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    Guard Well, The Shield

    :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: great advice
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    I keep screwing up and backing down...

    yea, if you don't think you're ready enough for sober confidence, alcohol will work wonders. Just don't get too drunk. :up:
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    She has chlamydia

    heh, I don't have much experience with anything like THAT. But if you two are serious about each other I think this would be a good opportunity to show her that you can handle a curveball. Take control of the situation and let her know that everything will be alright. Give her the idea that...
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    What givens you the most confidence before you go out?

    I usually make an effort to greet and talk to everyone I know (even just acquaintances) that day. Anytime I use the bus I would greet the bus driver and say thank you when I get off. So my good mood and confidence continuously builds up and I'm pumped when I once it's time to go out.
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    Girl walks by and says "Eww" to me!

    eh, I don't think it really means anything. she prolly just couldn't think of anything more clever to say.
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    Speaking in the front of the class

    thanks folks It's weird because I know that no one really cares or pays attention to that stuff. And I actually enjoy talking and having everyone listen to what I have to say and letting them form their own opinions of me. But for some reason I'm always physically nervous... butterflies in...
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    Speaking in the front of the class

    This isn't really about girls, but it is about confidence which is what being a don juan is all about. I recently have become a nervous wreck at speaking in front of the class (oral presentations and such). It's out of nowhere too because I actually used to be okay at it (okay as in my voice...
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    I keep screwing up and backing down...

    lol, what are you afraid of? It's all in fun. Don't think about it as such a big deal. Just wing it and be confident that you'll know what to do when the time comes. If you become nervous, take in a nice belly full of air and exhale. I've found that doing that really helps to calm the nerves...
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    Friend likes same girl as ME

    that's a wack close friend. Well, if the flirting as been going on for a while now, the next course of action would be to close the deal first. The way you do it would depend on the girl's personality I guess. There are some girls I know who I'd be able to just go up to and say "hey, let's ****...
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    every man for himself -_-

    lol, yea, that's what I was thinking but in that case when we were in the car, the other guys hitting on the girl sorta made her too busy to notice the not-desperate guy. So it just got me thinking... oh well.
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    The Official Bad Advice Thread!

    slice your balls off!!
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    About coming out of that cozy shell

    A professor of mine (who happens to be the absolute man!) once challenged the class to go one day without eating. He said that most of the people who couldn't do it, gave up just at the last minute before going to sleep. Why would you quit when you're so close? He told us it's not because they...
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    every man for himself -_-

    I have a question. There was this one time I was in a situation where me, two other guys, and a girl were in a car. We all knew each other but I was sort of just recently introduced to the girl. Anyways, they were both flirting with her while I was just sort of chilling. One of the guys stood no...
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    So close to fcukin....but I failed. (A Lesson learned)

    LMAO! I literally registered just now, just to laugh at that :crackup: