Quality of Women you meet Online versus in Person


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Throughout my life I have normally been able to score women who I meet in person that would rate in the 8 range, with an occasional 9.

However, put me in an online dating website, and those women suddenly become untouchable. I don't understand - I thought perhaps I wasn't photogenic, but when I meet girls in person and then send them FB messages I still get dates. Also, my own photos normally rate in the 8 range on Hotornot.

Has anyone else experienced a disparity between the women they meet online and the women they are accustomed to picking up in person?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
It's a different social world online. When you approach online, your competition is higher, since there are hordes more guys approaching online than offline.

Other than that, if you're not getting favorable responses, it could be the way you're approaching them in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
In my area, there is nothing but fatties and ugly girls online. And I'm living in a decent sized city that has a university in it.

My guess is that the cute girls don't bother with online dating, because they don't have to.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
hey i tried a direct approche like 'hey you look cute ... i wanna know you'
she answered 'no thx'

like allure said theres to much people who sending her message and friend request
the competition is high
so you need to send a good message
i hate this online seduction game but if you want a little advice
send something like 'hey you look cute ... but its very common let me know if you have something more interesting then other girls'


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
In my area, there is nothing but fatties and ugly girls online. And I'm living in a decent sized city that has a university in it.
I've found that different cities have different amounts of women available, and that makes all the difference. I've been out twice in Cleveland and scored two babes. After 2 nights in Dallas I scored 3 babes. I've been in a quiet Florida community 3 months and have met hardly any babes, settling for a few 7's instead.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
The quality of women online is definitely lower than what you have available to you in the real world. As pointed out earlier in this thread, girls get flooded by messages online. In real life, they get approached far less. Also, a lot of women are online because they have issues in the real world.

Still, you can still find some decent women online. You just have to expect a lower response rate and some of them will be real duds. You should use online dating to supplement your "real world" dating, not replace it. It's not bad when you consider how little effort you put in. It doesn't take a whole lot of time to send a bunch of girls 2-4 line messages.

The key to online dating is playing the numbers game big time. Though your success rate may be lower than what it is in the real world, you can also approach much larger volumes of women.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I may have spoken too soon. Suddenly many of the girls I've contacted have responded (4 out of 8, with only 2 that read my message and didn't reply).

Amazing coincidence: one girl who I had a long conversation with last night turned out to be the same girl I met online 5 years ago and who I already went on a date with back then! That was the last internet date I had, but I didn't recognize her photo. She remembered me once I told her my real name. Man, what a POF troll she is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Every woman I've met from the internet has used somewhat mis-representative pictures of themselves and has played themselves up to be so much more than they actually are in terms of activity level, interest, and personality.

Many of those profiles that make women appear like bombshells with 10 personalities are far from it. People like that have large social networks and use them to find lovers/mates.

My only long term relationships - those lasting longer than 3 months - (4) have all been with women whom I met through friends.

It's still better than meeting women at a bar... at least the ones online have to write something about themselves and you can at least get an idea for how they view themselves even if it's not representative of how they actually are. It definitely helps weed out the craziest of the crazies.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
^ agreed.

I exchanged messages with a few girls, profile pictures looked good. When I met them, they were nothing like in their pictures. Most were socially awkward, or were stuck up money grubbers.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Most girls you meet at the bar have drinking problems and wear too much makeup I've found.

And I hear you about misrepresentation online. One woman I met in '04 was like a Weeble and I said "but you said you were athletic" and she said "I jog".

The other girl (who I met 5 years ago and reunited with last night) was hot but said "If a guy has a nice body it doesn't matter if he has a face like a train wreck!" Then in my car after dinner she asked me to take my shirt off! I passed the audition and then we made out, and I kiddingly said "now take your shirt off" and she said no. I gave it a slight tug and it went "RRRIP!!". I said "I'm only kidding!" but you can't exactly take that back.

"Take me home". she said. I never heard from her again until last night. But she never got over it and once she figured out who I was she stopped replying again.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
I don't even bother with the online thing anymore. It's just fatties messaging me. Occasionally I have a short conversation with a good looking girl but it just winds up ending after a few messages, or I have all ready decided I'm uninterested by what they say and don't bother asking for their number.

I feel like the online dating world is really just full of unwanted women (crazy, super picky, physically unattractive, or AW's). I would rather just meet women in person, that's always worked way better for me.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
I have yet to try online dating, but I would imagine that the problem of approach anxiety in real life would be greatly diminished online, therefore generating a huge number of messages and greetings for more attractive girls.

Allurre said:
It's a different social world online. When you approach online, your competition is higher, since there are hordes more guys approaching online than offline.

Other than that, if you're not getting favorable responses, it could be the way you're approaching them in the first place.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
the girl i'm seeing right now i met from an online dating website. like i said in another thread, it is a lot of hard work to find and meet decent girls online. you have to do a lot of messaging and reading etc. it's very exhausting actually lol. more than half the ones you message don't even reply or when they do it never gets far. i've made profiles, tried it, cancelled it and tried one more time last month, met a few girls from it but only one of them seemed to be the right one. she's really sweet and down to earth, she's not girly or anything, more tom boyish but she's pretty. very different mindset than those of hot girls. we are pretty much in a relationship right now i'd say.

also another thing that bothers me about online girls is that they are on there saying they want a relationship but then when you talk to them they tell you they're busy working and studying (like this one email i got, saying she could only meet me in two weeks cause she's so busy) - i mean wtf are you doing on the website if you're too busy to meet a guy then? meh. only reason i was looking for girls online was because i wasn't meeting any girls i liked in person, because most the girls i meet in person just drink and/or smoke and party all the time. they just wanna have fun and fuk around. not my type. at least you know online which girls are after a relationship.

well anyway, online versus person, i'd say it's a lot less work than online, you get rejected more online i would say but there's advantage of knowing them before you meet and you get to choose which girls without the cold approach feeling :)

if you're willing to put in a lot of hard work reading profiles and messaging hundreds of girls and getting rejected by almost all of them then go for it. though you might get lucky like i did and find jackpot :p