Annoyed when women call me by my last name


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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In my circle of friends, I tend to get called by my last name. Unfortunately, being referred to by my last name so much as carried over to the female members of the group and some others as well. I would much rather go by my first name. I feel like when I'm called by my first name I am taken more seriously and probably more attractive to that person.

Am I wrong to feel this way and to have this hunch? Or should I embrace being called by my last name? I mean, it's not a silly nickname or something, just the second half of my birth name. I really just don't like it though. Feedback is appreciaited...


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
North Jersey
yoo smitty!

If I were you I'd rather be called by my first name....but I'll tell you this: I have a few friends named Smith, and I call every one of them Smitty. It just sort of happens! Sorry!

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Smith quit being a baby. What's so bad about being called Smith. At least your last name isn't Buttram.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
tsmith2334 said:
In my circle of friends, I tend to get called by my last name. Unfortunately, being referred to by my last name so much as carried over to the female members of the group and some others as well. I would much rather go by my first name. I feel like when I'm called by my first name I am taken more seriously and probably more attractive to that person.

Am I wrong to feel this way and to have this hunch? Or should I embrace being called by my last name? I mean, it's not a silly nickname or something, just the second half of my birth name. I really just don't like it though. Feedback is appreciaited...

I go through exactly the same thing. I have a last name that people seem to like to say and it is a "very flowing" last name. I have no problem when guys call me that, but I hear you about the girls. I get irked when women call me by my last name as well, especially the ones I find attractive.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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The Sperminator said:
Smith quit being a baby. What's so bad about being called Smith. At least your last name isn't Buttram.
ah that made me laugh out loud. nothing wrong with my last name, just prefer to go by my first name... hearing people call me by my last name sounds so juvenile
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
my best friend is known more by his last name than his first
its crazy , we can talk about him by his first name and people would be like WTF? but then as soon as we mention his last name they all say ohhhhh him . I use to be called by my last name in ahistroy class my teadher was an ex football coach , I kinda liked it , it sounds like your important or your part of something. but those are my opinions


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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My last name is also a girls first name. It's not a common name but it is still a girls name. Nobody calls me by my last name unless there is a Mr. in front of it.


Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
I have been called by my last name my whole life, I take it as a compliment, when women call me by my last name, normally want to fvck, I wouldn't worry about it all, In fact I think its a good thing, take it as she is confortable talking to you, and the fact that it has caried over from your friends to girls means somebody was talking about you with those girls, chances are it was a good thing otherwise she wouldn't talk to you. you got bigger things to worry about, seriously


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Just tell them you prefer being called "Agent Smith."

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
I've always found in my life that when an individual girl calls me by my last name, it indicates huge attraction. I'm not sure how it works in a group dynamic, however.

I think I can understand how you indicates over-familiarity and a lack of respect. Do you command real respect in your circle, or is this something that needs work?

I think this is the key... to determine if there really is a respect issue. If not, then I would just let it ride. If there is an issue, you must start to enhance your image in order to command respect. Where exactly do you stand on this?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Sun Tzu said:
I've always found in my life that when an individual girl calls me by my last name, it indicates huge attraction. I'm not sure how it works in a group dynamic, however.

I think I can understand how you indicates over-familiarity and a lack of respect. Do you command real respect in your circle, or is this something that needs work?

I think this is the key... to determine if there really is a respect issue. If not, then I would just let it ride. If there is an issue, you must start to enhance your image in order to command respect. Where exactly do you stand on this?
Great post. As for commanding respect among the circle... I could probably do a better job of it... I probably seem a little timid and like a bit of a follower... I do feel liked amongst them however, and ultimately respected (for the most part).

As for where I stand on it, I only speak up when I am introduced to somebody else by my last name... I shake the individual's hand and tell them my first name instead, making a correction in other words

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
That correction is good.

Do you look your friends in the eye or do you tend to look down or away? I would work on that if it's an issue.

Here's another tip that will help you to command respect: Be sure to end most conversations yourself. In other words, if you're on the phone, you be the one who has to go. In person, try to develop a slight "aloofness" in your interactions, conveying that you're your own man and can take or leave that particular interaction. Be the one to end that particular interaction. You will start to look like a leader.

This will serve two purposes. First, it will give yo a feeling of control and confidence, and second, it will start to subtly train them to perceive you as a man who is to be respected.

It's a fine balance that you need to find. Don't be totally aloof...rather, let there be a slight hint of it. Remember, you are your own man, and you are to be respected.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Sun Tzu said:
That correction is good.

Do you look your friends in the eye or do you tend to look down or away? I would work on that if it's an issue.

Here's another tip that will help you to command respect: Be sure to end most conversations yourself. In other words, if you're on the phone, you be the one who has to go. In person, try to develop a slight "aloofness" in your interactions, conveying that you're your own man and can take or leave that particular interaction. Be the one to end that particular interaction. You will start to look like a leader.

This will serve two purposes. First, it will give yo a feeling of control and confidence, and second, it will start to subtly train them to perceive you as a man who is to be respected.

It's a fine balance that you need to find. Don't be totally aloof...rather, let there be a slight hint of it. Remember, you are your own man, and you are to be respected.
Thanks, that just helped me out in my own circle.


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
NO girl would ever treat me like that. I am so dominating and masculine that their only concern is what will I say to THEM. They know that at some point I will (1) laugh at them (2) yell or scream about something (3) laugh at them some more. This makes them work extra hard in winning my approval.

I don't even listen to what girls say around me. Sometimes I just start laughing at them for no reason. I just find them funny. They look at me. I look at them and laugh. I usually make a derogatory comment about their skin. Skin is a weak point with most of them. What is good skin? How the f*** should I know! I do know that every girl thinks she has poor skin. I just let them know that it is even worse than they feared.

Funniest thing is that most members of the opposite sex seem to call me Sir. Even those that look a lot older than me. Even men who look twice as old as me have started calling me Sir. Before I changed I was called "Bro", "Dude", or my least favorite - "Buddy". I was even called these names by the losers who work in grocery stores. Now I laugh at those vile dogs. I constantly tease them as they perform jobs that they never dreamed of having back when they were scoring touchdowns in high school. If they are stacking shelves I pretend to hand them a can. As they reach for it I quickly place it on the ground out of their reach. God, I get a good feeling when I do that. I guess you know where I am going in a few hours.

My point? Your best defense is a scary a** offense. They disrespect you because they can. Simple as that. They are the lowest.

For the haters:
I get results - you hate me. Remember that.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Be glad, man. At lest you've got a good last name. My friend from high school had the same problem. Only his last name was Stump. Everybody at school knew him as Stump.

Didn't exactly do a lot for his sex life.

DJ Wrangler

Don Juan
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
San Luis Obispo, CA
Sun Tzu said:
That correction is good.

Do you look your friends in the eye or do you tend to look down or away? I would work on that if it's an issue.

Here's another tip that will help you to command respect: Be sure to end most conversations yourself. In other words, if you're on the phone, you be the one who has to go. In person, try to develop a slight "aloofness" in your interactions, conveying that you're your own man and can take or leave that particular interaction. Be the one to end that particular interaction. You will start to look like a leader.

This will serve two purposes. First, it will give yo a feeling of control and confidence, and second, it will start to subtly train them to perceive you as a man who is to be respected.

It's a fine balance that you need to find. Don't be totally aloof...rather, let there be a slight hint of it. Remember, you are your own man, and you are to be respected.
Haha and it just helped me with the people at my work! And like you Smith (only calling u that because i dont know your real name..) I feel "liked" there...

Being in football during high school im used to being called by my last name, and not just by my coaches, my high school buddies still call me by it, and those that learn it i try to get them to call me by it. I believe I have a rather dominating last name, its very strong, and i think it helps portray myself especially when they see my nature/mannerism etc etc...

Just remember you need to be the comfortable one, and if it makes you uncomfortable, let them know, not directly of course, that might come off stand-off-ish...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
I'm known by my nickname, alot of people don't even know my real name