"I have a boyfriend now." - Did I Pass This Angry Girlfriend $hit TEST???

Did I Pass This Angry Girlfriend **** TEST???

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 11.8%

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Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Long story short. I've been seeing a girl for 3 months on and off. We're not official. Girl then caught me flirting with another girl on Facebook. Started giving me the angry silent treatment. But I figured out what was going on soon after and 2 days later I told her that I had the right to talk to the other girl because we're not dating. Then I tried to make up today with this text exchange.


I'm green on the right.
She's grey on the left.

I don't think there's another boyfriend on the side. I think it's bs because the story doesn't make sense. In fact I think half the things she was saying is BS.

I think it's a $hit test. Am I right?
If so, did I passed it?

I put in a poll to make answering easier for most member here who don't want to post.

Further question: What am I supposed to do right now? Wait for a reply?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
So whats the **** test again? Sounds to me she never had interest in you anyway..... Her time of voice sounds very manipulative and cunning.... Not feminine.... I would walk away


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2008
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I don't think she has a boyfriend, and you shouldn't even care if she does or doesn't have a boyfriend. and that story about her and her boyfriend and the flowers seems pure fiction to me. girls would never say yes to a guy that they have been dating for 5 MONTHS and that will give them FLOWERS. They don't like such sweetness because the real meaning of sweet for them is chump

Seems she was interested in you but to me what she is doing now is trying to control you. Don't fall for it.

If she had a boyfriend she wouldn't even care if you were dating other girls and wouldn't treat you badly.

I see you are already getting crazy about her, but don't let her manipulate you.
Don't tell her ever again that you want her because from my experience girls don't fall for you this way, plus, she is seriously disrespecting in the few thing she said during your conversation.

My advice is this : don't give her a reason to think she is better than you.
stop treating her like a goddess and telling her that you want no one but her. talk to other girls in front of her and keep dating. treat her like any other girls and don't show her any emotion. smile and have fun with every girl. In the end u will either be hooked with another girl that is more interested in you and forget all about this girl, or something will happen and you will get together with her.

keep your wits about you and don't take any sh!t from any girl.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like she's playing controlling, manipulative mind games, and has no respect for you. She's also a *****. Being the submissive nice guy isn't going to work, but is the position she has you in (and wants to keep it that way). Getting burned by ****s like these is how you break these patterns. Even if you DO date around, or whatever, she'll be there to lure you back in with false hope - AFTER telling you to do so - only to reject you again... while acting oblivious to what she's doing.

Gotta have more respect for yourself than this. Don't think everything is a "test". She sounds like a bully who's ABUSING and MANIPULATING you. Learn the difference. Stop trying to win her over.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Okay. Am I blind and ignoring the red flags?

We just been dating for 3 months. I wouldn't even say she's my girlfriend. We're not official. And we barely see each other.

She sees me flirting with another girl on Facebook and instantly get's jealous and crazy.

She keeps telling me how she's "cray cray". And she's lives in LA.

This isn't the first time. Another time is when I tried to make a little move and she gets mad and accused me of "only caring about sex." over text.

Am I being dumb and ignoring a major red flag or something?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Yessir... you're ignoring the fact that she's playing you like a fiddle, and manipulating you. She gets angry and jealous because she wants you to keep focusing on her. But when you go back to her - AFTER luring you into it - she tells you to date other girls, you're not together, etc. It's all about control. She wants to keep her options open, and do what she wants, but doesn't want you doing the same thing. She also doesn't want to admit to liking you - because she doesn't. She only likes the control and ego boost of knowing you want her. All the while, she's disrespecting you, and acting oblivious to what she's doing - as if she doesn't care, and isn't interested, and isn't doing anything to give you the "wrong idea"... despite doing just that. This is manipulation. She doesn't care about you, and isn't "testing" ****. This is a game she's playing on you - because you're allowing it, and don't realize what's going on.

I've dealt with the same thing with players and bishes before. This is abuse and manipulation, and all about control and securing her interests. Everything she does is with the intent of keeping you mind-****ed and focused on her... then she acts like a spoiled child when her toy is taken away, and she can't control you anymore.

This isn't a nice girl AT ALL. It's a conniving, manipulative ***** who has no respect for your feelings. You gotta watch out for girls like these... like any predator, they hone in on the gullible and naive.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Could it be BPD...Borderline Personality Disorder?

I confronted her about it. But she wouldn't confirm or deny it.

I'm not gullible. I don't think she never cared. Not the way how she acts. I can tell if a ***** is trying to play me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
Silent treatment = red flag, at least in my book. It's a hallmark sign of immaturity and can only get worse.

As far as her being BPD, who knows? It doesn't really change the outcome.

That aside, my thinking is that she did like you, and her text reeks of butthurt and deception. Her girlspeak is pretty easy to interpret albeit through a text message.

I think she fabricated that entire story in an attempt to make you feel badly. If her connection to you was as weak as she's trying to make it seem, why is she so pissed?

Move on :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, fl
Speculator E said:
Long story short. I've been seeing a girl for 3 months on and off. We're not official. Girl then caught me flirting with another girl on Facebook. Started giving me the angry silent treatment. But I figured out what was going on soon after and 2 days later I told her that I had the right to talk to the other girl because we're not dating. Then I tried to make up today with this text exchange.


I'm green on the right.
She's grey on the left.

I don't think there's another boyfriend on the side. I think it's bs because the story doesn't make sense. In fact I think half the things she was saying is BS.

I think it's a $hit test. Am I right?
If so, did I passed it?

I put in a poll to make answering easier for most member here who don't want to post.

Further question: What am I supposed to do right now? Wait for a reply?
Let me see if I got this straight. She SAW you flirting with another chick, convinced you that it was wrong (proven by your word choice "caught"). 2 days later you try to get her approval to flirt with other girls by (logically) convincing her its your right.

She's playing you like a puppet, bro.

Wait a week, ask her to hang out if she doesn't initiate contact. If she mentions it at all, refuse to engage.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
"I have a boyfriend now."

This is what chicks say when they want to get revenge on you. The intention was to hurt you and make you jealous.

If they are indifferent, they don't reveal these things to you, or they are friendly with you if that's their character.

Think back to when you are in serious and happy committed relationship - do you go and blab "I've got a girl now hahahahah" to an ex you DON'T care about?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
expos said:
"I have a boyfriend now."

This is what chicks say when they want to get revenge on you. The intention was to hurt you and make you jealous.

If they are indifferent, they don't reveal these things to you, or they are friendly with you if that's their character.

Think back to when you are in serious and happy committed relationship - do you go and blab "I've got a girl now hahahahah" to an ex you DON'T care about?
Agreed... she's a *****, and that's what they do. They're bitter, angry, revengeful, etc. Caring is too light, though. It's all about ego and control.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Girl then caught me flirting with another girl on Facebook.
A good response will help deflect the seriousness of it. Saying something like "Aww, you're jealous! How cute!" It exposes her insecurity and shows that you're not bothered by her attempt to emotionally manipulate you.

I've been seeing a girl for 3 months on and off.
After three months, women will generally expect some sort of commitment. You can't string her along for that long without her getting frustrated. Her gfs are likely telling her to ditch your ass because you're a player or a commit-o-phobe. That's why she's going to be touchy on this issue.

You've now allowed her emotional manipulation to work by playing into it and telling her that you want her. Now that she's got you groveling like a pathetic slave, it's time to throw you away.

Learn from this and move on.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
I wasn't playing her. She was the one that kept playing hot/cold with me. I got fed up and asked for an open relationship. She even agreed to it. That was two or three weeks ago. Now then she's jealous because of this. She should have asked me to stop if that's what she didn't want.

Anyways. I was reading up on BPD and I'm about 90% sure she has it but doesn't know it. Her symptoms:

-Bad childhood. "I had a tough time growing up"
-Mom is likely BPD. "They divorce each other and she moved away. It was for the best. Together they were toxic."
-I was a very sensitive child. blah blah blah.
-She had a 50ish year old bf before meeting me. Lasted for about 3 years.
-"I only have two friends that can stabilize me...blah blah." That should have been a major red flag but I ignored it.
-And there's a bunch of other minor things that fits.

The funny thing was I never saw this coming and I thought I was good at reading people and figuring them out. (At the very least I figure out her BPD in three months.) She seem normal at the start. She kept saying how she was "weird" and "cray cray" and "bat-**** crazy" like it was a joke. I really thought she was just joking. Never again. Wow just wow. I never would have expected.

The sad thing is that I really did had an emotional connection with her unlike most other girls. And I've dated a lot of other girls. Nothing came close to this one. It felt like she had everything that qualified to be my soulmate. I'm talking close to 80-90% of my idea of the perfect girl.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
I think this article pretty say it all about her rage:

Irrational Jealousy and Borderline Personality Disorder: Part 1

And her facebook looks almost exactly like this one. This isn't her, it's just some other girl's page. Almost exactly like it with self-improvements and inspirational posts. Except her page is not so obvious.

Missy Borderline

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Also, she alreday broke up with me when I confronted her about being bpd. The final exchange was her posting some message on facebook that I assumed was for me but when I asked she when into a rage called me a creep and blocked me facebook.I've been reading about the push pull cycle. I know she's been texting some other guy but he is an afc. I know because she posted the text exchange of him and her on facebook the day she started the silent treatment.

I think she's gonna do the push pull on me. She told me I was the most bizarre person she ever met. Not saying its true but it sounded genuine to me when she told me.

Can anyone tell me what to expect so I'll be prepared?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
You serious? "I only want you." If you really only want her then why would you say that after she told she's done and has a new boyfriend. And if you don't "only want her" then you sound like a lying manipulative douche.

She was playing games as if she was in Jr. High. And she just beat you 80 to 0.

Poll results say it all.