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  1. H

    is it a hint?

    dont ever say that you WILL call her...drop a maybe in there. firstly it doesnt lock u in and secondly you wont seem desperate.
  2. H

    Shapoopie's Golden Key to Kino

    A brilliantly true post. It hits home on many levels and it also applies to many aspects of your game. After all, if you treat them as just friends that you have an interest (therefore not put so much pressure on yourself), stuff like kino becomes second nature. Great post and keep up the good...
  3. H

    new school--small tight knit classes

    In my opinion, you should try to spread your network as far and wide as possible within all of these tightly knit groups. Firstly, befriend one of the most inviting amongst them. Make sure not to seem desperate or needy, show that you genuinely want to be their friend. You will be eventually...
  4. H

    who brings up sex? man or woman?

    i think that it's easier to have have conversations about sex if it is established early in the relationship as a non-taboo topic. when it comes to who brings it up, I dont think that it really matters, if you have read her right, if you bring it up, you shouldn't be met with resistance...
  5. H

    Number closing

    I see your point Shezz, asking for an email first is for those who are starting out. I never chat to a girl before meeting up with them for the second time. If you refer to my example posted, you will see that I got the number before the email. The day 2 went very well today and I had just...
  6. H

    Number closing

    It is similar to David D. I think that alot of people do not understand how effective and easy his method is. Here is an example of what happened yesterday im in an all guys school fyi I went to watch a friend at her debating when i saw someone on the other team that i thought was at least...
  7. H

    Ugly girls can hurt your inner game

    very well said Mission
  8. H

    Number closing

    The idea of getting a phone number has been put on a pedestal by some people our age. This is attributed to many things including movies and information derived from conversations with friends. All of these sources project one false underlying idea that number=pickup. Some people might not agree...
  9. H

    school social coming up

    I am in the exact situation as you RHCP, you dont know these girls, therefore they do not know you. Now, in my opinion, this is a very good thing. For this scenario (social), lets not call it sarging. The girls are there for the same reasons as you. Remember, they paid $10 to go aswell. When...
  10. H

    Active Disinterest vs. Passive Disinterest

    Depending on your intentions (to go out with her or not), you can try different forms of active disinterest. Most schools will have different girls (because of the influence from the seniors) and will therefore require calibrating. Appearing to be unattainable is an effective way to project your...
  11. H

    Ugly girls can hurt your inner game

    IMO, this only applies in co-ed schools. I have studied in both co-ed and single sex schools (i'm in one now) and i have found that UG's from other schools tend not to be as much of an obstacle compared to co-ed schools. Maybe this is just my observation in Australia but i think that it applies...