I know a guy who's the ultimate DJ, but I don't understand his game. help?

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Honestly, I try to hang around him all I can but I'm such a n00b that I don't really understand the subtleties of his game.

Somehow, no matter where we go, it ends up with scores of chicks running after us, touching him, talking to him, hugging him, etc. We go to a restaurant and everyone starts drinking and laughing and everything.

I have no idea how he does this. He's not good looking. He's fat. he's in his 40s. But it never misses. We go together to some place, and he just starts yapping on like an idiot and saying completely stupid stuff (the guy never finished high school) and every hot female in the area is drawn to him like moths to a flame. For example at some point in a bar there was a really old man there and he put a towel over the old man's head and convinced him to dance. All the girls just hang on to him and he just can't stop laughing the whole time, never once saying anything remotely intelligent. Then they flirt with him and ask him if he's married, and he just twists the question and never really answers.

In reality, he's a virgin, but that's because he's physically unable to perform sexually. But that's a purely physical problem... he knows how to make girls gravitate around him like no one I've ever seen before. Of course he can't accept their offers when they try to seduce him, but for him I suppose he's happy enough just having people to party with.

The problem is, no matter how much I hang around him, I'm completely unable to reproduce what he does when I'm by myself. I try to repeat some of the things he said that made the girls go crazy. I try to imitate his body language. But I never get any kind of response. I mean, I'm much better looking and much younger than he is, but for some reason what he does works and when I do it it doesn't work. All the girls I know who know him they keep asking me about him whenever he's not around. They can't stop talking about him, like he's some kind of deity.

Do you guys have any idea what I should do? It seems the more I hang around him, the more confused I am. Why are girls so crazy about him? I just don't get it. It's like if there's some magical thing or something, that if he says something in a certain way girls react and when I say the same thing in the same way girls don't react. I just don't get it... :cry:


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
It's possible that they feel comfortable around him like they do with gay guys-

They feel non-threatened by him.

Example: A gay guy has alot of girl friends because he's not much of a sexual threat to him, is he?

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Vice said:
It's possible that they feel comfortable around him like they do with gay guys-

They feel non-threatened by him.

Example: A gay guy has alot of girl friends because he's not much of a sexual threat to him, is he?
Maybe, but only a handful of people know of his physical problems. Many of the girls we meet are literally asking to marry him. Some girls even rode on trains for miles just to see him again after meeting him on some trip. He always turns them down, but he really tries hard to comfort them and make them know that it's not their fault if he's not going to be their boyfriend/husband. Usually, they assume he's in love with another girl or something.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
A combination of physical features (a fat man can't chase a woman down) and his personality that makes him more attractive.

Stop analyzing him and have fun with him!


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2003
Reaction score
His game is plain and simple man, he's just fun to be around. Girls just want to have fun, and he knows how to play.

My advice would be not to expect to be like him when you first start your quest to being a good DJ. It takes experience to emulate this type of behavior. Im talking about thousands and thousands (at leat 10 000) interactions with different females. Dont look at the end result and try to copy it. It wont work. Instead you have to work your way through different stages in developing your personality and confidence around women. If you were to approach 10 000 women, strike up a convo, make them laugh, etc, you too will become just as good as this guy. The girls can see it in him, they can see the experience, they know this because he's just so playful with them. You have to learn how to play, start approaching women, get more comfortable around them, destroy you're fear of rejection, and in time you can become like this guy too.

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
LostAndConfused said:
Have you bothered to ask him how he does it? I feel he'd say something similar to what Ratisson said.
Of course I asked him for advice on women... he even said he's going to be my teacher and wants me to call him "master" and bow to him. :rolleyes:

But the advice he gives me is totally out of whack. He doesn't tell me the same kind of stuff I read here at all. He talks about marriage and kids and how he feels sorry for such and such woman because she never knew her mom, or another woman because her kid is getting bullied at school or something. Then he goes out to say some completely asinine stuff about listening to the sound a train makes when it leaves a station and feeling its "soul" or something, and somehow draws a comparison to women. When I tell him it's just a train making a weird noise, he gets mad and says I'm ignorant and that I have to become one with my surroundings or something and that I'm too focused on myself to understand. Wtf? How is a train leaving a station supposed to make me think of women and even less how to attract them?

Then he says stuff that comes straight of some kind of 1920s romance novel or something about how I should be willing to die for a girl I like. Like wtf? How's something like that supposed to help me attract chicks at a party? This sounds like the kind of advice an n00b would make, no? He talks about falling in love and says that I should be unable to sleep and think only of a girl i like and see her face everytime I look at someone. Sounds kind of obsessive to me... not something a DJ should do, no?

I usually just try watching him instead of listening to him, because he never makes any kind of sense when he talks. Of course, when I say that he tells me angrily that he makes perfect sense and that I'm too stupid to get it. *sigh*

I don't even know if being around him helps my game or hurts it. I just don't know.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
This is the weirdest example ive read in a while. wow, I dont even know what to make of this. Assuming this is a true story... someone explain how in the world where the standard of male attractiveness is Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, girls would be attracted to someone who's polar opposite.

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
I have no idea how he does this. He's not good looking. He's fat. he's in his 40s. But it never misses. We go together to some place, and he just starts yapping on like an idiot and saying completely stupid stuff (the guy never finished high school)
By reading this, doesn't sound like your ideal DJ 'stereotype' image.


he knows how to make girls gravitate around him like no one I've ever seen before. Of course he can't accept their offers when they try to seduce him, but for him I suppose he's happy enough just having people to party with.
And then...

he's physically unable to perform sexually. But that's a purely physical problem...
So why is he such a DJ???

Because he has found inner happiness. He's not trying hard to impress others, he's not acting like someone he isn't, he's just living the moment and being confident while he does it.

Even though he can't physically sexually perform, instead of focusing on the negative and looking at the downside to himself, he's focusing on his positives and using that to his advantage. Thus, making him a more postive, appealing person to other people.

I think we can all use this as an example, as to why we should focus on our positives instead of negatives, and how being positive breeds positive behaviour to others who percieve us.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
One thing that stuck out to me is that he's doing the "String Effect"

He's there and fun and entertaining. Girls then pay attention to him and show him affection, etc and ask him out or marry him or whatever. He says no, but doesn't disappear, just "Dangling" in front of them like a string in front of a Cat. As soon as he lets someone "catch" him, they become uninterested. If you dropped the string in front of the cat, they no longer care.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Well how old are the woman going after him. From what I've seen older woman tend to go more for the personality then looks. They like guys who are fun and listen to them and so on.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
The Pedantical said:
Of course I asked him for advice on women... he even said he's going to be my teacher and wants me to call him "master" and bow to him. :rolleyes:

But the advice he gives me is totally out of whack. He doesn't tell me the same kind of stuff I read here at all. He talks about marriage and kids and how he feels sorry for such and such woman because she never knew her mom, or another woman because her kid is getting bullied at school or something. Then he goes out to say some completely asinine stuff about listening to the sound a train makes when it leaves a station and feeling its "soul" or something, and somehow draws a comparison to women. When I tell him it's just a train making a weird noise, he gets mad and says I'm ignorant and that I have to become one with my surroundings or something and that I'm too focused on myself to understand. Wtf? How is a train leaving a station supposed to make me think of women and even less how to attract them?

Then he says stuff that comes straight of some kind of 1920s romance novel or something about how I should be willing to die for a girl I like. Like wtf? How's something like that supposed to help me attract chicks at a party? This sounds like the kind of advice an n00b would make, no? He talks about falling in love and says that I should be unable to sleep and think only of a girl i like and see her face everytime I look at someone. Sounds kind of obsessive to me... not something a DJ should do, no?

I usually just try watching him instead of listening to him, because he never makes any kind of sense when he talks. Of course, when I say that he tells me angrily that he makes perfect sense and that I'm too stupid to get it. *sigh*

I don't even know if being around him helps my game or hurts it. I just don't know.
try looking at what he means by what he says. look at the hidden meaning

maybe he's telling you to be more intune with yourself, so then you may find inner happiness. happiness that is not dependent on women.

also, be willing to please, and less willing to be pleased. this is what i get from him.

you always make more friends (or get more girls) with being interested in them, rather than trying to get them to be interested in you.

you are being kinda close minded and ignorant

this guy just enjoys himself. enjoys life, and doesn't care about how many women he lays a week. he also enjoys the girls he with, and treats them like people rather than some conquest

thus he gets the women


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
What do you think that makes him a DJ? Is it how he talks, does he speak loud and confident, tell good storys, make funny jokes? Is he always in a positive mindset, good attitude, or good body-language?

All these type of things can get women to flirt with you without being sexual. You don't have to figure out his game... Just see what he does that attracts women to him.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
honestly it sounds to me like YOU are missing the message completely...for example

he talks about a lot of afc stuff most people on this board disagree with but the results speak loudly

girls desperately want those things from a (high status)guy, if you don't believe me watch chick flicks

+ most of the stuff on this board is not how to seduce women but rather what guuys who can't seduce women need to hear at the start of their journey...at least thats how I am feeling more and more as I think about it



May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
If this story is true, this is the coolest thing I've read in a long time.

This guy is using straight Dong Fu.

Thanks. Keep hangin with your fat friend. It'l rub off on you eventually.

P.S. Maybe if you snip off the dong you'll be as personable as him.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
You can try to learn from him, in which case, your best bet is to completely ignore what comes out of his mouth. He's a natural, which means he's never had to articulate how he does what he does. So what *does* come out of his mouth will likely be typical AFC propaganda, as well as very far removed from his actual behavior.

Or, you could read the DJ bible and take a newbie mission to get some actual field approaches under your belt.

Either way's cool.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a little skepticle that these women are fawning over him and are actually attracted to him. He seems more like a friend to them. The fact he is that old and still a virgin, regardless of whether he's impotent or not, he could still be sexual with them, means he is no DJ. Just when did he become unable to perform since before puberty? I find that highly doubtful. I think he could preform at one time and wasn't getting laid then either. One thing you made clear besides that he does "AFC" type stuff is that he's quite stupid. Women like happy-go-lucky stupid stuff. This guy isn't actually seducing any women. There's something missing in this story.

Crimson Tide

Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
Then he goes out to say some completely asinine stuff about listening to the sound a train makes when it leaves a station and feeling its "soul" or something