Can you land a girl that rejects you at first?


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
I started a post like this earlier and didn't seem to get a bite. The teachings of this website seem to be that if a girl doesn't show immediate interest in you, you will never get her interst level higher then yours.

I completley disagree because me and my friends have have overcome this obstacle many times to the point of having someone all of suden have stronger feelings for me.

Does anyone agree?

and by the way why are there links to meet single men on this website? LOL


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
doinwork said:
I started a post like this earlier and didn't seem to get a bite. The teachings of this website seem to be that if a girl doesn't show immediate interest in you, you will never get her interst level higher then yours.

I completley disagree because me and my friends have have overcome this obstacle many times to the point of having someone all of suden have stronger feelings for me.

Does anyone agree?

and by the way why are there links to meet single men on this website? LOL
Well it´s not an easy 1.
First because even when the girl doesn´t show any interest, she might be interested... women do that all the time.

But you probably mean, if the girl is really interested (whether she shows it or not). I think that would be the same to say, that all that matters are looks... and that´s wrong, in the process of knowing you her level of interest might become bigger than yours...


New Member
May 8, 2011
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Just to check, we are talking about an explicit rejection (having made your move), not just a lack of visible interest?

It's not impossible, but it is rare (I don't want to say difficult, because I don't know if it can be done always).

I now several examples of this. A most clear one was a guy who got rejected, and took it a little to hard and started completely ignoring the girl (wasn't a game plan, he was for real). Suddenly she was mad about him...

But these may all very well be just exceptions.

I think that most of things you can find on websites is more of a "statistics" based approach. "Move on, you have a lot better chance with another girl, and it easier, faster..." kind of thinking. Sometimes it is the best advice, but somehow I find it to be better suited for robots...


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
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The question shouldn't be if you can land them at first, but if you WANT them when they become attracted to you. Usually the girls that "reject" me do so for superficial reasons, type of car, money, physical looks. I'm fine with this, if people are judging me solely on superficial reasons I don't want these people around me.

Once these girls get to know me better they become interested/attracted in me. Their invitations to hang out are usually met with a polite No.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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As much as I don't want to recall this, there was a girl I met when I was 15. I asked her out 4 times within the first year of knowing her. Rejected every time. She started dating one of my close friends, and her and I became extremely good friends.

Right around my 19th birthday, something happened and we hooked up randomly. She then asked me out, and we dated for 6.5 years (until last November).

Obviously, this was a 1/1,000,000,000 chance. Not only did she reject me multiple times, but I was friendzoned for 4 years.

Thinking back now, I wish I wasn't with her so long. That relationship turned into a cancer, and if I would have known I could be as happy without her as I am right now, that would have been over long before.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
yes this can be done it's all in your game though and from my experience takes allot of blowing her off after the rejection and then her getting to know you and realizing what she has missed out on. It's either timing or a very hard game of chess. Just get in shape and **** *****s. I'm kidding I hate to say it my best relationships started like this. Even Michael jordan's did. yes they are divorced now but she is still the love of his life who gave him his kids. Perhapps that's why Pdubs truly ended so hard cause she was the one. on to the next one...maybe
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Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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Theboss said:
Perhapps that's why Pdubs truly ended so hard cause she was the one. on to the next one...maybe
She's the one alright.... the one for someone else! There is some validity to what you are saying. But, I often question one thing in particular:

Every guy that has ever had a crush on a girl knows one thing - crushes come and go. If you get rejected, most of the time you simply move on and go on to the next girl. But when they come back to you on their own, what happens? What EXACTLY makes us still want to be with them?

Is it simply that once you have a crush on someone, it never truly leaves, but rather you force yourself to deal with it? In that case, it makes perfect sense that you would still get with them. After all, she wants you and you want her. It would be stupid not to.

But my question was, what if that isn't the case? What if we still get with them only to try to prove they were wrong to start? Men are competitive. Can anyone say "winning"? (Not you, Charlie Sheen, we know you can) We want to win all the time.

At that point, I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that we may end up overlooking problems and issues that would normally end a relationship for us. If we are still slightly in that competitive mindset, we may deflect some issues. That could be the exact reason my relationship went so long, Jordan's got to kids and marriage, and Theboss' got to the point it did. Yet they all ended eventually.

Bankai brings up a great point. Maybe we would all be better off if we had said no when they came crawling back. Tough to say...


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
I understand what your saying bdubb but allot of relationships end. Doesn't mean they weren't good or had a major influence on our lives. This is 2011. Are we saying the only relationships that matter are the ones that last until we die? If we lived forever would relationships last forever?


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
This has worked for me about 3 or 4 times. Each time was with the ganji games tactic, although I did not imply ganji games.. I just stopped talking to the girl/became uninterested. Then she's texting/calling me phone just saying hello and trying to hangout or hinting she wants me to ask her out.

Go for it, what have you got to lose? I wouldn't get your hopes up though, keep spinning plates!


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Theboss said:
If we lived forever would relationships last forever?

Damn that's deep. Been here almost three years,and I've NEVER come across something like this.

+1 rep.

Edit: Oh....and to the OP of this thread. YES.

Yes,you can "land" a girl who's rejected you before. I once took out a girl rejected me TWICE.

My belief is this......

As long as you're not in the friendzone,there's hope.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Originally Posted by Theboss
If we lived forever would relationships last forever

Damn that's deep. Been here almost three years,and I've NEVER come across something like this.

+1 rep.


You mean that? lol wasn't sure if you were joking. interesting thought though


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
Sometimes, girls use rejection as a method of screening, to see who the clingy guys are and who the confident guys are.

In most cases it's a giant **** test.

BUT you shouldn't be putting a girl in a position where she has the power to reject you.

You should attract her in a way that is subtle and sexual, so she starts to feel a strong desire for you and doesn't know why. If you come on too strong, she will reject your advances because you make her feel as though she is easy.

Getting a girl is a huge game of pushing and pulling.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Theboss said:
I understand what your saying bdubb but allot of relationships end. Doesn't mean they weren't good or had a major influence on our lives. This is 2011. Are we saying the only relationships that matter are the ones that last until we die? If we lived forever would relationships last forever?

Very good point. I don't think the answer would be exactly the same for any two people. I just know I looked past a lot that I shouldn't have, missed out on many opportunities, and made some very AFC-like moves in that time with her. I try not to regret my life choices, but when it comes to this relationship, sometimes I can't help it.

I won't argue that it at least changed me for the better, I just don't know if I needed that crap to do it.

This thread, probably meant to be a fairly simple one, has got my mind going crazy now! Hahaha


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
doinwork said:
I started a post like this earlier and didn't seem to get a bite. The teachings of this website seem to be that if a girl doesn't show immediate interest in you, you will never get her interst level higher then yours.

I completley disagree because me and my friends have have overcome this obstacle many times to the point of having someone all of suden have stronger feelings for me.

Does anyone agree?

and by the way why are there links to meet single men on this website? LOL
Yes, it most certainly is possible. I know a few guys whose wives initially rejected them but they persisted until they finally succeeded.

But the question is, is it really worth it? Why waste your time and effort pursuing one girl, when there are plenty of fish in the sea?

Also, if you do repeatedly pursue a girl, there is a chance you'll end up being the reacher and she'll be the settler in the relationship. Basically she'll feel entitled and will make it seem like a privilege that she even bothers to open her legs for you.

Far too many guys unfortunately accept that proposition gladly only to have it bite them in the ass later.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
RSanders219 said:
This has worked for me about 3 or 4 times. Each time was with the ganji games tactic, although I did not imply ganji games.. I just stopped talking to the girl/became uninterested. Then she's texting/calling me phone just saying hello and trying to hangout or hinting she wants me to ask her out.

Go for it, what have you got to lose? I wouldn't get your hopes up though, keep spinning plates!

ganji games?


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
A girl who rejectgs you at first but wants you later usually has a hidden agenda of some sort. Check your spidey sense.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Why would you bother trying to get with a girl that rejected you? Shouldn't you have better things to do?

And I'm assuming by rejection means you asked her out and she said no.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
igetit! is right, though about 95% of the cases people post it actually is impossible. So the answer is yes, but not for most of the cases posted on this forum. :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Cherokee said:
Sometimes, girls use rejection as a method of screening, to see who the clingy guys are and who the confident guys are.

In most cases it's a giant **** test.

BUT you shouldn't be putting a girl in a position where she has the power to reject you.

You should attract her in a way that is subtle and sexual, so she starts to feel a strong desire for you and doesn't know why. If you come on too strong, she will reject your advances because you make her feel as though she is easy.

Getting a girl is a huge game of pushing and pulling.
That is why I'm never going to win. I don't even understand the rules to this freaking game.

As for getting a girl that's already rejected me. Nope. I've only tried it with a couple of girls, the most I was able to do was become friends with them. And the friendships eventually fell apart. Because, surprise, I never wanted to be their friend in the first place.