Aren't there any HBs who just want a nice quiet relationship at home?


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
From what I read on here it sounds like every good looking woman wants a guy who has gone rock climbing and parachuting. Aren't there any good looking women (good looking for me I mean maybe a 6+, I don't care as much about the face as long as she's not overweight), who are just looking for a nice quiet relationship at home? Go to work, come home, have dinner, watch tv go to bed and do it again the next day? Maybe once in a while go to the zoo or to the theater to see a movie? You know, homebodies. Is it a turn off to ALL halfway cute women if a guy just wants a relationship and a nice quiet life at home?


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
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Queens, New York
LonesomeLoser said:
From what I read on here it sounds like every good looking woman wants a guy who has gone rock climbing and parachuting. Aren't there any good looking women (good looking for me I mean maybe a 6+, I don't care as much about the face as long as she's not overweight), who are just looking for a nice quiet relationship at home? Go to work, come home, have dinner, watch tv go to bed and do it again the next day? Maybe once in a while go to the zoo or to the theater to see a movie? You know, homebodies. Is it a turn off to ALL halfway cute women if a guy just wants a relationship and a nice quiet life at home?

There is nothing wrong with the humble life you're proposing ONCE AND A WHILE but....

YOU'RE BORING!!!!! Women want to be with men who have options and have a PASSION FOR LIFE TO BE BETTER AND DO THINGS.....

Put yourself in her shoes and ask yourself this question.....If i told you that we were going to do the same thing every night, every week for every month of the year.....why would you in your right mind stay with me?????


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
So you're saying that homebody women don't exist? I don't know about you, but when I hear the word homebody I picture a woman a lot more than a man.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
LonesomeLoser said:
So you're saying that homebody women don't exist? I don't know about you, but when I hear the word homebody I picture a woman a lot more than a man.
Homebody women want exciting men, to make things interesting. Women can be bored by themself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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LonesomeLoser said:
From what I read on here it sounds like every good looking woman wants a guy who has gone rock climbing and parachuting. Aren't there any good looking women who are just looking for a nice quiet relationship at home? Go to work, come home, have dinner, watch tv go to bed and do it again the next day? Maybe once in a while go to the zoo or to the theater to see a movie? You know, homebodies. Is it a turn off to ALL halfway cute women if a guy just wants a relationship and a nice quiet life at home?
Staying at home is OK a few times a week, but everyday, give me a break. Why would she be with you then? Unless you look like Brad and Dave, you have to offer her what other guys can't. Rock climbing is good, golfing if good, hiking is good, waterslides are good, weekend trips are good. Be exciting, be different, make her feel like she's having fun.

Insanity = coasting through life on a miserable existence when you have a caged lion locked inside and the key to release it.


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2007
Reaction score
I used to be extremelly extraverted. Always out, now I happily chill at home most nights of the week (other than the 3 days I play sport, but only for an hour or so, then straight home again). We have gone skydiving etc etc, but this is not the standard thing. The standard thing in any relationship is what you described in your initial post, so yes, despite the sosuave mantra of 100% pure excitement and what you see in the movies, you will not have a problem finding a girl like this.

Trouble is, you do not want to portray yourself as a 'home-body' due to the negative connotations that come with the word.

My girlfried is the same and I would classify her as pretty damn hot.

Have been with her over 3 years and have lived with her well over a year.

So they definately do exist.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
yes, as long as your home has six bedrooms and a pool.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know how a women could be attracted to that lifestyle, much less a man. I mean the first thing I look for in a women is if she is can keep up with a fast paced lifestyle. So I would not even be attracted to a women who couldn't do that stuff.

I mean we all at some point have been lazy, simple and boring, and just relaxed and didn't socialize for like 3 or 4 days at a time, maybe even a week. However normally after I do that, I have about 4 weeks of constant social activities, whether is be sporting events, concerts, clubbing, partying, or just boozing in general.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
They're out there, you just have to look in the right places. Bars, clubs, rock climbing walls = probably not the right places.

Try scoping them out in bookstores and coffee shops, art museums, etc. Quiet places.
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
You have to be freakin awesome... Fighter pilot, race driver, dildo designer, Abrocrombie or Finch(you're choice) Santa Clause, Darlin_Coco, beer chugger, Dog Sledder..ect ect..

If you wanna just sit in front of a tv farting and shining your indocot Johnsons, then you will settle for a quality of girl such as Rosie O-Donnel.. You could set your pepsi on her jelly role..
May 23, 2006
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LonesomeLoser said:
From what I read on here it sounds like every good looking woman wants a guy who has gone rock climbing and parachuting.
I've just made up a thread where those are going to be part of my goals. I suppose I'd have to have pictures of videos of me doing that stuff since it's serious.

I believe this is true too, and am going to consider taking the plunge myself to see if it helps. Do it for fun and see if you get these types of women attracted to you. What do you have to lose other than facing your worst fears (apart from women) and having fun? You have to learn what the market wants and modify your product to suit the market. If the type of women you like, like adventures types of guys, then try it out yourself. Most of the stuff isn't outragously expensive anyway.


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2007
Reaction score
How old are some of you kids? Giving opinions like you actually know what your talking about, especially the one going on about clubbing, boozing, blah blah.

I do what I want every day, I am a professional trader now, which has been my passion. I play for two indoor soccer teams and an outdoor team. I watch soccer when it's on, am a so called 'expert' in the boxing world and love watching documentaries at home with the missus. I have a great family, great friends, a model girlfriend who is also a Premier League female soccer player, highly educated and from a well to do family. She looks after me like a king, gives sex when I want and is completely loyal.

We spend the vast majority of nights infront of a TV or computer, just hanging out at home.

Plenty of my friends are also models, both guys and girls and they spend a lot of time at home with their partners. Go figure, the sosuave mantra does not ring true once you pass into your mid 20s and beyond and actually grow up. You are living a reality, not a movie. I find it boring as fukc going out all the time. I enjoy the quality time at home with my partner who I have been with multiple years and will in all probability, marry in the not so distant future.
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Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
I can't imagine many attractive young women wanting to stay home. Most of them want to be outside flaunting themselves and getting attention.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Yah they do exist, but don't look in fun or social places for them. They generally don't go to them, plus most of them probably don't drink. I've got one or two friends like that who are just as happy to stay at home than go out and they don't drink.

But the thing is, have you really considered how mind numbingly boring that would be? Are you sure you're not just trying to find somebody like yourself because you're afraid of A) change or B) not being able to change?

I get the feeling that you're possibly a shy guy who has given up, or never considered, the possibility of getting over your shyness. I used to be like that, I assumed I would always be the same way so I wanted somebody just like me.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
I guess it comes down to why the guy prefers to stay home (or doesn't). With me, I know it's a general timidity and laziness toward life. And that's what is the turn-off to women, the reason why I stay home, not the staying home itself. When my dad would have the day off from work for a holiday or if he was taking his vacation, it would be spent at home sleeping until like noon and watching tv the rest of the day. My mom didnt work so she stayed home, and when my dad was working it was go to work, come home, watch tv, go to bed and start again the next day. My dad is in his 70s now (parents split up before I started high school, I'm 35 now), and his life is spent staying alone in his little efficiency apartment (an efficiency is smaller than a studio) watching tv. It takes very little to cause him stress so he sticks to what is familiar and routine to him, as much as humanly possible. Watching tv and going to his AA meetings, that's all his life is and thats the way he likes it. So that's what I've always been used to, and that was the main male role model in my life growing up. So yeah I can see that I'm already a lot like him in that regard, just wanting to stick to what's familiar and routine and easy. And I liked what Skywalker said about us being the product and suiting it to fit the market. It's just supply and demand, that's really true.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
L.L. you realize that you have a problem, that's good, now you've got to take small steps to change it...unless you happen to like the way you are?


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2007
Reaction score
Yeh, this is definatley past just wanting a girl who likes to chill at home.

You need to get some more confidence and get out there to actually meet these girls. Throw yourself out of your comfort zone, or you will never develop. Until you are happy with your life, you need to do this.

Are you happy?

Is your Dad happy with his life, or this is simply what he feels he can cope with? HUGE difference.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Don't do it strictly for women either. You'll give up quickly with that kind of motivation. Instead, look at its this way...You should go out and socialize because then you'll feel better about yourself knowing you have the confidence to talk with anyone whenever you want and other people will find you interesting to know and talk to. You'll meet new and different people (friends) who you can have good times with and possibly open doors for you in the future. Yes, getting women comes with the territory, but, I think there's more satisfaction in knowing you can consistently go out and people will like you if you decide to to socialize with them.