mixed signals/kino in this situation?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
If you go out with a girl and she doesnt respond well to simple kino but shows tons of IOI's and opens up for rapport during a period of three hours and laughs during attraction, does that mean there is a chance or has she decided its not going further then friends? I sense mixed signals how should I pursue this type of situation? Kino was very light hand touching (contact is made but briefly because she backs away within seconds) and shoulder bumping light stuff like that.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
I'm not an expert in this area but here's my take. She's either not a touchy feely person and is interested (as demononstrated by IOI's). Or she's borderline interested and is aware of what is goin on and is waiting a little longer to judge if she is willing to move forward with you.

Now for my advice, it isn't rocket science and is probably what another poster called typical robot response. Set up another date and make your move. However I'd wait till later in the date to try build further rapport and attraction. I'd hold off on tryiin to initiate kino as well until you've developed more attraction in the date because you don't want to put her in the negative mindset where she backs away from you.

If you fail to make progress on your next outing, then I'd assume I was in the FZ and move on.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
I am gunna try to play it hard to get and see what happens this girl is LTR material real cool personality and hot.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
I'll be honest, I can't say as though I've come across girls that are truly interested and recoil at light kino. I even use light kino I people I don't even know that well, hand on the shoulder briefly, etc, and don't usually get a negative response.

Are you sure your kino is light and appropriate? I could see an interested girl pulling away a little if you're too aggressive, but more detail would be need here.

And it could be what McAvoy said, but I reiterate-if there are, as you say, tons of IOIs, and there is attraction-and the kino is not aggressive-this is a new one for me.

FYI- too much kino is a DLV to woman. It absolutely can backfire, I have had it happen to me, even with mild kino. So make sure you don't do it too much.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
By light kino I mean she starts talking about how cold it is outside but her hands are so warm. So I say my hands are real cold let me see your hand she puts handout I touch lightly but normally for 2 secs but she backs away before I could. This happens twice once later, then while walking I attept to bump shoulders while joking around and girl has no reaction keeps talking, then while sitting down (across from 1 another) I attempt to touch her leg with mine by spreading my legs wide apart to take up more space she moves legs away to give me more room. There is a quick hug when she leaves but thats normal all girls do that. Some IOI's I noticed mainly during rapport were her leaning in closer while she spoke, touching hair briefly (X3), laughing at jokes that were not real funny, rubbing legs.