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  1. T

    How many of you shave 'down there'?

    if its your first time it wont hurt but it'll itch for a few days.. (only if you did it for the first time)
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    Continue the Sentence using 3 words....

    for those stuffed
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    What you should do when shes mad

    Sometimes my gf gets mad and i would say "well SUCK IT UP" and she get a lil madder and say "SHUT UP" but then she cant help but laugh and playfully hit me a few times and act childish and call me names but after this playfulness everything is fine
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    Winning back a girl

    o i didnt read this part lol. hmmm do you see her often? like classmate? if thats the case maybe if u act like it didnt affect you or nothing happened at all you'll get her confused. Since you wrote the letter she will think that you will pour your heart out again next time you see her but you...
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    Winning back a girl

    I get cranky and lost my cool a few times in similar situations and i do believe getting some sleep would help with the self control. Try lifting some weights, do a few heavy set. IT will help put you to sleep. :D It works pretty well. As for her. I'd say start back in square one like you...
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    Is She Looking... Test!

    You ever yawned in a classroom and cause a chain reaction. I've have seen these chain reaction happen its pretty funny, although i wasn't the one who started it, and wouldn't it be a great feeling to have 5 girls yawn after you've just unconsciously yawned.
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    need instant help!!!!

    How old is she? pay no attention to what she is saying now, people change ... she could be saying this now but once she gets a little older and she has gotten herself into the game and she might like it so much that she goes out ... before i lose myself and type pages of what could happen, lets...
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    Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?"

    LOL i'd use it
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    Watch out for these types of girls, psycho girls do exist

    Think of brad pitt (ladies man) and angelina jolie (borderline personality). Mr pitt isnt doing so well from what i've heard. Psychologists haven't diagnosis Angelina jolie with Borderline personality yet, but many psychologists do believe she has borderline personality. you may be able to find...
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    Is there a such thing as a female friend?

    I agree with chrizZ or those you pretends to be friends with because you need the answers to your chemistry hw or she has so much hot friends or she works somewhere where she can give you discounts... you get the idea.
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    Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?"

    Show me what you got and i'll think about it.
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    "I love you" coming up soon - what is the best response?

    For those who have been with in a LTR say 2 yrs and you already said i love you back, there is one to throw in. Her: I love you (looking at you with a smile expecting an "i love you" back) Me: Thank you (look and smile) Her: (eyes widen, caught unexpectingly thinking oh no he didn't just not...
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    need to handle guys hitting on your girl in front of you

    what if the gf wants to go to the bar with her friends and claims that she wanted to go just to drink with her friends only and nothing else?