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  1. W

    11 year old male tasered after refusing to obey a command

    I thought you said you were going to go troll the boards. Nice try, toddlip. You really need to log on a different name to continue to spread your liberal extremist filth over the boards? Pathetic.
  2. W

    Anyone see Bill O' Reilly flip out?

    If you had read my post, you would've known that I too enjoyed a thorough laugh at this clip. I don't get bent out of shape about pieces of garbage trying declaring war on responsible journalism anymore. Now if you people were actually making a DIFFERENCE, that would be a much different story.
  3. W

    11 year old male tasered after refusing to obey a command

    Unbelievable. America's youth facing consequences for their actions. I wouldn't stand for it if I were you, "apusis". If I were you, I'd move to a country that absolutely REFUSES to hold its citizens accountable. Happy trails.
  4. W

    Anyone see Bill O' Reilly flip out?

    Are you kidding me? This story is MONTHS old. What were you doing, browsing's May archives of hit pieces? Let's see. Bill O'Reilly is in a bad mood and swears at his crew one day...over a decade ago. He later becomes the host of the highest rated cable news show and...
  5. W

    Long term effects of energy drinks?

    Well you're 16 so you can put pretty much anything into your body and be fine...but just so you know, the orange one is loaded with sugar and carbs. As far as the artificial sweeteners goes, I also heard that they can be just as bad for you, but that's too vague for me to stop drinking them...
  6. W

    Long term effects of energy drinks?

    I'm a busy guy these days and am in school 24 some hours a week and work 40+ hours Fri-Sun so between that and studying on top of that I've been drinking a lot of Blue Monsters lately. That's the "Lo-Carb" and sugar-free version. I'm talking like 2-3 of these a day, every day. Anyone know...
  7. W

    Narrowed down to three choices

    You're only 16 so you won't really have to worry about it for at least two years anyway. Just focus on getting good grades right now so you won't burn any bridges. Afterward, you can do both if you want. Go to the Air Force Academy/Annapolis whatnot and while you're there you can decide if...
  8. W

    NFL 2008-2009 Season Thread

    Tonight's MNF game is why I love football. Both Dallas and the Eagles looked great, save for that 61 yd pass to DeSean Jackson that he decided to dump right before he entered the end zone. Cowboys 2-0, Packers 2-0. So good.
  9. W

    Pros/Cons of a Motorcycle

    :crackup: Not to mention that not everybody thinks bikes are cool. When I see a biker revving up his engine in the tunnel causing an extraordinary amount of unnecessary noise pollution, my first thought isn't "Wow, what a badass." It's more like, "Wow, another queer-ass biker that thinks...
  10. W

    Is it just me or are bjs overrated?

    A male pill...somebody really needs to get on that. That thing would make whoever patents it very, very, very rich.
  11. W

    Girl To "Sell" Virginity for $$$ For Grad School

    Yeah but the hymen can be rebuilt. Maybe this is how she makes her living. Sells her virginity for x amount of money, uses .1% of it for the hymen rebuilding operation, then moves to another town and changes her name and the classified ad slightly and repeats process. Not a bad racket.
  12. W

    getting circumsized the 29th of this month...any advice?

    Dude. Looking to the Bible for medical advice? Come on, now.
  13. W

    How did you stumble across SoSuave?

    Typed "can't talk to girls" into Google after coming home from the movie theater (alone) and not being able to even make eye contact with any of the hotties there. Just started going down the links and reading 'em all until I got here.
  14. W

    NFL 2008-2009 Season Thread

    Jets 1-0, Packers 1-0...I just want to see the Packers make the playoffs without Favre. ..only to get beaten by Dallas (again), of course.
  15. W

    Sarah Palin is bangable

    Now now, what did I tell you about staying off of The President didn't "decide" to invade Iraq for "whatever reason." I don't know if you were watching the news the past 7 years or not, but you see, there was this incident where 19 guys flew jets into the World Trade Center and the...
  16. W

    Sarah Palin is bangable

    Whoa whoa whoa...illegal? If you can close that tab for 2 seconds and actually do some real research, you will find out that Saddam violated the U.N. ceasefire agreement 17 times. We had every right to enter Iraq. Bet ya didn't hear THAT on MSNBC, did ya? ;) Anyway. Obama has...
  17. W

    Sarah Palin is bangable

    That and highlighting just how worthless the Democratic ticket is. Biden...what a joke. You guys are just giving the election away.
  18. W

    Sean Connery tells us when it's approprate to smack a woman

    Good for him. Unapologetic, but not cruel or mean-spirited. He could have backtracked and immediately started in on how he was wrong to say such a thing and that he's reformed and whatnot, but he volunteered "I haven't changed my opinion." instead.
  19. W

    Ask me about: Conspiracy theories [Merged Threads]

    :crackup: These vacuum-living conspiracy theorists are such chumps. If they do not believe one fact, then THEIR version of the facts suddenly becomes irrefutable.