Something to Point Out


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I think a lot of people on this site are mistaking sexual attraction for other things.. you guys agree?

For example.. when a chick watches a commericial for instance.. and sees some guy and gets horny.. uh wtf did the guy do?

Yeah exactly.. nothing. That's why I think a lot of pick-up or dj stuff really has nothing to do with attraction and just filler for conversations or something.. you guys think this too?

I dunno.. just a thought.

It's just something to think about.. I mean this stuff is a lot less complicated then most think IMO. Girls get horny from seeing guys, no? Nothing more.

Your thoughts?


New Member
Aug 31, 2006
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It definitely is a lot less complicated than a lot of people make it out to be. Some threads I've read here make it seem like you're going to war when you approach chicks and although the advice they give is good for the most part, sometimes its way too much and it just really overcomplicates things when you have all these methods that you're trying to consciously follow.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah.. but I mean.. these gurus can just sell whatever as the secret to sexual attaction to confused guys when all the guys coulda done in the first place is clean up and try to get laid.

I mean.. why would something natural that girls feel for any random peice of sh!t be such a complicated secret that can only be told in a book? I mean everybody has their method for trying to get laid but I mean really as far as attraction goes.. uh no secrets there. She wants d!ck.

I dunno just some logic there that a lot of people seem to overlook for some reason. I mean no girl is gonna fvck you for the sole reason of having a d!ck.. but that does not mean she won't want it if you look good enough.

Just wondering why people overlook basic stuff.

Cpt Caveman

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
I think a lot of people on this site are mistaking sexual attraction for other things.. you guys agree?

For example.. when a chick watches a commericial for instance.. and sees some guy and gets horny.. uh wtf did the guy do?

Yeah exactly.. nothing. That's why I think a lot of pick-up or dj stuff really has nothing to do with attraction and just filler for conversations or something.. you guys think this too?

I dunno.. just a thought.

It's just something to think about.. I mean this stuff is a lot less complicated then most think IMO. Girls get horny from seeing guys, no? Nothing more.

Your thoughts?
A)You're making leaps in logic.

B)What are you trying to prove?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
A) What?

B) To disprove the fact that sexual attraction has something other to do then with the physical senses.

Cpt Caveman

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
Your argument has no merit because you have no real evidence. You're referring to a hypothetical scenario which you may have never even witnessed. If you want to build a better argument cite real life examples and experiences.

Even if you're right how is this improving your life? Will it help you catch better z's?


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
A) What?

B) To disprove the fact that sexual attraction has something other to do then with the physical senses.

I really don't get why some of you here feel the need to disprove or confirm that sexual attraction has a lot to do with physical appearance. Worst thing to do is to ask guys about it. Sure, some guys may have a lot of insight due to their many encounters and conversations with women. But you have to first identify these guys and ask them directly about it and understand what they have come to realize. However, the best thing to do is get yourself those encounters and conversations with women and understand what it is that makes them sexually attracted to guys. Don't misunderstand me on this though. I'm not advocating accepting whatever it is they say. You've got to have some wisdom here to decipher what is honest and what is convoluted. If you can't have a friendly relationship with a girl in such a manner, then you better have excellent observational skills. In either case, you have to surround yourself with girls consistently. Otherwise, you can go on and on talking about it with guys and I bet it won't get you anywhere.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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JonJack said:
I really don't get why some of you here feel the need to disprove or confirm that sexual attraction has a lot to do with physical appearance. Worst thing to do is to ask guys about it. Sure, some guys may have a lot of insight due to their many encounters and conversations with women. But you have to first identify these guys and ask them directly about it and understand what they have come to realize. However, the best thing to do is get yourself those encounters and conversations with women and understand what it is that makes them sexually attracted to guys. Don't misunderstand me on this though. I'm not advocating accepting whatever it is they say. You've got to have some wisdom here to decipher what is honest and what is convoluted. If you can't have a friendly relationship with a girl in such a manner, then you better have excellent observational skills. In either case, you have to surround yourself with girls consistently. Otherwise, you can go on and on talking about it with guys and I bet it won't get you anywhere.

Unfortunately there are a lot of guys on here who have this obsession with looks who have obviously never had challenging, if any at all, experiences with women.

No guy here has the female perspective, as a matter of fact there is a reason why the older posts say not to listen to the female perspective anyways. This perspective is ever changing, emotional, and misleading. Most of the posts of this nature are in the same vain and really dont add anything to the over all nature of this site.

bvbidd you managed to completely misinterpret everything this site is about. There is a ton of FREE information on this site and several others, not stuff that anyone is trying to sell you. Your claims are obscene at the least, anyone with any experience with girls at all realizes that getting a girl horny takes much more than looks.

Your in denial of why you cant pick girls up and as long as you continue with that attitude you wont get better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Oh, it takes much more than looks for sure. But not by being C&F or anything. lol I'm not in fvcking denial, I'm just wasting time on the net and occasionally looking for answers, and a lot given are not.

It's still by the physical senses kino(touch)+ voice(hearing) + looks(sight) + smells good(smell) etc

I'm not claiming to be a fvcking pimp, but to get her horny the above is all I ever see happening. The rest seems to be up in the your head.

I've talked about this stuff with girls.. it's nothing more than the above. SEXUALLY. The rest is just social status etc, nothing to do with getting them horny or not.