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  1. D

    Get your free advice here - for a limited time only!

    So lets say you're at a restaurant with friends and you see a couple of different things... 1) a table with and awesome set and 2) a girl eating lunch by herself... Which one would you approach first and why? what would you say to the set and to the lonely girl? THANKS IN ADVANCE, lol
  2. D

    Gaming at a High School reunion; Advice?

    yea, just dont even worry about the "weirdest stage of your life" and use your moves, highly unlikely everyone is going remember you picking your nose at the lunch table... lol Good luck!
  3. D

    Bad Idea to bring Girl to Club?

    yea dude, just go dancing, she'll appreciate... and to ditto the brother above me, SHE WILL BE HIT ON! but brush it off, shes hot!
  4. D

    I need some cute stories.

    HOLY SH!T ! that one was hilarious! this is by far the funniest thread I have read...
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    How long should I ganji her?

    deserves it? im still a little skeptical on the whole thing, still seems standoff-ish. but if your saying it works im going to try it! no harm no foul? lol
  6. D

    Getting Pretty Pissed off Now...

  7. D

    Eye contact question

    quit waiting around! I like what randall said, stick your tongue, do something other than just stare! give her more to think about, and BAM! APPROACH! high should be easy picking but i know thats not always the case, build yourself up for the class period then after class stop her in the hallway!
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    How long should I ganji her?

    idk if i would even do this, it might make you look like an a$$hole, someone whos anger might have a little problem. Shes not stupid, she got the hint...
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    Developing A "Gut Feeling"

    Apparently her attraction was pretty strong to almost stand around and watch you work out. As to how she'll feel the next time? NO ONE knows that answer but her... so make that move and hop on it tiger! If you're telling me everyone has that small mentality that they dont really introduce...
  10. D

    How long should I ganji her?

    yet you have to laugh when you see responses like this... anyways, its like fishing, dont wait to set the line too long or she'll spit the bait out, one day of ignoring is enough, especially when she tries to contact you frantically like she did... go back in and ask for a favor! lol
  11. D

    How do i get girls to stop rejecting me because I'm short

    well then although you feel confident it might not come off that way? you have to prove and show that your confident! like my previous post, one way is through persistence... Its like writing class, my professor always was saying "dont tell me, show me!" Show me how this character feels...
  12. D

    How do i get girls to stop rejecting me because I'm short

    yea now that u mention it, my senior year (2yrs ago) one of the shortest guys in school was dating the prom queen and all the girls liked him... lol funny how that works out...
  13. D

    FR: Lunch set.

    dont take that anger out on me, im prolly the only protecting this FR... lol
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    I need some cute stories.

    and thats someone you dont want to be around you...
  15. D

    How do i get girls to stop rejecting me because I'm short

    well whats the typical rejection for you? you ask them out and they say "no, you're too short" ?? but for starters be persistent... even if they reject you, dont cower and walk away with your tail tucked between your legs... keep going at it, show them have funny you are and how much fun they...
  16. D

    FR: Lunch set.

    like i said earlier... c'mon guys even if he is lying you must have fun feedin him...
  17. D

    Annoyed when women call me by my last name

    plz dont tell me ur nickname is onyx... lol
  18. D

    I need some cute stories.

    LMAO! even if thats not a story u offered up im going to use it as one... I laughed so hard my roommates came to see what was soo
  19. D

    Need a Little Advice

    I dont see the point in not continuing to push this? why not you have nothing to lose right? unless you just want her as a friend so u can get help with your homework... but if I read it correctly if shes trying get to workout with you (im assuming the gym) then you should totally go for it...
  20. D

    FR: Approached a girl afterschool.

    So anyways this one does seem a little stand off-ish stud, and how little do you know, a chick will more than take a swing at you because they can get away with it! but i suppose your still in HS and need to learn more about the REAL world...