To turn 23 desperate, lonely and in despair


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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This will be a long post.
In sep. I will be turning 23. I come from a frustrated weekend. Some chicks (who ****) were to be hanging out with me and my friends, I would **** the HB8.5 chick whilst my friend who already nailed her will be presented to her friend (to me a HB8)

I make some PUA vocabulary but to be honest, I've never HAD SEX.

Shocking, I'm good-looking, tall (6"1), brunette. I'm not american, I was born in México.

Before high school I loved to jerk-off several times a day, sometimes I would break my record of jerking-off on my previous record :wave:
Thing is that since I was a little kid I was thinking on sex (I even wanted to see my cousin pu$$y when she was about 5 years, the same age as me at that moment).

I've started reading material from David D, Jeffries, RSD, Mystery, Style, blah blah, but dude, my mind is so ****ed up. Maybe this came in my high-school year where first a girl had a crush on me but I ****ed it up (after a year and half of knowing her wanting me). So after that happened, I thought no girl would ever be interested in me.
I've been in college since 2001, then switched school, changed career. To some extent in 2005 I made a decision to start to talk to more women I like. Went well, but the ones who I met would refuse to go out with me.

LAst year, a girl was PRETTY interested in me, so I finally decided to invite her to the movies and then a CRAP * CRAP * convo about failed relationships with other women (DO NOT DO THAT). Lost her, what's worse is that her is a girl from college (from a diff career) but she has hotter friends that her, so I was ****ed up. Anyways I'm not into meeting women in my uni since I don't find attractive ones.

I started studying dating stuff (mentioned above) in about May this year, during holidays vacations which ended 2 weeks ago I COULD have meet women WHO where HOLDING EYE CONTACT with me, but I was still so AFC that I didn't have the nerve to approach.
Heck, in my high school I thought girls were nice and didn't figure they would like to be touched by a guy casually on a date. I was a childish AFC, I can't figure out the pattern I had those days.

I know that I'm sucking big times with girls, I've talked to my buddies about dating books (like DyD) but they were reluctant to believe what I said to them (they believe a girl can have sex, but that it takes months to achieve it), and they BRAG that they didn't need to learn anything on how to handle women. The more close friend of mine (in short relation time - about 2 years), I've switched friends, some people are not what you think they are). So anyways, this friend is shorter than me, is not that good-looking than me, but even though he has enjoyed make-out sessions and had sex for at least 20 times.

I have stopped learning material, I'd like to learn more, but right now I'm concentrating on making money online via affiliate programs, I think I wasted a lot of time reading woman & dating stuff.
I'm still an AFC, since I didn't approach, I had the lines, routines, blah blah. My brain is so sabotagin my whole self I feel like crap.

I see everyone having girlfriends, enjoying life, but I'm in a hole.

What are your suggestions on where my energy should be focused and advice to get thorough this LOSER stage.

P.S. I've 2 younger brothers, the younger one wants me to be a FIGURE so to speak in where I talk to women without fear, getting laid, etc. He is 15 now, and I've been providing stuff to tease the girls, I'd like him not to be like me (I was clueless when in presence with women - this is because I started interacting with them since college - MAYBE I was a mamas boy)

P.S.2 A Starbucks has just opened here in my city (I know, this is not US), and smoking hot women hang there, I have gone there once, riding my bike along with my young brother, and thought, * jeez, this is the place where David DeAngelo picks up women * I'd like to do that to.

A cry and I'm off to bed


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Wow man, that's a pretty sad story. I think you might need to stop focusing on women for the time being and get your life in order. Get out of the house, get some hobbies, make some friends. Start to like who you are as a person... you have to do that before any girl will start to see your value.

I mean, if you're good looking then you should have nothing to even worry about. But life is not ALL about women. You're beating yourself up way too much over this.

If you need to start working on your social skills then just start hanging out with a bunch of sociable guys. You'll meet a ton of people pretty quickly... Just try to get used to the idea of having normal interactions with women. You'll start getting comfortable around them, and you'll figure out soon enough how to build attraction and escalate.

One step at a time...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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Your self esteem hit rock bottom and it's been this way for a while. Like the above poster mentioned you definitely need to forget about women for the time being and concentrate on yourself. I know because I've been in an almost similiar situation most of my life as well. It's either you take the steps necessary to make yourself into the kind of person you want to become or you can stay in that miserable state of mind which you've grown accustomed to over the years. In fact it is so bad that once you begin making progress you'll be afraid of your own success because you're not used to it. Instead this current state of mind you're mentioning is more like "home" to you and it would be very uncomfortable leaving it. It's a bad situation to be in and only you can choose to roll with the punches and hardships that lie ahead or be this way for the rest of your life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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Sorry I didn't read everything, but I did read your title.

There is only one thing out of your title that you have to be.


The rest of it lose it.

Go have some fun!


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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OK. thanks so far for the responses. I hate that the 1st I give to others is not as positive as I'm an introverted guy, sometimes I'm in state and the shyness would go away but that is rare.

I though that too (about forgetting women), need to work on myself, having goals, passions, etc.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2007
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Well for the confidence in appraoching women, i would suggest you join a gym and start lifting some weights, it helped me alot.
A simple 3 day a week programme can have u in good shape in about a year aslong as your diet is consistent.

I think you might need to stop focusing on women for the time being and get your life in order. Get out of the house, get some hobbies, make some friends. Start to like who you are as a person... you have to do that before any girl will start to see your value.

Best of luck my friend, please keep us updated!


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2007
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I'm just gonna pile-on here,but yes--you need to take your focus off women. Being w/ a chick does NOT validate you. Improve ourself for your own sake, not just for the purpose of picking up women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Seek ye first becoming the best man you can possibily be (body, job, education/mind, spiritual/soul/philosophy), and all these things (such as women) shall be added unto you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
23 is still very young in real terms dude, read some PUA e-books, begin to approach as many hot babes as you can, learn from your mistakes, as well as your successes.
If you can learn the psychology of attracting the hottest babes, even when you are aged in your 50's, you will be able to seduce and fvck the hottest babes in their 20's, practise makes perfect, so sarge on.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
I do lift some weights on my home, I don't have the money to spend like 50-80USD a month to join a good gym. Although I'm in pretty good form (a little chubby, but athletic build).

The weird thing is that some days I feel totally wasted with no energy whatsoever and then on others I've energy vibrating.

Today I enrolled in a 6-week free course to enhance self-esteem & confidence. Here:

Let's how it goes.

P,S. My goal this year was to at least **** a hot chick, do you think that goal is achievable still ?