Teasing to convey dominance.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Well guys, it's my 300th post this. I thought I don't really post that much, but try to add value to these forums. This is one of those attempts. :p

We've all had the fun of flirting/ teasing a girl. Most of the time though, afc's get framed that they are lower value. So untrue.When you tease her, you are joking with her in a way that sets the frame you are the dominant one, and she's the one trying to impress you! That's what you want. Some call it: "****y funny".

The key to teasing a chick, and it's pretty basic, is dominance and fun.It's magical when a chick suddenly finds you extremely funny, and as a bonus she's attracted!

When teasing, and she returns any IOI, as in example laughing, she's expressing enjoyment, but also accepting you alpha frame.

Another simple tip to succeeding with c+f is assuming. Assume your the alpha, assume your the one with the highest value. But, BELIEVE IT! If that's your frame, and your standing solid with your beliefs, chicks WILL be attracted.

You've all heard about sh1t tests. If she throws you one, don't crack your frame. Example: "Her: Is that your pick up line or what??

You: Girl, forget about pickup lines and just be yourself! :) "

See, your the one maintaining the dominant frame. Always just follow these tips and you'll be flirting much better, and getting more pulls :)

Also, words are just a vehicle for emotion. Don't talk a lot of logical bullsh1t with a girl. No playstations, cars, etc. You can say any fvcking thing, as long as it carries a variety of emotions. They'll get "addicted" to you!

That's it guys. Take what you can from it, or add to this thread.



Don Juan
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Nice post man, 100% true. :up:

Strange thing I found that can make girls addicted to you is to be funny and do it naturally (which means you are funny and confident at the same time).

And what can make girls want You is respect for yourself, because respect is also a vital thing that many people underestimate.