Ugly girls can hurt your inner game


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Wow how is that possible. That doesn't make sense right.

Wrong. This has happen to me before and to many other DJ's. You see this game was constructed to attract high value girls i.e. hot girls. Ugly girls are usually low value for whatever reason.
And what happens when human see someone with higher value that they can't possible be like or get. They try and bring you down to their level.

I've had ugly girls who had enough balls to try and game me. But I just showed passive disinterest. What did this do. It made them realize I was not going to bother myself with them or even care. One of these girls did something so illogical and stupid that it can only be explained by this theory here.
I was walking up the aisle in class and turn to ask a girl behind the UG a question. And the UG just looks up to tell me shut up. I ask her "was I talking to her?" and she didnt look up or answer. In my math class, I walk over to ask a friend for some help on a problem, the girl next to him tells me its on the board. I say "O thanks." I stand there for a minute looking. And the UG tells me to go sit down in a rude tone. I get pissed and put her in her place with a simple was "I talking to you." She goes on a rant about how I'm rude, even though I never talk to her at all and most people in the class like me. UGs can be a handful.

How can they hurt your inner game. Simple, they are girls too just like HBs. So when you get feedback i.e. a respone on anything, from them and they act rude to you, you might just take their opinion seriously. This was one reason that my confidence was dented earlier in the year.

No girl of high value who is mature will ever just be rude to you for no reason until. Trust me. This is not to say all UGs are going to be rude but just watch out when one is for no real or rather logical reason.

Marvel IQ


Don Juan
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
IMO, this only applies in co-ed schools. I have studied in both co-ed and single sex schools (i'm in one now) and i have found that UG's from other schools tend not to be as much of an obstacle compared to co-ed schools. Maybe this is just my observation in Australia but i think that it applies all over the world. When you start seeing girls outside of the school context, the age old rule applies "HB have HB friends, UG have... etc".

You make a very good point Marvel that "No girl of high value who is mature will ever just be rude to you for no reason". If UG's (in your school) have gotten to you, try meeting new people. You will find that they want the same thing as us (and you wont have to put up with any crap from them).



Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
The UG's are just looking for you to notice them, if you are the **** and lots of people like you, but you ignore the UG's. Then they know they are below you, they wish they had a chance, but since they know they don't they just act rude towards you just so you will even look at them.

If you want to be a truly successful DJ, do not block anyone out, talk to every girl, and every guy, because honestly everyone has something to offer. This does not mean you are going to be friends with them, you are just friendly, people will respect you for it.



Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
I agree in part. If you date one I think it may hurt your game. But for example if you are out on the dance floor and a couple happen to be around you the higher hb's will see it and think "why should they be having fun with him when I'm better looking" and hopefully will try to "steal" you from them.

That doesn't mean to dance in the center of 25 hb1's though... lol.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Ug friends will also try to screw you over badly if your taking away an JB friend. Its almost like theyre the reserve DJ seducing the friend when your not there to turn her against you. Ive never experienced this but I've seen a very severe case with one of my buds where the UG was extremly jealous and did all she could to ruin a relationship


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Not just that but if you'r ever down on your ego enough to try one, you'll just get burnt up worse. Not their fault but if your confidence is low a UG is the last thing you need (just a personal experiance). Even if you do pull it of you'r still setling in your mind's eye as thats the best you can do. And if you dont "cant even do her".

Good post man.