I know my answer, just need a smack.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
I'll try to keep this short.

I think me and my girlfriend of about a month are done. But it's pure speculation on my part.

The other morning while we were in bed, there's a knock on her door. It's a guy friend. He stopped by to drop off money, she gets up and talks to him for a bit. She comes back in the room and asks to stay here for a minute because she doesn't want him to know I'm there. She tells me they're just friends and he owed her. Ok, passable.

Now for the 4th she said she was going camping with friends. She took Thursday-Sunday off from work.

I work at a casino, so there's lot of bars there. She comes in Thursday night with the same guy for drinks. Everyone of her friends that I meet, she introduces me as her BF. When he was there with her, she's like oh this is my friend Mike. Then when she's leaving, she gives me a kiss on the cheek, not lips.

The guys at work know she's my girlfriend, so they told me that after she saw me, she had her arms around this guy... then were holding hands. But when they saw my friends they stopped.

When I got out at work, she sent me a text that she wanted me to go over her house. I call her up and she's like I have no minutes on my phone I'm getting some now I'll call you back. She calls back like 30 minutes later and asks if I'm at her place. I said no I went back home. She's like well alright I'm going camping tomorrow so I'll talk to you when I talk to you... You know I love you babe, bye.

It dawned on me... There's no camping trip. She's taking off for the weekend with that guy, but it was planned before we met so I shouldn't be upset? They're still "friends." But like all the guys at work pointed out, what she did wasn't right. Out of all the places to drink, she picks the one I work at. She wanted me to see her with him. The shady attitude didn't help either.

I didn't want to talk so I just sent a text. If it is what I think it is, You'll need to find someone else to feed your kitten. (She just got the kitten last week from her sister, so I do feel bad if the poor thing doesn't get fed). But I'm not playing babysitter if she's getting plowed on vacation behind my back.

So at like 330 am my phone rang like 3 times, didn't answer. Again today at noon like 4 times, didn't answer. She left a message. She sounded hung over and still in bed. Hey babe it's me, please call me when you get this.... about a 15 second pause, then a really stressed out bye. Sounds like she didn't even leave.

Haven't done anything since. Probably wont either. Seems like the tip of the iceberg.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds like she's already found someone else to "feed her kitten".



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds like that yes... but while she's away feed the kitten dont make this go out on the kitten it doesnt deserve that;) but still that friend might be gay ore something:)


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, you only been with this hor for only a month. Be thankfull you didn't get sucked in longer.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Sounds like she's already found someone else to "feed her kitten".

lol, yeah by the end of the weekend you and this guy will be taking care of her pvssy but only yours will go meow.

Eccentric said:
she's like oh this is my friend Mike. .
That is disrespect right here. She could have easily said "this is Mike" but to say "this is my FRIEND Mike" is blatant disrespect for you. If she has to hide the fact that she is with you in order to appease "her friend" then she values him more then you and her fears of losing him is greater then losing you. She never asked you if it was ok to "hide your status with her". This girl is having her cake and eating it too and she might be playing you for a fool.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wow, that's rough man. I find its always a balancing act with a girlfriend's male 'friends'. You don't want to be the controlling boyfriend that tells her to cut them all out of her life (do you want your girl to tell you to drop any female friend you may have?), but its also obviously disrespectful for a girl to get too close with her guy friends while dating you.

She went beyond that. Hiding the fact that you were dating, going drinking with him and holding hands, taking time off all of a sudden while he's around, and that "... you know I love you" sounds guilty as hell.

I'm sorry but I would put money on the fact that she has either ****ed him already or is seriously considering it/will VERY soon.

Show her where the door is.

As for the kitten.. well its not his fault so starving him wouldn't be right. If you still have her keys I'd feed him, or at least make sure she got someone else to do it.

But beyond that she has made it clear she does not deserve you.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
most of what im gonna say is pretty much...SAID.

next her b4 she does that to u. i know it seems a hard one for u but u have to...i made the same mistake and she next-ed me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Apparently the kitten line worked on some level. She ended up backing out of the trip. She blew up my cell tonight at work. What did she do wrong, I misread it, blew it out of proportion. They really are only friends, why would she want him when she's got me. Trying to shift the blame to me. So I did what I had to, I put her in her place about it. She wont stop apologizing now, she doesn't want to lose me etc. I said are you're only sorry you got caught. She follows with more apologies.

So my final reply was "Hey hun don't get bent out of shape, besides we're just friends."

EDIT: And her answer about the hugging and stuff, shes like you've never seen a girl hug and kiss all her guy friends. I told her yeah, but they dont come into work and do it in front of the BF, while saying your just a friend. No answer there other than a I'm so sorry.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Eccentric said:
So my final reply was "Hey hun don't get bent out of shape, besides we're just friends."
Spoken like a true man. Put your foot down bro...great line, great call, great 6th sense about this hor. :up:

You know she is only apologizing cuz she got caught.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
So my final reply was "Hey hun don't get bent out of shape, besides we're just friends."

Wow that is a nice reply, i like that.

lol, yeah by the end of the weekend you and this guy will be taking care of her pvssy but only yours will go meow.

lol thats so true...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
She was calling me all night at work. I found out from her sister, (she works with me as well) that she did in fact go. I wouldn't answer the calls, so the texts were flooding in.

I responded with a twist on my signature. You're not my priority while I'm your option. BYE

Then the voice mails started. Llike "Hey I don't know what your problem is call me back...", "Oh what... now you don't answer your calls I go away for 2 days with a friend and you hate my guts", "I don't know why the **** your being like this I want to get this straightened out with you tomorrow", and finally was something quieter "Hey it's me... What's wrong with you babe? I can't text you anymore so..... if you want to see me tomorrow I'll be around. I really want to talk to you, so please answer tomorrow. Good night."

My god.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
She went?

Yes indeed.

Never look back.

She can continue her little trying to win you back for validation game.

You will not fall into that trap nor the trap of being offered sex on some lonely night from her to draw you back in.

She lost all her priviledges to swing on your branch when she went off with that chode.

Take note Discussion Forum what Eccentric has said to her so far is how a real man handles his business.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
The good thing is you know what's up and aren't delusional because most of the members agree. Now what are you going to do about it? You should actually be glad you are in this position because you have the opportunity to do what many men don't do; dump her on her ass. A lot of guys in your position would surprisingly put up with this and their self esteem/respect would take an even bigger beating in the end when the woman openly tells them she's moving on. Don't be like that; instead, end the relationship on your terms. She'll not only respect you more for it, but, it could get interesting as she'll most likely be confused and desperately vye for your attention as women aren't used to being dumped.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
You handled it very well, Eccentric.

One thing that stands out from your story is how blatant this chick was in disrespecting you. She either absolutely didn't give a sh!t about you knowing her cheating with that guy, or she's incredibly dumb and thought that you wouldn't put 2 and 2 together. I wonder what exactly made she think she could get away with that?


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Well done, sir. It takes some cajones and you showed them. Your line was freaking great, and (hopefully) I will never have to use it, but it's money. "You're not my priority while I'm your option."

That being said, I do think that she deserves a dialogue. I mean, give her the decency of telling her what's up. Giving her the cold shoulder is just not cool. If she has any sense, she'll deny everything, but you're right, I've seen this exact scenario all before. I'll digress a minute.

One of my good friends was dating a girl, and they seemed like an awesome couple. We all worked together and were good friends. She got a second job and made new friends there, so went out without him ocassionally (once a week maybe). Business as usual but she was out because of her job and new friends, but she essentially lived at his place (she had no apartment/lived with her parents) besides the nights she was out with her other co-workers.

She was 3rd shift at the other job and some of our friends wandered in to get whatever somedays, and saw her hand-in-hand with some guy there. Our friends snooped and asked around and the other employees there thought the two were a couple. Apparently, the nights she was out with her co-workers, she was with him. It got back to him and he broke it off, and it totally broke his heart. I still feel for him because she seemed to be awesome to him, he really loved her, and I swear they were going to get married.

She obviously denied it but he stood strong. She got fired from that other job for being a bad worker, and moved away. The good guys won at the end. Call it karma.

I know I took a tangent there but hopefully you got something out of it. I'm a little tipsy here so went on a rant...cheers.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
You know I thought the same... how dumb can she be?

She wanted to test her limits and it backfired. She had an excuse for everything, except the disrespecting me part. Actually her answer was that I heard her wrong lol.

Anyways, part of me gets giddy knowing I got the best of her. But on the other hand I won't let this drag on because it's not worth it. As much as she's in a rut now, she'll pull out of it. She wasn't that depressed while she was getting plowed over the weekend, nor will she be when the next guy ****s her.

I'm too lazy to look up, but I'm not sure if I mentioned it... I met her at work. But she's leaving next week for another job. I've earned a reputation as the quiet guy. It followed me over from 3rd shift, when I didn't really care to make small talk at that hour. Anyways as you can imagine the "shy guy" doesn't get "laid", so everyone was happy for me when I was first seeing her. Like it was my first girl or some ****.

Everyone knows what happened, (don't worry it's not bad)... apparently she's hated because she lies to everyone and her credibility is zero. In fact the time off wasn't approved so technically she's fired already for skipping a whole weekend shift. Yeah... so everyone now knows how fast I ended it, and that I'm not taking the bait. I'm getting kudos from people who I barely know. Which is uplifting in its own way. I'm being looked at in a different light.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Very cool, man. As a wise man once said, Instant Karma's Gonna Get You.

Now, make friends with more co-workers and work some connections, man. Didn't you know, your success in life depends 95% on who you know, 5% on what you know.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Very well done sir, I am bookmarking this thread.