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  1. F

    Pity Sex

    How about a pity reply?
  2. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    > Anyone got any tips? What the hell is happening to me? The fact that I'm forcing myself to do this creates extra anxiety. Maybe the same with you? 2/10 #1 Two girls on a Bus stop, but they weren't paying much attention. #2 Other girl on other bus stop, she was cool but I wasn't...
  3. F

    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    AR ****ing, Version 2 More on Killswitch and AR :: AR ****ing, Version 2 --------------------- I've just read it, but seems gold. ---------------------- This is taken out of the method I am still writing. I know, "a METHOD? Who does this...
  4. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Hi assignment poll

    A lot easier, but it comes and goes. Sometimes I have the persons notice and acknowledge me, other times I still say it off timing and get less reactions. Also today there was this SHB I couldnt say hi to.. well, next time.
  5. F

    erection issues

    Start putting the condoms while hard and alone. Do that every day. When you feel confident about putting the condom alone, and having your **** inside it and hard. It will be easier to do it when it becomes "required". Worked for me. Good luck
  6. F

    When she pops "Are you a virgin?"

    Why would you hide that from her? Many girls have the fantasy of beeing the first of a guy. Most certenaly it will make the whole act more pure, and she will make an effort to put you confortable. My first GF knew she was my first. And my second knew she was my second. Both before sex...
  7. F

    is physical size an issue?

    You said they like you, and that they wont sleep with you because of that. Maybe.. you're a great catch as a PROVIDER! I have a friend of mine with the same issues. You must believe it's natural to go to bed at a certain time. Search on ASF or whatever about how not to become a provider, but...
  8. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    Ok, this afternoon was HARD, may it be a lesson for everyone giving up. It can be done, but it will not be easy. So, I had 2 convos, and this morning I read 10 is enough. Background: This week was hell, there was a festival in my city. I had tryed to talk with some strangers a couple...
  9. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    I feel your pain, however, we can't take this personally. Have you ever been so in your thoughs you can't ear anything around you? Have you ever had someone calling you in the street or somewhere else, until they actually touch you and say "weren't you listening to me?" and you say "oh sorry, I...
  10. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    Ok... I'll edit this post to add my other convos. It's been hell out here, there is a festival and I've been out until late for the past 5 nights. Yes, I make conversation, but again (like with week 1) I only want to count the sober ones. #1 So, 16h I'm going to a parade, start saying Hi to...
  11. F

    beauty is intimidating

    Because you think she has other choices and that those other choices are better. Solution: You must KNOW that you are best choice for her ... or at least make her believe it.
  12. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    To everyone stuck on week 1: Last night I went to buy some drinks before going out. Went to the mall, and started saying Hi to people (*after finishing the assignment *). I counted 7 out of 10 people would look at me and smile sooner or later. 70% IS A HUGE IMPROVEMENT from my initial .. hmm...
  13. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Done! 50/50 Well if I have to tell, I've probably done 100 or more. Decided to count only the chalenging (and sober) ones. Funny thing last night, since I could only count the chalenging ones, and I wanted it all done before midnight, I wen't out to meet some friends but went for a walk before...
  14. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Count 25/50 Ok, last night went out, did the EC, then 5 Hi's. Then started drinking, lost courage or whatever. After a few hours, decided to go home, a bit drunk, started saying Hi to people on the way back, did more 6. Today woke up, and decided to start from zero. Went to the park, 25...
  15. F

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Hi all, Count me in, it's a bit late, but only three days ago did I found this site. I've been lurking other sites for a few months, so lets see how it goes. OceanWindRider I put myself at your mercy. Since I'm a bit late, I'll go out tonight and do the EC, then if I get the guts 10...
  16. F

    She called me another guys name....

    The more you make of it, the more she'll make of it. If you make things like this a problem, you'll have problems. You should have smiled and said "No problem, I've done the same, it happens.". Neither she or you would have though about it. It was no big deal, treat her cool, and if...