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  1. C

    Relationship with HB 9 crumbled

    this girl thinks he's a fvcking stalker... but he wants to talk their problems out. :crackup:
  2. C

    Do hot girls get dumped?

    I'm curious about this as well
  3. C

    Girl has over 1,000 facebook friends

    that's pretty clever chad. never thought about it like that.
  4. C

    If you guys ever get into trouble...

    Is that the guy who flew his plane into the ocean because didn't know what he was doing?
  5. C

    no action because of whitey tighties

    had a date with a hb 8, everything went pretty good... until I bent over to grab something, revealing my waste line. she looked shocked and said "You don't wear boxers??" I was kinda caught off guard and said "I wear what's comfortable." The rest of the date was kinda awkward. anyway a day...
  6. C

    How do I get my hair like this???

    Try to get your hair like this...
  7. C

    How do I get my hair like this???

    He was cremated.
  8. C

    How do I get my hair like this???

    JFK Jr. was the ultimate DJ. I gotta have the hair, 'brah.
  9. C

    This guy was cool When he walked into a room aliasguy, he could take anyones chick... with his hair alone.
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    This guy was cool True DJ.
  11. C

    This guy was cool Check out the hair.
  12. C

    Attention Whre on YouTube!

    fail, try again thank you
  13. C

    "you're *sooooooooo* mean!"

    thank you, drive-thru
  14. C

    "you're *sooooooooo* mean!"

    Would you people get over this "C&F" crap. It's getting old, seriously. Girl: You're looking good! Me: Thanks :smiles: Learn how to take a compliment.
  15. C

    Attention Whre on YouTube!

    Most of the people in this forum are idiots. If girls gave you money and took you to dinner, it's okay... but it's not okay for a girl to want those things? The guys in this thread who are mad are the guys who will never be able to land a chick like that in the video. They aren't really mad...
  16. C

    JFK Jr - The true DJ This guy had a blackbelt in Don Juan'ing.
  17. C

    JFK Jr - The true DJ

    That guy had perfect hair man.