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  1. B

    this is messing with my head...

    I broke up with my ex, we didn't speak for a year. I broke up with her because she was 19 and I was 28, huge gap maturity wise. Lately we started msging (she initiated) and now we're seeing each other about once a week + having sex. Here's the sticky part. She's a got a bf and from what she...
  2. B

    Thoughts/Interpretations of what just happened

    thanks for the responses. So i felt myself going afc, decided I needed to regain control and pulled back, this involved me stopping communication for the day. Interesting results I got a few different texts that went from happy "good morning!" to jokingly angry "fine! be that way and don't...
  3. B

    Thoughts/Interpretations of what just happened

    1 year ago: - Bad break up with ex , I didn't communicate with her and ignored her attempts to connect with me. I moved on. the last 3 weeks: - she chased me , got together and had sex. -She tells me she has a bf and doesn't want to break up, I tell her I don't want her to break up either...
  4. B

    How do you rapidly buijd attraction?

    your response to another thread seems fitting here:
  5. B

    how should i respond to this?

    really not a difficult one, she's just laying it out honestly. No need for games or fancy words, thank her for that honestly and proceed to show her what a great person you are. that's what I would do, imo women at times feel undervalued/not taken seriously. it's a breath of fresh air for them...
  6. B

    I'm tired of blowing dates. I need help with this next one

    High religiosity does not always mean you can't get with the girl. That really depends on their interest level and if you've raised it high enough. How old are you? 3 dates in your entire seems rather low.... you seem to be putting all your eggs in one basket (this date) I would start going to...
  7. B

    how do you respond to "you're such a player"

    so i wrote back: me: "Don't be jealous! I can't help it if I'm this good looking/smart/funny" her: "... funny, i guess i agree... not so smart, definitely not that good looking" not sure how to take that one
  8. B

    how do you respond to "you're such a player"

    Is it too off topic to say something like "i can't help it if i'm this good looking"?
  9. B

    how do you respond to "you're such a player"

    I was curious about how you've all responded when a girl jokes about you being a "player" or always having girls around you? eg. girl: who's been texting you? guy: just a friend girl: who? more girls! you're such a player. I want this girl to feel a little pressure and I also want her to feel...
  10. B

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    Honestly, how good is your french? It's easy to butcher a sentence if you don't have the right grammar/accent.
  11. B

    I'm not sure what happened...

    True, overthinking is not good in relationships... but it's also the reason why I'm so good at my job.
  12. B

    Can you land a girl that rejects you at first?

    The question shouldn't be if you can land them at first, but if you WANT them when they become attracted to you. Usually the girls that "reject" me do so for superficial reasons, type of car, money, physical looks. I'm fine with this, if people are judging me solely on superficial reasons I...
  13. B

    I'm not sure what happened...

    So this girl's been blowing up my phone with messages, I'd reply back for a few then stop for the day. I didn't want to have a txt convo, I preferr in person. I thought I would drag out the chase a bit , you know - make her work for it. The other day our conov went like so: her: what r u...
  14. B

    How do I get this girl to show me her goodies on cam?

    dude, she just played you. She teased you by showing you NOTHING - she knew it would leave you wanting more - she got everything, you got nothing. I know girls like this, they just like to tease guys - they like the sexual attention they get from talking dirty/showing a little skin. You won't...
  15. B

    Is there a time where "Nice guys finish first?"

    I saw this old lady struggling with her groceries and decided to help her to the parking lot. When we got there she was waiting for her ride to arrive, her ride turned out to be her grand-daughter. I ended up dating that girl for awhile. so YES, being nice is good. Keep in mind there's a...
  16. B

    What are the physical weakpoints in a girl(if any)?

    nope... lol and OP there is a pressure point we're all weak to, it's located directly beneath the ear...
  17. B

    Universal Dress Code

    Honestly this guide isn't that helpful. A tracksuit??? What is this 2003? imo women may look at your clothing but their more concerned about how they look than you (provided your decently kept). They tend to be more interested in your status (economic, education, social), they can sniff out...
  18. B

    signs from ex gf?

    tripple post.
  19. B

    signs from ex gf?

    triple post.