Did I Inadvertently Tease This Girl?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
I think part of becoming successful in seduction involves being a social person in general. For example, I go to the shoe store recently and chat up the entire staff. There's one girl in there in particular who I thought was very sweet, a little shy and we chit chat for a while. She had been checking me out, looking up at me with her head down, you know the bit.

We talk about some clubs. (Actually, I brought this up, and in retrospect, perhaps bringing this topic up could be interpreted as me being flirty) and she says she doesn't go to "certain" clubs with a "certain" reputation. (She's smiling, so I guess this is the first tip off, but I'm clueless that way). But guess what? Surprise, surprise, I see her a couple weeks later at that "certain" club with a "certain" reputation. I thought this was kinda strange, as I thought she didn't go to those places, so I avoided speaking to her at this club. We both saw each other, but didn't speak.

I see her again at the store, and she is cold as ice. I mean, really to the point of being rude. Snide little insults, a lot of attitude. The sweet girl was gone. The ice b1tch appears.

I guess I should not have taken her statements at face value? Did I inadvertently tease her or lead her on?



Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
didn't you know... as man you're suppose to be psychic when it comes to women. :crackup:

1) you definitely did the wrong thing by not saying hello at the club. i mean, that's just rude. if you knew some guy from work or something and saw him you'd pop over and say hi - so regardless of coicidence or not you dropped the ball

2) it probably wasn't a coincidence. the telling factor would be whether she smiled at you at the club, or made sure to catch your line of sight a few times. if she did that, then she was there for you.

anyway, given her reaction afterwards, two things can be concluded...

1) she's pretty immature
2) she feels that you rejected her

how do i suggest reacting to this situation?

as you would any situations regarding women - IGNORE HER BEHAVIOR AND CARRY ON AS YOU WERE.

this is partly an unconscious sh*t test on her part. just ignore her little tantrum and continue on being hte charming nice guy you have been. her emotions will calm back down and she'll set her sights on you again. or if shes a messed up chic, she'll go find some bad boy to sodomize her as a way of getting back at you (oh i know, makes zero sense, but chics do that stuff)



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
She said specifically that she didn't go to X club. Then, you mention that you go there and suddenly she shows up at X club... that she doesn't go to? Did it occur to you that she went there hoping to bump into you?

And you didn't talk to her? :eek:

Then again, she didn't talk to you, either. Heck, if she went out of the way to go to the club, she should've finished what she started by talking to you. I think she's upset because she wussed out.

Bottom line: don't worry about it either way.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
You should have went to talk to her at the club and teased her azz off then. That way it increases the IL on her part.

If she is really a shy/nice girl, she might have been embarrassed, hence the coldness at work the next time you seen her. No big deal though, just chat her up again.

She could have also been having a bad day at work. There are so many factors that are unknown, unless you make a move, you'll always wonder.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, no worries. I went to the store again today. Her eyes bugged out, mouth open, smiling. She started giving me grief again: "oooh, here he is again! this is trouble!" but this time with a smile.

I started busting her on her big time, saying she was pms-ing, let's hope she doesn't have kids, she's your worst employee, yada yada yada. She was laughing, enjoying it. She paid me a compliment here and there among her barbs.

I'm not really into her on a sexual level, but this just goes to show you how emotionally "variable" women can be. They feel like they can completely disregard their job and react on a personal, emotional level to anything. It's like they believe themselves unaccountable somehow. I'm not complaining, it's just an observation.

Conclusion: take sassiness and anger, and just emotionally random behavior in general as an IOI. All this means is: "pay more attention to me."



Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not really into her on a sexual level
Then, why are you wasting your time with all these drama?

And she likes you. Even when she was acting up...she likes you. The fact that she went to that club that you said you frequent...that ALONE could be an indication that she wanted to see you.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
NorPacWolf said:
...I see her a couple weeks later at that "certain" club with a "certain" reputation. I thought this was kinda strange, as I thought she didn't go to those places, so I avoided speaking to her at this club. We both saw each other, but didn't speak.

I see her again at the store, and she is cold as ice. I mean, really to the point of being rude. Snide little insults, a lot of attitude. The sweet girl was gone. The ice b1tch appears.

I guess I should not have taken her statements at face value? Did I inadvertently tease her or lead her on?

For all you know, she might have been on a crappy date with some a$$hole who dragged her to that club, just begging for you to come over and rescue her. Then what do you do... you ignore her? No wonder she turned into an ice queen.

Never assume, it makes an A$$ of YOU and only YOU!



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, it's not like I'm massively attracted to this girl. What surprised me is I haven't seen her in MONTHS. And she's still got attitude? That struck me as strange. In such situations, these girls are just trying to fight their attraction when they are unsure about how the guy feels.


Cpt Caveman

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
Then, why are you wasting your time with all these drama?

I'm starting to believe one of the biggest traps guys fall into is macking on girls they are not genuinely interested in.