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  1. D

    How do I recover from this myspace message?

    Ok so I start talking to this girl on myspace and everything starts off well until I screw up somewhere in the middle and in the end when I ask to hang out way to soon. I hav'nt messaged this girl in over a week in hopes of reseting everything so I can start all over despite the fact im in...
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    Where to bring women?

    It might be an option to go to her house I hav'nt tried it yet, but I find that it be alot easier if she came back to my place if there was'nt so many people in the house. I considered the car but I am afraid of getting caught, isnt there a law against having sex in the car? (dont they charge...
  3. D

    Where to bring women?

    I live at home with my parents and family and it be really wrong for me to bring back HB's to my house to have sex? What can I do to solve this issue, I have taught of renting hotels out but that is way to obvious and awkward unless your already dating the girls or you're throwing a party thats...
  4. D

    How long to get good natural style?

    I can relate to what your saying, ive always felt that when I go in I have to attract and now with natural its like you go in and if you think about attracting her your finished because you get in your head which is what happened to me. When I opened it went well but then after that I sat there...
  5. D

    How long to get good natural style?

    I have had nights where im on but I was using routines on those nights. My major sticking point with natural would be holding attraction where as with routine based this was not a problem. The sets were just not interested in what I had to say I felt like I was taking value instead of giving...
  6. D

    How long to get good natural style?

    Yea I already have that program thats why I decided to transition into natural game and it was a disaster I want to figure out how long it will take to become good with natural game.
  7. D

    How long to get good natural style?

    I recently dropped all routine game and have decided to be completly natural going into sets with nothing on my mind and so far its been horrible. I go blank like crazy and my mind starts to scatter for routines but I force myself not to. There are tons of awkward moments when I go in without...
  8. D

    Can a top PUA really get ANY girl?

    I think Mystery and TD can pull 99% of the time.
  9. D

    Is this true?

    I think what happens with some women is they get into a relationship with a guy after they have sex with the guy and then the guy totally changes by calling her frequently and just being real needy and the relationship ends but he continues to try to get her by calling frequently, so I think to...
  10. D

    Is this true?

    What do you mean by openly? (her inviting you to isolated locations, calling you frequently)
  11. D

    How long can you play with her for?

    How long can you keep sexual tension going with her over a period of time? Does she get more obseive if you dont give it to her because your playing with her?
  12. D

    Is this true?

    That some girls will put off having sex with a guy they really want because they dont want it to be just a one night stand?
  13. D

    mixed signals/kino in this situation?

    By light kino I mean she starts talking about how cold it is outside but her hands are so warm. So I say my hands are real cold let me see your hand she puts handout I touch lightly but normally for 2 secs but she backs away before I could. This happens twice once later, then while walking I...
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    mixed signals/kino in this situation?

    I am gunna try to play it hard to get and see what happens this girl is LTR material real cool personality and hot.
  15. D

    mixed signals/kino in this situation?

    If you go out with a girl and she doesnt respond well to simple kino but shows tons of IOI's and opens up for rapport during a period of three hours and laughs during attraction, does that mean there is a chance or has she decided its not going further then friends? I sense mixed signals how...
  16. D

    Girlfriend has a VERY close male friend.

    I never got why girls date guys for breif periods of time like that but I would like to find out.
  17. D

    Value/phone scenerio?

    I called this girl back who so far has anwsered every phone call I made to her even if there are days that I call her twice (today) when I called her I was bizzy when I called her later she was bizzy unfortunetly she was at a party and was being distracted. As soon as she anwsered I began...
  18. D

    Value/phone scenerio?

    I have noticed that there are times when I call a girl and she is either at a party or really bizzy and attempts to cut the conversation does this drop my value in anyway? If I end the call before she does by saying I gotta go first is my value still effected? Is value lowered even if she...
  19. D

    Is game recycled?

    day 2
  20. D

    Is game recycled?

    After there is a comfort and connection developed between both people after D2 what do you do next time you speak to her do you have to start all over with attraction qualification comfort ect....