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  1. J

    Get a girl friend or girl to think sexually towards you

    Man, girls can't see that your projecting your sexuality through the computer. It kind of just shows them that you're only comfortable doing it when you have time to plan your responses and such. Save all that stuff for when you see her in person. Trust me, you don't want to verbalize that...
  2. J

    Back to the basics... I can get the # but ot the date!

    Sounds to me like you didn't attract them enough. Like they just gave you their number and forgot about you (not necessarily forgot about the conversation, but forgot the feelings they felt when they were talking to you). Either build more rapport, and then wait 2-3 days to call them... OR, if...
  3. J

    Getting a groups interest without bragging?

    It sounds like you were trying too hard to impress them, instead of actually demonstrating higher value. Even by trying to hard to make a group of girls (or girls & guys) laugh, you are supplicating. By being overly jokey you're entertaining them rather than doing normal DHV stuff. It's not a...
  4. J

    To turn 23 desperate, lonely and in despair

    Wow man, that's a pretty sad story. I think you might need to stop focusing on women for the time being and get your life in order. Get out of the house, get some hobbies, make some friends. Start to like who you are as a person... you have to do that before any girl will start to see your...
  5. J

    Girls Love Notes...Girls Love Guys That Write Notes

    Haha I like this. ****y and pretty funny and playful. I wish I had done this kind of stuff when I was in high school... Great way to break her out of that boredom during class.
  6. J

    Is it normal to want to stick it to your friends?

    It also seems like you're still pretty insecure. Like you need to validate who you are as a person by how much money you make. Get you're inner game down, and you won't need external validation anymore. Like you said, keep concentrating on yourself until the urge to one-up your "buddies"...
  7. J

    Get Her Attracted Without the Chance of Rejection

    Alright, I guess I should have prefaced it by saying that it's NOT for guys who have strong inner game and know what they're doing. It's something that a beginner could use to get comfortable talking to girls without being nervous. And yeah, probably a good idea to give your buddy the heads up.
  8. J

    Dinner Date and possible lay afterwards HELP

    Definitely no flower. The stuff that works in the romantic movies rarely works in real life. Just do what ^^ says and play it cool. ****y and playful. BUT... You want her to start thinking about you as a sexual guy. You need to project that sexual state the whole time. If you haven't read the...
  9. J

    Get Her Attracted Without the Chance of Rejection

    Before I became naturally good at attracting women, I used to stutter and stammer when I tried to talk to a girl, and I came across as creepy and needy. Then I figured out a little trick that worked like a charm. I could easily start a funny and playful conversation with a girl, without her...
  10. J

    Date Many All At Once

    This is a great way to keep up your confidence, which girls definitely pick up on, and it also makes you seem A LOT less needy and desperate. While you're feeling like this you should try to add even more women to the roster. You'll be high in demand, and you won't be too available which is...