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  1. F

    "I have a boyfriend now." - Did I Pass This Angry Girlfriend $hit TEST???

    I don't think she has a boyfriend, and you shouldn't even care if she does or doesn't have a boyfriend. and that story about her and her boyfriend and the flowers seems pure fiction to me. girls would never say yes to a guy that they have been dating for 5 MONTHS and that will give them FLOWERS...
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    Overcoming self-doubt with women about looks

    with that kind of attitude no wonder you fail with women. when you perceive failure by saying that why would she want you, then no wonder you are failing. Tony robbins, a famous guy you probably know,says : "There are no failures,only results". when you think you don't have what it takes...
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    Overcoming self-doubt with women about looks

    with that kind of attitude no wonder you fail with women. when you perceive failure by saying that why would she want you, then no wonder you are failing. Tony robbins, a famous guy you probably know,says : "There are no failures,only results". when you think you don't have what it takes...
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    How do I get buff arms?

    TheWingMan, if you want to get big arms u gotta understand a few things : 1- the size of the arms is in proportion with the size of the whole body, meaning that the more weight you gain, the bigger your arms will get. since you have very skinny arms, I am sure you are a skinny guy. so if...
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    I can't take it anymore...

    coolguy1, you seem a lot me. you feel as if you are trapped in a cycle that you cant seem to get out of no matter how hard you try. although you are sometimes afraid, you do try to kill that fear within sometimes, but it never worked long term. I believe for you to break this cycle is to...
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    where did the 20 lbs go?

    hi I'm 17 years old. I started body building last summer and was 128 lbs (I am a skinny guy). currently my weight is 150 lbs. I don't know if it's normal or not, but I don't look that different in the mirror. I didn't take any pictures before and after nor did I take any fat...
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    embrace action

    To live is to fight, for this world is but a hurricane of challenges all aimed at you. -Pook Why do life seems sometimes so hard? Why is everything going for bad to worse? Why is life our life going in endless circles? Why does it seem that the harder you try, the harder you fall ; the...
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    rise of the AFC inside

    Plutoman, I am working out since it help in many way. I am trying to focus on my life, but it just seems impossible for me, although it is what I should do. I was a great guy that focuses on his life and girls were the only for fun, back then. I don't really know about the hormones effect...
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    rise of the AFC inside

    I have been a while on this form and I usually pook stuff. About 10 month ago, I started changing and improving and putting myself to use. I became comfortable taking to girls and being around them. I treated my hobbies like they were more precious then women. I knew what I wanted and how to...
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    Beating Porn Addiction - The Easy Way

    I believe doing only this, and thinking only in this perspective can help most if not all guys beating porn addiction. I am actually a guy who doesn't really talk to girl and is popular around them. So I am gonna do this challenge : stopping porn and masturbation for as long as I can hold...
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    What is your reason for coming to this site?

    After some time you will get tired of chasing chick and only wanting sex. After some time you will realise that all these girls you banged never did you any good, never made you improve yourself or your life. Look at guys who have been years on this site and are very successful with women...
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    So, are you gay or what?

    Girls wondering if you're gay can be the ultimate compliment. Think. They are already thinking of you in a sexual context. They want you to go out with them. When you don't, they ask the gay question. -pook You have the GREEN LIGHT to go for the women, and you are not moving. She is asking...
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    I broke with my gf

    I understand completely what you are saying man. It is really hard and painful to break up with a girl that you honestly love, especially if she is special. When you break up with your girlfriend don't think negatively, such as you are not going to find a girl like her or any of these AFCish...
  14. F

    Grew some balls, told a chick I liked her...

    This is actually a good thing. In life You have to take risk, for what is life without risk. And as Pook said : "The greatest risk You can take in life is not to risk it all".
  15. F

    Teasing to convey dominance.

    Nice post man, 100% true. :up: Strange thing I found that can make girls addicted to you is to be funny and do it naturally (which means you are funny and confident at the same time). And what can make girls want You is respect for yourself, because respect is also a vital thing that...
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    Pook, I summon thee.

    Pook is real man. He is a living legend. Too bad he left this web years ago.... Some people say he is dead, others think he is roaming under another name. But nothing is sure. If Pook's writings are real, than he, himself, is real!
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    want to get my ex back

    apocolipto, you are right about the AFC fest that is coming back again, although i thought I defeated it. I hated myself these last three month, I even wish sometimes I could delete that sorrowful phase of my life. But, I know that one must sometimes endure pain to get to success. Plus, what...
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    want to get my ex back

    here I tried work on it and correct it : I am nearly 17 years old and i need help. I have been improving myself the past years of my life and shrugging my AFC problems and becoming a man. About 9 month ago i started turning into a don Juan. I knew what I wanted in life and how to get it...
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    want to get my ex back

    Sorry dude. First, english is not my native language. And second, i didn't write anything here on this site before this!!
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    want to get my ex back

    i am nearly 17 years old and i need help. i have been improving myself the past years of my life and shrugging my afc problems and  becoming a man. about 9 month ago i started turning into a don juan. i knew what i wanted in life and how to get it, and i was improving my life in every area...