Move on or pursue?


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Long story short:

I was interested in a girl (A) and she knew it. She was busy with trying to finish school and was busy with her friends so it was hard to get in contact with her. I took her "busy-ness" as her not being interest. By the time she decided to show some interest I had already began dating another girl (B). Things didn't really work out with girl B and after about a year we broke it off. Girl A was pretty quick to show up the next day when I went out with my friends.

She tried to chat with me but I just broke up the other day and was feeling messed up. Apparently she wanted a serious chat and got angry that I was casual and joked around wither. I didn't feel like dealing with a moody girl so ended up blowing her off and hung out with another girl for the rest of the night.

Since then about a year has passed. We've had some casual chats over msn and text, she seems relatively receptive to more "serious" conversations, so I find myself not joking around as much with her. I'm still interested in her and thought I would give it another try.

What do you DJ's think?

*edit - more detail*

Right now I've finished (1 of 2) of my masters degrees and am looking for a job. She recently graduated as well and has come back from exchange.

I'm in the midst of trying to sort out if this is a girl I want or if she's just convenient. I remember I became unattracted to her for several reasons:

-she's not very social (at a party she sat in the corner and played games on her phone all night).
-she's rather immature for her age.
-she takes a lot of advice from her friends, whom I don't respect and are huge flakes.
-she's moody.

Originally I was attracted to her because:
-physically she's my type
-she's quite intelligent, speaks about 5 languages.
-she's not a needy "buy me stuff" type of girl (difficult to find in my city).

Shortly after she came back, I messaged her on Facebook and said "Welcome back - I would've text you - don't know if your phone still works". About 5 minutes later I got a text from her saying "still the same number =) " <-- that might've sparked that over thinking I'm prone to do.
Perhaps I'm over thinking things now that I have more "free time". I know my issue is that I THINK too much, and I can get worked up pretty easy. definitely Beta behavior.

To cleanse myself of this Beta behavior I've gone about doing my own thing for the past 2 years. I basically said to myself " I don't need a girl", I focused on finishing school, working, and going out with friends. Personally, I worked on myself, developing my social skills, chasing my hobbies etc. I know that I've got a lot going for me, I'll have 2 degree's soon, I have 2 businesses in development and in a few years I'll be living comfortably.

I think what I want most is to see if this girl is worth my time. I want to go out with her once or twice to see if she's what I'm looking for.
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New Member
Mar 29, 2011
Reaction score
If you're interested in her, and she has been "relatively receptive", then I don't see why not.. Call her up.

Try not to bring up the past (don't talk about Girl B) just approach this as a clean slate.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
She hasn't shown any signs of no interest, so I'd go for it.

Just don't wait. Get what you want immediately before she finds someone else.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
runner83 said:
More important to ask:

Why didn't you get with A when you had the chance, even if you were with B?
That's not my style, and it's not worth my time to be juggling two girls at once.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
bankai, I don't think I have enough information to really make a judgement on this. From what you've said, it already seems like you think there may be something there, and are going to scope it out to see if anything develops.

This really all comes down to where you are in your life and where she is in hers and whether or not she is a person whom you want to be with.

Or maybe I'm supposed to say "thumbs up - give it to her in the butt. She wants it, hard."


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
^ Right on the ball Deadly_Ripped. Out of courtesy I didn't want to create a long post. I 'll give some more details.

Right now I've finished (1 of 2) of my masters degrees and am looking for a job. She recently graduated as well and has come back from exchange.

I'm in the midst of trying to sort out if this is a girl I want or if she's just convenient. I remember I became unattracted to her for several reasons:

-she's not very social (at a party she sat in the corner and played games on her phone all night).
-she's rather immature for her age.
-she takes a lot of advice from her friends, whom I don't respect and are huge flakes.
-she's moody.

Originally I was attracted to her because:
-physically she's my type
-she's quite intelligent, speaks about 5 languages.
-she's not a needy "buy me stuff" type of girl (difficult to find in my city).

Shortly after she came back, I messaged her on Facebook and said "Welcome back - I would've text you - don't know if your phone still works". About 5 minutes later I got a text from her saying "still the same number =) " <-- that might've sparked that over thinking I'm prone to do.
Perhaps I'm over thinking things now that I have more "free time". I know my issue is that I THINK too much, and I can get worked up pretty easy. definitely Beta behavior.

To cleanse myself of this Beta behavior I've gone about doing my own thing for the past 2 years. I basically said to myself " I don't need a girl", I focused on finishing school, working, and going out with friends. Personally, I worked on myself, developing my social skills, chasing my hobbies etc. I know that I've got a lot going for me, I'll have 2 degree's soon, I have 2 businesses in development and in a few years I'll be living comfortably.

I think what I want most is to see if this girl is worth my time. I want to go out with her once or twice to see if she's what I'm looking for.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
bankai said:
Long story short:

I was interested in a girl (A) and she knew it. She was busy with trying to finish school and was busy with her friends so it was hard to get in contact with her. I took her "busy-ness" as her not being interest. By the time she decided to show some interest I had already began dating another girl (B). Things didn't really work out with girl B and after about a year we broke it off. Girl A was pretty quick to show up the next day when I went out with my friends.

She tried to chat with me but I just broke up the other day and was feeling messed up. Apparently she wanted a serious chat and got angry that I was casual and joked around wither. I didn't feel like dealing with a moody girl so ended up blowing her off and hung out with another girl for the rest of the night.

Since then about a year has passed. We've had some casual chats over msn and text, she seems relatively receptive to more "serious" conversations, so I find myself not joking around as much with her. I'm still interested in her and thought I would give it another try.

What do you DJ's think?
Umm.....I'm trying to figure out what the problem is here.

So you and this girl had a few bumps in the road a year ago,it doesn't matter. Go ahead and pursue if her you want.

This just seems like misunderstandings between you two more than a genuine disinterest on her part. You had just went through a breakup,so maybe she wasn't aware of the stress and emotions you were going through,and you weren't aware of her being so easily offended when you made a slight joke when she wanted you to be serious.

If you still like her and would like to date her,then I say go for it.

If she brings up the past,explain to her what you were going through at the time. If she didn't know you had just ended a relationship,when you tell her what was up,then your behavior from a year ago should make sense to her.

If you two still are in contact with each other,go ahead and ask her out,see what happens.