I'm tired of blowing dates. I need help with this next one


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
I've only gone on two dates before and I blew them both. So i wanted to ask for help so I that I don't blow my third date.

I sat behind this HB7 last semester in a class. We would chit chat but I never asked her out then because I didn't want to make things awkward if i f'd up the date which has happened before. So we are definitely beyond a coffee date. She never showed many ioi's which I took as a red flag. but she did seem impressed with me since we work in similar fields and I am at a much more advanced level than she is.

She is very religious. This makes me think i will have a tiny chance of getting her in the sack very quickly. She is also under 21 so we can't do the whole bar thing.

I thought maybe I could take her out at night to an exotic restaurant and then offer to go back to my place for a movie.

So my question is, if you were me, how would you play this? should I wait until the 2nd or 3rd date to invite her to my place? or should I go in for the kill on date 1?

I know i fell behind when i failed to get with her while we had the same class. but I don't think I'm out of the game. I just need to know how proceed from here.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
High religiosity does not always mean you can't get with the girl. That really depends on their interest level and if you've raised it high enough.

How old are you? 3 dates in your entire seems rather low.... you seem to be putting all your eggs in one basket (this date)

I would start going to more public places and chatting up random people just to get over your anxieties and insecurities.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'm 25. i've had gf's before but they only happened because the girls were my friends first. I would meet them through my social circle and then i would isolate them after a while.

but what this means for me is that i lack many dating skills.