the...
  8. X

    Do you guys find these videos....

    Offensive and against site rules? or Do you find them funny and are able to enjoy the joke?