Back to the basics... I can get the # but ot the date!

Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Alright I've gotten 3 numbers in the last 2 weeks and I've called the first 2 girls 3 days after getting the number. I got the numbers on Friday and called on Monday. I kept it short and asked them out to lunch and they both said they would, but they are very busy and don't know when they can meet up. So I accepted this answer and told them to call me and they said they would but I haven't heard back.

I have not called them again.

This happened again today. I got a girls number last week called her today same story, she's busy. I told her to call me later tonight so we can talk but she didn't call. Should I be more aggressive and call her again to follow up or what? I'm playing the #'s game but 0 for 3 in numbers = dates is pretty bad!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Keep sarging. Telephone numbers aren't worth the paper they're written on until after having gone out together. Keep sarging other women and don't put much energy into worrying whether the other women will call you back.

This is why I believe it's better to just set up a meeting straight away instead of first getting the phone number. If she's interested, she will agree on a time and place or make a counter offer if she's busy. More times than not she'll readily give you her number after she agrees to meet you at a later time.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
yeah this happens to me alot also, kinda sucks but i can't say alot because i don't remember the names of alot of the chicks i bag, nor can i remember who they are and who i was supposed to call. i have like a million "Jens"


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
It's a lottery... when you hit the jackpot you'll know. Don't waste your time with women that are "too busy"... They're "too busy" to understand that you're the biggest pimp they've ever met.

It seems like these women are flaking... but big deal. I've gone 0 for 20. I wouldn't keep calling these women after the initial call. They have your number and can contact you if they want. You already threw the bait out there. I might send a text message to them a week or so down the road, just to make sure they're flaking. Something like "you still alive?" If they respond = good, if not = guaranteed flake.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds to me like you didn't attract them enough. Like they just gave you their number and forgot about you (not necessarily forgot about the conversation, but forgot the feelings they felt when they were talking to you).

Either build more rapport, and then wait 2-3 days to call them... OR, if you don't have enough time to build rapport due to logistics or whatever, then I suggest calling the very next afternoon so they can still recall the feelings they had when they were talking to you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
First off, "collecting" numbers can generally have a low hit rate. Aside from performing approach exercises, the aim should be to progress as far as you can there and then - only aim to take a number if you can't advance the sarge any further at that time (venue change, mini-date, kiss close, f-close etc). That in mind let's move on.

Getting a number with little or no rapport will result in flaking by the chick. She has no reason to want to see you again. You have to spend time building some rapport and escalating before getting the number to enhance success rate when you call.

When you do call, it has to be to ask her somewhere specific at a specific date and time. Before you ask, regain some rapport with a little fluff talk (not too long though, the phone isn't for chatting, it's for arranging to meet - unless you want to wind up one of her GFs). If your date idea doesn't work for her for whatever reason, she needs to make a counter offer to demonstrate her interest. Chicks WILL NOT call back this early in the game.

It's good you're approaching, getting numbers and following them up - that's a lot further than a lot of guys get. Keep it up and add some tweaks in and you'll be getting dates. ;)