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  1. W

    9/11 conspiracy theory..>READ [Merged Threads]

    Now now...that's not very nice. The sheep are obviously very happy doing whatever and Alex Jones tells them to do, so maybe we shouldn't be bothering them with those pesky things they call "facts" and "reason". The Earth's flat, the moon landing was a hoax, Hillary Clinton cheated...
  2. W

    Why I like kevin Treadue

    Haha, Kevin Trudeau is a JOKE. I know a guy that worships him, but he also thinks that Britney Spears is a pawn of the U.S. government that writes her lyrics as a form of mind control. Everybody's gotta make a living somehow though; more power to him.
  3. W

    Air force

    In college, start ROTC. Major doesn't mean jack. A guy with an aeronautical engineering degree has the same chance as the guy with a degree in piano performance. Keep your GPA up (think 3.8-4.0+), and stay at the top of your ROTC classes. Taking some private pilot/instrument certification...
  4. W

    Why is Marijuana illegal?

    Eh, call personality disorders what you will. If someone lacks the ability to consider the well-being of others, I consider that to be a mentally unstable individual. Read as, if it came down to who I'd rather be locked in a dark room with for a few days if there was a loaded gun lying on the...
  5. W

    In couples u see on the streets, is girl more attractive than guy OR vice versa??

    Dude, this is a heterosexual forum. Let's see a show of hands of how many of you check out DUDES walking down the street and start rating their looks? That's what I thought. And no, don't count.
  6. W

    Why is Marijuana illegal?

    26, and the government pays for it. I'm ex-military. What do you want to know next? My favorite color? You thinking that "Crack keeps da black man down" has nothing to do with any book. It has EVERYTHING to do with you making excuses for why more black people are in prison than whites...
  7. W

    Why is Marijuana illegal?

    By definition, narcissists (those that put themselves before all others, and never consider the comfort of others) are mentally unstable. So yes. Now you're getting it. Because kids on skateboards don't cause enough vibration to make me bounce into a different position on the couch...
  8. W

    Why is Marijuana illegal?

    How is what I said racist? I never mentioned any particular race. YOU made the conclusion that I was talking about black people. I also never spoke out about listening to rap music. What I SAID was that these people who were driving down the street "bumpin' da rhymez" should not have...
  9. W

    Why is Marijuana illegal?

    All these conspiracy theories and "keep da black man down", "maintain government control" garbage makes me laugh. Marijuana is a drug that screws up lives. Yes, anything that makes you feel good that you want to do again can be construed as a "drug". TV, Caffeine, porn...whatever. However...
  10. W

    Most lucrative graduate degree?

    Now THERE'S someone who truly knows what they're talking about. Gastroentrologists seriously pull a mill a year and work a few months? That's just nuts. I don't know if I'd want to deal with that crap, though. No pun intended. Why do you say Cardiology is the greatest specialty ever? I...
  11. W

    Most lucrative graduate degree?

    Something tells me that for every one of YOU around, there's 5 other doctors that wouldn't trade it for the world. But what do I know; I'm just pre-med. ;)
  12. W

    If you ever meet an Arab chick's father don't say this:

    Wow, that's really ignorant. +1 for the Iranian thing, though. Wanting to still be called "Persian" is a bit of a joke.
  13. W

    Why do you see decent looking guys with fat women?

    Haha, take out the "no homo" and the "girlfriend" part and you got the inner workings of stuka's brain. I mean, honestly. Who walks around thinking of this crap? "Wow, that dude is HOT. What's he doing with THAT chick?"
  14. W

    Accept the fact that attractive women really have all of the power....

    Obviously not. You're the laughing stock of SoSuave by CHOICE. In all fairness though, I would LOVE to know what you look like. When someone has allowed themselves to be completely consumed by looks like you have, it definitely raises questions as to what this person themselves looks like...
  15. W

    Attractive white women in US by age group

    Ok, so what? How does making this in depth analysis of looks help anybody? We ALL form opinions and ideas about "looks" at some point in our lives. The difference is, we don't make endless posts documenting our conclusions on f'uckin' SoSuave. If men want to be with attractive women, who...
  16. W

    There Is A CURE for HIV/AIDS?!?! NoO WAYY!!!

    I don't buy the ultra-cynical view of the pharmaceutical industry. If one chemist...just ONE of those scientists that have access to the cure decided to go rogue and make the cure public all the while hailing it as their own discovery, they would make exponentially more money that they ever...
  17. W

    Why do you see decent looking guys with fat women?

    Because you're narrow-minded as hell, and are self-admittedly obsessed with looks. The REAL reason is because you think that being good-looking is some magical key to a woman's panties. Anybody who has spent REAL time in the field, and/or has a solid perspective on the game knows that women...
  18. W

    Attractive white women in US by age group

    Even if he did observe people for his "stats", you have to remember, stuka's crazy. He doesn't think like a normal person, so you can't go by his observations. When you and I may see a person walking down the street...stuka may see a carrot with a face, for example. Or instead of a car going...
  19. W

    Accept the fact that attractive women really have all of the power....

    Sunday, June 15th. Another reason to not be intimidated by attractive women Sunday, June 15th. (an hour and a half later) The MAIN reason why most men feel unworthy around a HB6 or higher!! Wednesday, June 18th. Forget the HB scale..... Friday, June 20th. Accept the fact that...
  20. W

    Accept the fact that attractive women really have all of the power....

    Such a moron, bro. I usually don't stoop to personal attacks, but you are a moron. How many female models/actresses/singers do you see walking around that are still hot without artificial help (makeup)? Male models/actors/singers walking around without makeup that are still extremely...