Are people happier in Europe or Asia vs the US?


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
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I've only been to Canada, and a little bit of Mexico, but I'm wondering if people are much happier in europe, asia, or south america vs the US?

Are people happier when they go to the beach, or are more relaxed at sidewalk cafes/malls?

Do more people live outside of the tv/media matrix vs the US?

Also, the level of fear.....people seem to be more terrorized than ever here in the US.


Feb 10, 2005
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I'm not a world traveler, and maybe some of them will chime in, but it seems to me there are happier places than the US currently. Even within the US there are happier areas than others, so it stands to reason. What with the economic problems, the distrusts and unhappiness with the government, the entitled women problems, it seems the U.S.'s happy days have been slipping away for sometime and have moved and popped up somewhere else, at least until the feminist, radicals, gov. and finance people screw it up there too lol.

but it's a good question how is it in Europe and Asia.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
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I've been to Asia several times and I would have to say.

Absolutely Yes.

Most people are happy because of their circumstances and In most Asian countries cost of living is extremely cheap and the food is definitely more satisfying and better then most Western alternatives. Asian culture caters more to the family, to take care of your elders and not send them away to nursing homes.

I'm actually moving to Asia really soon so I'm really happy about it now :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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EA Gold said:
I've been to Asia several times and I would have to say.

Absolutely Yes.

Most people are happy because of their circumstances and In most Asian countries cost of living is extremely cheap and the food is definitely more satisfying and better then most Western alternatives. Asian culture caters more to the family, to take care of your elders and not send them away to nursing homes.

I'm actually moving to Asia really soon so I'm really happy about it now :)
I've noticed the same thing about the parts of Asia that I have visited. Which country are you moving to?

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
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I'm going back home to The Philippines.
It always humid, hot and rains most of the time..

My favorite type of weather :)

Very nice beaches, white sands and crystal clear water and barely anyone is on the beaches, unlike most beaches here the U.S. where its packed.

5 story malls, everything is cheap except electronics and the food is just Awesome! I can already taste the food

I have helpers and maids who take care of everything! Cooking, cleaning, they even shop for you.

Its nice to be back in The Philippines :)


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
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GQ_Confidence_1 said:
Also, the level of fear.....people seem to be more terrorized than ever here in the US.

You hit the last nail into this coffin. I wish you could expand on this some day.

Yes, people are absolutely terrified in the U.S.. Especially in big metro areas.. Why I don't know, but I bet it has something to do with what is shown in the news and this countries general outlook on the world.

American people seem to lack compassion, especially those in large metro areas. In Russia it's different. There people actually smile at each other and say hello to strangers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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EA Gold said:
I'm going back home to The Philippines.
It always humid, hot and rains most of the time..

My favorite type of weather :)

Very nice beaches, white sands and crystal clear water and barely anyone is on the beaches, unlike most beaches here the U.S. where its packed.

5 story malls, everything is cheap except electronics and the food is just Awesome! I can already taste the food

I have helpers and maids who take care of everything! Cooking, cleaning, they even shop for you.

Its nice to be back in The Philippines :)
I would like to go there one day too for a holiday. It sounds nice. :)


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
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xingcong said:
You hit the last nail into this coffin. I wish you could expand on this some day.

Yes, people are absolutely terrified in the U.S.. Especially in big metro areas.. Why I don't know, but I bet it has something to do with what is shown in the news and this countries general outlook on the world.

American people seem to lack compassion, especially those in large metro areas. In Russia it's different. There people actually smile at each other and say hello to strangers.
I think it comes from US media/news.

Its hard to imagine hot brazilian chicks on the beach having a shredder at home, terrified of identity theft, literally shredding *every* piece of junk mail that they get (I know people that do that).

I dont know....many people here live in a constant state of fear, I wouldnt imagine that in Europe, dont they still have relaxing 2 hour lunches everyday?

People in the US tend to exaggerate crime, danger, etc. On some forums, people compare our declining cities to 3rd world slums. Los Angeles is becoming a south american slum. True, LA's infrastructure is terrible, and education is terrible....but in true 3rd world slums, there are armed guards on the streets, checkpoints, the military runs the country, etc. We're not that bad.

The fear here is crazy, relative to whats actually going on everyday.

People in the US are so brand/media focused, they can't just "chill" and step out of that (generalizing). I can imagine maybe a young greek couple exploring their beaches, or hanging out in cheap hotels having a good time. People here dont have that kind of relaxation. Or, maybe I'm way off.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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xingcong said:
You hit the last nail into this coffin. I wish you could expand on this some day.

Yes, people are absolutely terrified in the U.S.. Especially in big metro areas.. Why I don't know, but I bet it has something to do with what is shown in the news and this countries general outlook on the world.

American people seem to lack compassion, especially those in large metro areas. In Russia it's different. There people actually smile at each other and say hello to strangers.
Russians smile at each other and say hello to strangers? Have you ever been to Russia?

A more xenophobic nation of people you will not meet. Russians are without a doubt some of the most miserable people I have ever met. They also rank in social studies as being some of the most unhappy. There is a saying in Russia, "Russians are born to suffer", and it stems not from their incredibly sad history but the peoples constant need to feel unhappy.

Sorry mate, Russia has a lot going for it and the people are warm once they get to know you. They will move mountains for you once they know you. As a stranger though? A russian would not piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire.

I think happiness has more to do with the size of the community then the country. We are social creatures. I am willing to bet that people tend to be happier in small town America then they are in the big cities of New York. That is pretty universal. A cabbie once said to me that Sydney was the only place in the world you could have 4 million people around you and you would still feel alone.

I also think that poorer communities tend to rely on each other more and share more. As a result, they are closer which makes the people happier. They have less by the way of material goods but they have way more when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Not to mention lower stress levels.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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GQ_Confidence_1 said:
I think it comes from US media/news.

Its hard to imagine hot brazilian chicks on the beach having a shredder at home, terrified of identity theft, literally shredding *every* piece of junk mail that they get (I know people that do that).

I dont know....many people here live in a constant state of fear, I wouldnt imagine that in Europe, dont they still have relaxing 2 hour lunches everyday?

People in the US tend to exaggerate crime, danger, etc. On some forums, people compare our declining cities to 3rd world slums. Los Angeles is becoming a south american slum. True, LA's infrastructure is terrible, and education is terrible....but in true 3rd world slums, there are armed guards on the streets, checkpoints, the military runs the country, etc. We're not that bad.

The fear here is crazy, relative to whats actually going on everyday.

People in the US are so brand/media focused, they can't just "chill" and step out of that (generalizing). I can imagine maybe a young greek couple exploring their beaches, or hanging out in cheap hotels having a good time. People here dont have that kind of relaxation. Or, maybe I'm way off.
Blame the alarmist media for that.

Take the recession. The way the American media is carrying on you would swear we were in the middle of Armageddon. Last I checked unemployment was not anywhere near double digits. Might be a big recession but the sun will come up tomorrow and people are not going to die of hunger in the streets.

Americas problem is its obsession with materialism. Its a western problem in general but I think that the USA In particular suffers from it the most. You become so wrapped up in the need to work, maintain a credit record and fit into a society where the culture is completed dictated to by its media that its only normal for people to become more paranoid.

The average american works longer hours, take less leave, travels less and watches more TV then the average European or South American. They exercise less and they dont eat as often in larger groups. Families spend less time together as more mothers send kids off to daycare to either pursue careers or help pay off the BMW's and McMansion.

Its all very well having a nice 4X2 in the suburbs and a couple of big SUV's out the front but when you get only 15 days a year leave, you work 60 hour weeks and the only time you see your kids is when you are bathing them or putting them to bed you really have to wonder how people can be happy doing that ****.

This is why a lot of people who live in countries like the USA, UK and Australia are unhappy. They own a lot but they never really have time to enjoy what they have.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Americans are spoiled, and spoiled people arent as happy generally, because they become selfish. Advertising throws so many things in our face for us to want, instead of being content with what we have, we are discontent thinking about what we dont have, but 'need.'


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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I just recently visited the Philippines for the 1st time after 20 years (born there and left when i was 9). I prefer my life in Canada because i built my life here. Unless you are rich, life is a struggle. I asked my dad and uncle why they always talk business in Asia. The answer is because you have to. It isn't like Canada where even survival jobs can be fairly easily had. There is no survival net there and white collar jobs aren't necessarily plentiful. You really have to work hard to make a good living. And make no mistake, everything is cheaper there if your income is from outside the country.

The people are cool though. Much better and friendlier than Shanghai for some reason. Plus, the province is amazing. Manila sucks ass. Go to the beaches and cities outside of Manila for a vacay.

You have to build the life you want where ever you are. People don't realize how lucky they are to live in a first world country.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I was borned & raised in Asia then migrated to a western country.

People in Asia aren't necessarily happier than their Western friends. They just have less self-inflicted all-in-the-head misery.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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IIRC, studies routinely show that Americans are some of the happiest people (not THE happiest though.)

The problem with Americans (as already said in this thread) is what could best be called the hedonistic treadmill.

No matter what a person (most Americans) desires, once they get it they want more.

It's not only material but that (materialism) does play a huge part.

However, Americans still live a very high standard with even the poorest living better than the average person in many countries.

I've made two trips around the globe and I can honsetly say I prefer the life I live in the U.S. compared to the life I'd live in many other countries.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
Teflon_Mcgee said:
The problem with Americans (as already said in this thread) is what could best be called the hedonistic treadmill.
Most people are not willing to reject hedonism outright. Would most of you be willing to learn to live without poon? Some men on this board have the right attitude: it's better to be alone than be with the wrong person. But I get the impression that a lot of people here aren't at that point yet. I think LMS said something like "most of you would be willing to destroy the world for one hor".

No matter what a person (most Americans) desires, once they get it they want more.
Sometimes this can be a good thing in terms of ambition. If you're a fattie and you lose 20 lbs and say "I want to lose more" then the desire for more can be a good thing. I think you can do something similar with material wealth. Set a goal for the standard of living you want, work towards achieving it and set up a financial structure to maintain it, and finally once you reach that goal decide to say "ok this is where I am happy" you'll be fine and won't burn yourself up on the materialism treadmill.


Feb 10, 2005
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I don't think the problem is that Americans are spoiled or never satisfied and that's why they're not happy. That's actually more of an effect then the cause if you think about it, not to mention the strong case that most Americans aren't spoiled to begin with.

The problem with America is there's so many jealous and cut throat people in it. Some of the most corrupt people in America are at the top and seem to want to fvck over everyone below them. Here's just one example: You have well paid Senators and other gov. officials with all their benefits and retirement saying, like the cut throats and hypocrits that they are, certain companies should just renig on their retirement and benefits contracts (put aside this will fall on the taxpayers) for workers who actually were productive unlike them when it was these same gov. officials that allowed and even cut the uneven trade deals themselves.

They should be the first to give up their salaries, pensions and other benefits. The very fact they feel they can freely suggest things like that would leave the conclusion that many Americans are jealous cut throats as well. The mentality of many American's is, As long as they can screw the next guy over they don't care if they screw themselves over in the process. For various reason America is simply a rat race, dog eat dog society.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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ketostix said:
I don't think the problem is that Americans are spoiled or never satisfied and that's why they're not happy. That's actually more of an effect then the cause if you think about it, not to mention the strong case that most Americans aren't spoiled to begin with.

The problem with America is there's so many jealous and cut throat people in it. Some of the most corrupt people in America are at the top and seem to want to fvck over everyone below them. Here's just one example: You have well paid Senators and other gov. officials with all their benefits and retirement saying, like the cut throats and hypocrits that they are, certain companies should just renig on their retirement and benefits contracts (put aside this will fall on the taxpayers) for workers who actually were productive unlike them when it was these same gov. officials that allowed and even cut the uneven trade deals themselves.

They should be the first to give up their salaries, pensions and other benefits. The very fact they feel they can freely suggest things like that would leave the conclusion that many Americans are jealous cut throats as well. The mentality of many American's is, As long as they can screw the next guy over they don't care if they screw themselves over in the process. For various reason America is simply a rat race, dog eat dog society.

No better than any other country in the world.

Authoritarianism, corruption, and class division has and will continue to be the norm of most nations.

Pick your poison...


Feb 10, 2005
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FutureSpartan said:
No better than any other country in the world.

Authoritarianism, corruption, and class division has and will continue to be the norm of most nations.

Pick your poison...

True but that's not my point. My point was there are few nations that have a society that is as dog-eat-dog and a rat race on an individual level as America does. Also I don't know of too many nations' governments that willingly and intentionally engage in foreign relations that damages its own economy and is against its best interest as if to spite its own citizens. It seems like in America somebody or some group is using some other person whether women or "minorities" or some issue whether feminism, or global warming or something as club against someone else. This happens even on individual levels and not just on class and authority levels. Now, this is also true in many western nations, but it's not true in every nation. You can disagree with that if you want, but my view is too many American's are jealous cut-throats creating unhappiness.