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  1. B

    signs from ex gf?

    Thanks for all the replies, biggest thing I got from this thread is that I have power. I've somehow forgotten it and just needed some reminding. Woke up with some extra confidence, took care of my business, sent my ex some texts - kept control the entire time and had her eating out of my...
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    signs from ex gf?

    ^ wow I can def relate to what you're saying. Thinking back to the highs and lows of the relationship really reminds me of why guys like us have the don't back-track rule.
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    signs from ex gf?

    Interesting feedback, thanks everyone. From the sounds of it, I'm interesting to her right now because of our past relationship and because I haven't been hanging around her 24/7 like the other guys. I've seen both her ex bf's and from what I can see, yes I'm definitely better than them in the...
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    signs from ex gf?

    my ex and I broke up last year around this time. we had some differences that we couldn't seem to fix at that time. Since our break up she's messaged me 2-3 times I never replied since I moved on, and I know that lingering feelings can create problems. 3 weeks ago I get a message from her...
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    What did she mean when?

    I'm not sure how to take the conversation that we had. What are your thoughts? What do you think she meant by the drawn out "suuuurreeee"? Conversation goes as follows *after a few minutes of banter* me: anyways, I called to see if you wanted to do something later in the week. her: ah ok...
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    Girl im fooling around with says she protective of me

    i have no idea wth you wrote, what are you trying to ask? unless you want responses like "oh hell ya you hit the mother load"
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    light on or off during sex?

    ^ guess morning sex is out for you then
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    Response to a flaker

    As part of my work its ingrained into me to keep my appointments and be on time. So naturally in my casual life keeping meetings and plans are just as important to me. A girl I'm mildly interested in texts me and asks me to hang out. We make a time and date for next Tuesday. I had a suspicion...
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    im confused, help

    well she said she wasn't impressed... that was a hook. You fell for it by going "WHATT??? AWWW NO WAY #*&^#@&^%@##%$@" I would've turned it around on her and gave her the same attitude. "who said I was trying to impress you?" But that wouldn't have worked because you told her in the first...
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    im confused, help

    Dude... the fact that you had 3 turn downs in a row AND you still stuck around put her in the position of power. I would've stopped at the 1st or 2nd turn down and left it there, I would've let her come to me.
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    fattie on pof

    POF is imo a bad place to go. I honestly haven't had any good experiences on there, was messaging this girl with ONE picture... profile said Body Type: Preferr not to say. So i think, ok Asian girl, maybe she's just conservative and shy. seeing as how FB and POF are public domains where anyone...
  12. B

    Quality of Women you meet Online versus in Person

    ^ agreed. I exchanged messages with a few girls, profile pictures looked good. When I met them, they were nothing like in their pictures. Most were socially awkward, or were stuck up money grubbers.
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    Move on or pursue?

    double post.
  14. B

    Move on or pursue?

    ^ Right on the ball Deadly_Ripped. Out of courtesy I didn't want to create a long post. I 'll give some more details. Right now I've finished (1 of 2) of my masters degrees and am looking for a job. She recently graduated as well and has come back from exchange. I'm in the midst of trying to...
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    Move on or pursue?

    That's not my style, and it's not worth my time to be juggling two girls at once.
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    How to expand your social circle?

    get a new hobby, one that involves you going out to a class. take dance lessons, photography, art, heck go to church.
  17. B

    Move on or pursue?

    Long story short: I was interested in a girl (A) and she knew it. She was busy with trying to finish school and was busy with her friends so it was hard to get in contact with her. I took her "busy-ness" as her not being interest. By the time she decided to show some interest I had already...
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    LoL what did I do wrong?

    thanks to those who gave constructive feedback. As someone said, I would love to hear how a DJ or someone more experienced would have handled the situation. Also could someone give me more info or point me to an article about creating comfort/attraction?
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    how should a Don Juan respond when a girl threatens to punch him in the balls

    if she was joking, I would turn it around on her and say "tit- for tat , you touch my balls I touch your boobs the same way" Her reaction will tell you if she's interested... and also... she'll think twice about punching your balls.
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    LoL what did I do wrong?

    I'm walking in the mall, phone in one hand (texting) coffee in the other. Girl stops me and starts asking about credit cards and signing up. There were two ppl (the girl and a guy) I king of ignore the girl as they're talking . My attitude is nonchalant with a little bit of "I'm busy, make it...