How would you guys go about getting this chik


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Alright just sent her a message saying "Lets get naked tonight and then you can play with my pee-pee."

No I kid, I kid.
Seriously though, I probably wouldn't go for this chick. Not that I'd pass up the chance if she was ready to do it. But if I were to seriously try and send her a serious message. Basically pick something funny she put in her profile to poke fun at her for.

"I would really like to know your secret for looking so good at the age of 88, you are like a freak of nature. Is it a special diet or something?"

I dunno just an example, something like that is usually how I approach girls in person, not real familiar with myspace approaches, but you get the idea.

Entity Unknown

New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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When speaking to a girl like this you need to keep in mind:

1) She has probably heard it all from the over 1 million guys that have probably tried to get with her as well.

2) At the end of the day, she is just a girl, with the same types of hopes for life that many of us have, wanna have fun, wanna be wanted, wanna feel beautiful, etc, and no matter what celebrity status you have, when you go to sleep at night and gather your thoughts, you are simply another ordinary person, living under extraordinary circumstances.

3)Make sure that you don't fall under the category of "just another joe, same thing different day. You want to stand out, to be unique, in her eyes.

Now we go on to all the things she is probably used to: ie: Being complimented on her looks, her lifestyle, and her popularity, and believe it or not, these types of women (and people in general) are the one's that crave being treated like a human, instead of a symbol or an object/idol.

Take away the magazines and the lifestyle she lives, and beyond all that is just another girl, with her own preferences and dreams, I am sure that even though it may not be an important thing in her life right now, but we are always subconsciously looking for the perfect life-partner for us, as unique individuals.

That being said, find out about her (not just what she stands for etc), what kind of girl is she really?

Once you have figured this out, you can utilize this information to your benefit.

But on a general basis, don't treat her like she is a celebrity, but rather like she is a girl that has earned your interest in her (success and drive for life) is a turn on, and now you would like to give her your time to see if she is "all that".

Pretend for a moment that you are a celebrity yourself, in this state of mind it is easier to think on a more rational level when contemplating how to go about a conversation with a girl like this.

The point here, is that you are telling her in one way or another, that you are interested in her, but at the same time, that she's not doing you any favor's (quiet the contrary), and that there is something unique/different/special about you.

I am not going to tell you what to say, but I will rather let you get creative, I am merely giving you a guideline of points to keep in mind.

Subtly saying to her indirectly that she has impressed you (taking her out of the mindset that u are trying to impress her), while also throwing in a little bit of "hard to get" (playing with her subconscious making her want what she cant have more, ie: raising IL (interest level))

AT the end of they day, don't come out as just another guy trying his luck, don't let her feel like it will make the world of a difference to you if she likes you or not, and that you also have certain standards you like to be met with a woman, regardless of her looks/popularity.

Never forget, you are the prize, not the other way around. You KNOW you have a lot to offer, you KNOW that any girl that is involved with you is guaranteed to have a smile on her face, so now act the part and do your thing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Zappati said:

Mind you, this isnt some chik Im after, but rather, just 1 I randomly picked, whom obviously has, nearly every man on Earth, at their feet, etc etc & I wanted to get some serious opinions from you dudes, on just how you would go about this 1.

This is probably going to sound odd, but if I were actually going for a chic like this, I would have to be doing something other than trying to pick her up. And not using some sort of deceptive PUA confidence tool. The only time that I have absolutely stone cold 100%, no chills up my spine, no female can effect me at all confidence is when I am shooting. I would most likely get a press pass for a celebrity event that she is attending and approach her for photos. But, not paparazzi style with strobes blaring in a crowd-- because that is equal to AFC. I mean approach balls out like its your job (which it would be) and say "Hi, _____ , Im Duffdog from _____. I want to get shot of you doing _____" Then, obviously she would do it and check the photo and then we would start a conversation about my hobby, which is photography and projects she is doing etc. This is because that element of my life is real and there is no deception at all in it. I would give her my number to call me when she is attending events and needs a private shooter because that is what makes both of us connect. Keep in mind that she is a celebrity, nothing on any PUA website could ever work on her--all of it has been tried and failed at least 80 times. That and she probably has heard every opener that has ever been said. You have to actually be something of value to a person who has made their living via their looks. Even lots of money won't get anything from her as she so eloquently typed in her profile.

I guess if you are truly gaming for a girl like this, it would be up to you to define why. If its because "she is hot", then you already failed a long time ago. It is her job to be hot and make guys think that they have some sort of chance with her-- the moment they do not, she is out of a job. Besides, you only discovered her because she was supposed to be discovered...hence the myspace and magazine covers. I don't think that gaming a celeb girl is something that can be done without a great deal of effort. But, if you decide that you want to because you want to immerse yourself in that world and truly become a person she connects with-- fvcking go for it and don't let anyone stop you!