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  1. F

    Aren't there any HBs who just want a nice quiet relationship at home?

    Don't do it strictly for women either. You'll give up quickly with that kind of motivation. Instead, look at its this way...You should go out and socialize because then you'll feel better about yourself knowing you have the confidence to talk with anyone whenever you want and other people will...
  2. F

    Whats your way to get it the mood/state . Share it

    I don't do anything special. I just think about why women wouldn't like me. I don't care what anyone says, every man has at least once seen a couple where you didn't know why the woman picked the guy. That shows there's hope for every guy out there.
  3. F

    Chick not updating Facebook/Myspace status?

    Life has taught me that a woman's status doesn't really matter a lot of times, especially in 2008. Whether she is single or taken, if you present yourself as a worthy man, she will entertain the idea of cheating.
  4. F

    Aren't there any HBs who just want a nice quiet relationship at home?

    L.L. you realize that you have a problem, that's good, now you've got to take small steps to change it...unless you happen to like the way you are?
  5. F

    Gift of The Gab

    You'll get better with time. Also, don't feel as if the conversation rests solely on you.
  6. F

    Help me understand why I'm unsuccessful

    You're 16? It's pretty tough at that age unless you happen to be a star athlete or something. I'd say there's nothing wrong with you because despite what most guys will tell you, most guys that are your age or close to it aren't getting laid and if they are, it's probably by ACCIDENT and not as...
  7. F

    I know my answer, just need a smack.

    The good thing is you know what's up and aren't delusional because most of the members agree. Now what are you going to do about it? You should actually be glad you are in this position because you have the opportunity to do what many men don't do; dump her on her ass. A lot of guys in your...
  8. F

    Aren't there any HBs who just want a nice quiet relationship at home?

    I can't imagine many attractive young women wanting to stay home. Most of them want to be outside flaunting themselves and getting attention.
  9. F

    Gift of The Gab

    Step out of your comfort zone and talk more. There is essentially no other way. Actually, a good way for you (and many others) to improve your communication skills and become much more confident at the same time is to join Toastmasters. It's pretty cheap and most likely a couple are in your...
  10. F

    Should You Let A Girl Know They Pissed You Off?

    If it's something major like her embarrassing you in public then you have to be firm and put your foot down.
  11. F

    Girl who talks about how she's fat even though she isn't...

    i tell her she is just to piss her off. i've had before a girlfriend before who did progressively gain weight and asked me that riddiculous question. like an idiot i told her no, but in the future i will just tell her she is getting fat because if you don't, they turn into pigs.
  12. F

    Guys, is it normal for my girlfriend to have had a lot of boyfriends out of state?

    I am from New York but go to college in Massachusetts. I met this girl there who has become my girlfriend. She's pretty hot and fun (Crazy party type), but I don't know if getting into a relationship was a good idea. She told me her last few boyfriends have been out of state, even as far as...