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  1. E

    I need some serious help, what does an attractive guy look like?

    A correct mindset: What every different women find attractive depends a lot about the type of woman that is "analysing" you at the time.. Different strokes for different folks. That being said, there are a few things in life that are attractive to everyone, and some of those things are...
  2. E

    I've changed my approach in regard to what I really want with women

    Well you raise a valid point, if we are talking about someone who has not yet found themselves. Naturally, one would want to figure out what is important to them in life, prioritize, and follow suit. It is true that some of us will work our whole lives and not make what others make in a...
  3. E

    I've changed my approach in regard to what I really want with women

    Wealth and success do not equal one another. The guys that are still in college and have a 50k are most probably luck recipients of wealthy parents, that most probably worked their ass off to get to where they are now. Point here, is that hard work, and determination is the key to wealth...
  4. E

    How would you guys go about getting this chik

    When speaking to a girl like this you need to keep in mind: 1) She has probably heard it all from the over 1 million guys that have probably tried to get with her as well. 2) At the end of the day, she is just a girl, with the same types of hopes for life that many of us have, wanna have...
  5. E

    I attract the mad ones

    Balance. You are not a doormat (Unless you let yourself be one) Instead of being their emotional tampon, rather let them know that you're a guy with a lot to offer and you are interested in more than just listening to their problems (If this indeed your intentions) And if they "turn" on you...
  6. E

    so what else is it that keeps relationships flowing?

    No, being a jerk is not a necessity. And just to set the record straight about girls and drama - They don't love it, believe it or not, in their mind its not "drama", this is where the saying "men are from mars and women are from venus" - Women need us to understand them, and since they are...