Gaming and drinking


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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I have been so pissed off at the fact that AA is preventing me from opening sometimes and if I open I usually forget what to do next and end up going blank even if I have a list of lines and routines. Well last night I got plasterd at a college costume house party last night, the party had about 100 people and I got so drunk that I spoke to every single person at the party and made a fool of myself.

I amoged/****blocked every guy there, every girl I tryed to talk to I could not keep track of my threads I was blabbering randome stuff about how I contain the nimbus within, harry potter is my uncle, I chased some girl around the party with a rubber bannana and a bunch of other stuff that randomly poped into my head at the time.

I was working the entire room with zero AA but I was just a dancing monkey, I ended up leaving the party with a big group of people and the girl I walked with I was so hammered I couldnt even ask for her number. I had a friendly argument with a man dressed as borat and a guy dressed as a gangbanger about the the color of a tie borat wears in the movie for over an hour at a nearby restaurant, everyone was staring at us lol.

Today I feel like ****, I am not improving my game im making myself look like an idiot. I cant believe or even remember last night, but I do remember being the life of the party, all eyes were on me. Just picture that drunk guy who walks up to everyone with hardcore slurred speech, I was him.

Lets compare me being drunk vs sober when im sober I might approach a couple sets with some stacked material but im very queit and somewhat shy, if I open naturally without stacked material I will go blank real fast, because all I can think of is interveiw style questions at that moment. Now when I get drunk I open everyone no matter who they are and the conversation's go nowhere also because my speech is slurred I talk about retarted things and no-one takes me seriously, there is no way I could get laid when im drunk, I am the perfect example of a dancing monkey when im drunk I try entertaining everyone and everyone is entertained.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
domino said:
I amoged/****blocked every guy there, every girl I tryed to talk to I could not keep track of my threads I was blabbering randome stuff about how I contain the nimbus within, harry potter is my uncle, I chased some girl around the party with a rubber bannana and a bunch of other stuff that randomly poped into my head at the time.
LMAOOOO that gave me a good laugh, sorry but that's hilarious!

Just do what I do; get buzzed. That way, you'll still be conscious but you'll get rid a lot of your anxiety.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
What are you complaining about? That sounds like an awesome party in my book...getting sh!tfaced and chasing girls around with rubber bananas and whatnot. Having fun should come first. :rockon:

But yeah, no girl is going to take you seriously when you're trashed. Every guy there hits on even the ugly girls when they're drunk.

And I would drop the Harry Potter stuff like a bad habit.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
MooseGod said:
What are you complaining about? That sounds like an awesome party in my book...getting sh!tfaced and chasing girls around with rubber bananas and whatnot. Having fun should come first. :rockon:

But yeah, no girl is going to take you seriously when you're trashed. Every guy there hits on even the ugly girls when they're drunk.

And I would drop the Harry Potter stuff like a bad habit.
I hear the harry potter stuff is used a lot by the people from RSD.

Oh and it was real fun but I dont think I could get laid when im trashed like that I remember asking a girl where she was from like 3 times, I did manage to get some girls number at the party but unfortunetly I entered in to many digits, so yea.