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  1. C

    Did I Inadvertently Tease This Girl?

    Exactly. I'm starting to believe one of the biggest traps guys fall into is macking on girls they are not genuinely interested in.
  2. C

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Because you will encounter way more average girls than hot ones.
  3. C

    How to AMOG male competitions- Field tested and works everytime

    To be honest, I've never quite liked these amog tactics. Why should I have to tool some dude who is showing a genuine interest in a chick? I hate to parrot particular PUA's so much, but you guys need to read up on Juggler.
  4. C

    Being Bitter.

    You guys need to stop, take a deep breath and listen to Francisco. He's giving out some grade A advice. Also a lot of people tend to base their beliefs on only a handful of experiences. Unless one has hit on and interacted with hundreds of different girls you can't even begin to come to any...
  5. C

    Sick and tired of competing for girls

    Okay, I'm no guru, I'm still learning myself but I can tell you from field experience what I've learned. If you want to be more social, you have more social. There's no e-book to read or DVD you can watch to gain great social skills. You just have to get outside your comfort zone and...
  6. C

    Sick and tired of competing for girls

    The correct answer is work on your social skills. Woman are social creatures. The whole point of the DJ bible, the Mystery Method and various other seduction sources is to demonstrate social value. If you really want to compete in these situations you need to work on your social skills.
  7. C

    Boot Camp for The Mature Man

    So I'm starting the boot camp tommorrow. 50 hi's in a week? I'm on it. I'll be posting to keep you guys up to date.
  8. C

    Using direct game on groups of women

    Just walking up and expressing genuine interest in one particular girl. But I guess you are just going to have to accomodate her friends before her.
  9. C

    Using direct game on groups of women

    I've been making the transition to a more natural direct game. The only problem is using it on a group of women. The times I've done it the friend/friends had ****blocked me. At times I was able to overcome it but is there any real solution?
  10. C

    Mic. Fiend's 50 Approaches Journal - Feeback Wanted

    Exactly. Microphone fiend, you need to start being more direct with your approaches. Read some gunwitch.
  11. C

    Something to Point Out

    Your argument has no merit because you have no real evidence. You're referring to a hypothetical scenario which you may have never even witnessed. If you want to build a better argument cite real life examples and experiences. Even if you're right how is this improving your life? Will it...
  12. C

    Something to Point Out

    A)You're making leaps in logic. B)What are you trying to prove?
  13. C

    how to love them and leave them better then we found them?

    If I'm reading you correctly you don't want to be a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" but you also aren't looking for a prospective wife. You want a string of meaningful relationships that all end at a high point, right?