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  1. D

    Dealing with controlling women?

    What are some effective ways to deal with controlling women?
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    Address but no number?

    I met this girl and she didnt have a phone number at the moment but she gave me her address instead, she lives with her parents. Should I go stop by her house yes or no? Downside I dont like talking to parents if they anwser it feels weird. Thanks
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    Gaming and drinking

    I hear the harry potter stuff is used a lot by the people from RSD. Oh and it was real fun but I dont think I could get laid when im trashed like that I remember asking a girl where she was from like 3 times, I did manage to get some girls number at the party but unfortunetly I entered in to...
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    Gaming and drinking

    I have been so pissed off at the fact that AA is preventing me from opening sometimes and if I open I usually forget what to do next and end up going blank even if I have a list of lines and routines. Well last night I got plasterd at a college costume house party last night, the party had about...
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    The aftermath of the "Mystery Method" and "The Pickup Artist"

    The funny thing is that all the guys that will be taking the Mystery workshops will be wasting there money (5grand-10grand) because the MM will not work anymore due to all content being used by to many people, the only methods that will work will be natural game methods/direct methods. I...
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    The aftermath of the "Mystery Method" and "The Pickup Artist"

    But really man how many people actually read books? This show is 100 times more harmful than a book, and if there is a movie that comes out then forget it this community wont be the same, it will just open doors for people to make new ways to game or instead of "negs" we will have to use...
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    Interesting article on men who have deep voice

    Yes I to have been trying to improve this but I feel so akward when I speak louder, I dont want people around me to hear what im saying I only want the set im opening to hear, Why? I dont know.
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    The girl was a fatty.
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    Good call
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    Interesting article on men who have deep voice
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    Did you guys notice how expensive matadors bootcamps are? He wants 4 grand for a bootcamp, for 4 grand I can get 2 bootcamps one with rsd and one with juggler, I can only imagine how much a bootcamp is with Mystery I think I saw once on venusian arts it was like 10 grand or something and the...
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    I subcribe to venusianarts emails and I got one today and I laughed my ass off when I read this: P.S. If *YOU* want to become as good as Brady or Kosmo, it's time to apply for a Venusian Arts Backstage Pass before they are all gone... and learn from Mystery & Matador, just like Fred...
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    I am still shocked at the fact that they cant PU ugly chicks did anyone notice all the ugly *****es in the show, these guys are getting rejected by "whales". I was going to say that if one of these guys were smart they would just go talk to women they are not afraid of screwing up with just to...
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    Dude the girls these guys are talking to are ugly as hell I have yet to see a 9 or 10 hell I havnt even seen an 8 yet, these guys have no game an AFC using regular interveiw AFC PU can get better results then them just buy talking to average looking women. Did anyone seriously look at the women...
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    According to TD "However I still recommend training with Erik as it is an invaluable resource."
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    I dont really give a **** about what qualities the girl has because im looking for lay's so I figured all qualification is the same but I guess im wrong if I am looking to get a quick lay I will have to qualify with something small and light like " hey what kind of music do you listen to?"...
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    When it comes time to qualify the girl I end up blowing myself out like for example a coule days ago I went to a frat party and I was gaming three asian girls and I was getting tons of IOI's and then it was time to qualify so I asked them if they know how to cook and then I said in a joking...
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    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    I want Kosmo to win the other guys look like nerds, Kosmo just has to fix his approach anxiety and he will do great.
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    How important is qualifying the target is it neccessary? What are some good qualification techniques? Thanks
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    Spoke to a natural

    Lol well i figured that but if you ask any natural they say the same thing you just gotta bull**** and I never really got that.