Absolutely Revolutionary!!!


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
I cant say more for Killswitches AR awarness theory
It is absolutely incredible
Do you wanna feel differently about life in general immeadiantly........put this stuff into practice, i promise you will FEEL it almost instanly.
It has to do with you awarness radius, what you percieve and pickup and react to in your enviroment. It almost single handedly portrays what kind of person you are without saying a word.

Im not sure why but your anxiety diminishes greatly, your senses are heightened, (music sounds better), your happier, more confident, better body language. People cater to you!!! You are in your own little beautifel bubble, where you are the most important person in the world
You feel like a rockstar, and thats where the state and natural game come from. Combine that with techniques here like CF, Mystery, TD, Gunwitch and you become unstoppable.
ALSO its like if game is no longer your greater concern because you feel so much better about yourself

This stuff is like a drug, its like being drunk except you can think clearly, but the pleasant haze of not having unessesary distarction is the same. Its almost Euphoric. Relaxing, your BL improves uncounsiously, you move slower it is so cool. I **** u not.......I have no idea why it makes you FEEL so good but it does

Look it up at mASF

I am a good looking guy that gets girls randomly without much technique but I battle mild anxiety and depression. I have tried everything from diet, to exercise to other techniques. I never thought Anx.&Dep. could be erased almost completely !!

This stuff is ABSOLUTELY the next level in Gameing. Not just that but life improvement as a whole!!

This feels like the "ONE UNIFYING THEORY". Like in physics, the one theory to unite them all, which exists but has not been found yet. In this state its easy to see where the techniques come from. They come naturally they are not techniques they are a part of you.

Ok im going to get a little religous here to make an analogy. Please try yo see my point. In the Bible Jesus said that he had Two Great Commandments that unify all of the laws in the Bible. In essence, all laws hinge on these two commandments and by following just these two all other laws will be follow automatically. The commandments are:
1. Love the lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind
2. Love your neighbor (your fellow man) as yourself
You see if you love God you wont worship money, greed, hate, ect.
If you love your neighbor you wont steal from him, kill him, ect.
You dont have to think of specific laws to obey them just follow the 2 great commandmentds and all other fall into place.

This is a unifying theory, Its is REVOLUTIONARY and it is what we seek!!
This is the Holy Grail.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont just look into this experiment with it you will see.................
This is powerful stuff
Take Solace in yourself, everything you could ever possible need outside of physical things is directly in your pshyce. This is very empowering. Your mind and emotions are so vast and capable of healing you. They can effect the world around you. Most people never realize or explore themselves fully. They operate at 25%-50% mentally and emotionally because their focus is on the world around them and how they will react to it. Keeping your AR small and close to you enables you to effect the wprld around you not the other way around. When you do focus it on someone, in this case a girl your confidence, presence and power will be intoxicating. People will literally feel you as you live your life.

This stuff is relatively new....I still need to learn more....read more
But I feel it now as if ive stumbled onto the most important personality theory
Now I have to take a exam
I will post links to the theory later.... (or search at mASF = AR theory)


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
it is all about state of mind. I have personally been able to hypnotize and project my though into others brain and girls. when you talk to them you got to focus all your energy and literally " project " it ******ds. it is a huge sexuality release and girls have to fight hard to resist it. if you do this, there is no way they will ever put u in the friends group. you are instinctively put in the lovers group.

You have to be really powerful at it, and your body language has to be supporting it.
but yes my friend, all that bull**** depressoin and anxiety is a combination of physiological and pscyhological crap that you have control over. all it takes is an altered state of mind.

KASH $$$$


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply KHASH
Its just that I am so excited by this stuff
It litterally has the power to change the way you see the world
When you become the center of your universe you are unstoppbale


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
hello brothas, a link would be a might helpful

Its not every day a "holy grail" comes along and I doubt until I experience my friends.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score

"BY KILLSWICH on mASF board Advanced section"

here some ill post more
wow this is kind of exiting.

I've been thinking about this a lot since it was brought up, and I think it's important to lay out exactly what we are talking about so we can approach it like true nerds. I think Tyler Durden started an original and effective way of learning about PU by taking everything apart and I would like to continue using that technique. Here is what I have come up with so far.. this is just an original draft and I would love tweakings and suggestions or even alternate theories. A lot of this stuff is taken from the previous posts, I just tried to amalgamate it.

this might get long.. we'll see.

first, I will attempt to define this "awareness radius", hereafter refered to as AR. Your AR is, simply put, the things your mind is keeping track of. Your brain has a lot of versatile tools that help you deal with your reality, the only thing it needs from you is a definition of it's reality. This is why it's so easy to get really worked up in a video game and this is how it's possible to get so good at it.. once you've learned the rules and controls to a game you can define it as your reality and make use of those tools in your brain. You cease to be some guy sitting in a chair and you become "HaloNoob212", and your world becomes the game map. This is otherwise known as a "trance".. we go into it while driving a car, and our body sort of shifts into becoming the steering wheel and the accelerator.. we forget we are using our hands and feet and simply let our brain use the car as an extension of our body. And there are tons of examples of using physical objects as if they were parts of our bodies, from sports equipment to musical instruments to lots of other things. In these trance states, your AR becomes the things related to your trance.. if you're driving, your AR is the road and the other cars on it, or if you're engaged in deep concentration while driving it may become obstacles and logical conclusions in the discussion at hand (and consequently you miss your exit).

So to wrap up the definition, whatever state you happen to be in, your AR is simply the map and radar screen for that state.

Using this definition, we can analyze some of the things that can alter or shift an AR.

To start, potential threats. As an excellent example, you are a crow eating some dead thing on the road. All of a sudden, ijjji enters your radar screen.. a little white blinking dot. Your AR recognizes an intruder, and your analysing mechanism autmatically kicks into gear to determine wether or not this blip is a threat.. for a moment you stop paying attention to the food and your AR shifts to the dot, and while your reality is ijjji your brain is able to use its complex tools to analyse him and put him into a category - threat, food, sex or ignore. You, in the blink of an eye, put him into the "ignore" category and your AR once again shifts to the food, with a little dot marked "ignore" blipping away on the outskirts of your radar screen. (this is actually another interesting thing about ARs.. it seems like your brain is incredibly capable of sensing other ARs.. this is why it is marking ijjji as "ignore", because his AR is obiviously centered around himself.. he doesn't even notice you, therefore probably isn't going to try to eat you.. But I will try and talk about AR interaction a little later). What if, however, ijjji was looking right at you, intensely, and you marked him as a threat? Your AR would become huge as you were in escape mode, you would fly to a safe distance and your AR would subside to become just ijjji and the food.. you would circle at a distance until ijjji had physically left your AR. When you went back to the food, your AR radar would be wider with the new knowledge that there were potential threats walking around, and you would be much more prone to distraction from other things that triggered blips on your radar (because your radius is wider).
On the other hand, just say you were a bear eating that same food, and ijjji was a turtle walking by.. he probably wouldn't even show up on your radar screen because he is way too small to be a threat.. your AR would be much much smaller and you would be able to be much more focused, with much less distractions.
>>>What we can take from this is that being distractable is due to weakness, or being prone to threats, while being focused is a sign of strength. Big AR = weakness, small AR = strength. Big AR = harder to do what you're trying to do, small AR = easier to do what you're trying to do. I think we had already agreed on this, just had to get it down for the sake of having it all in one place.

The other thing that can show up on the AR radar screen is a positive blip.. one that calls you into positive action. Say, for instance, a drowning child.. your AR shifts so that it is completely around this child's safety, you ignore things like pain and the fact that theres a waterfall you are quickly approaching because you're only thinking about grabbing the kid and getting him out of the water. Or, on the other side, you're driving in a wife-beater and shorts and you see a hundred dollar bill sitting on the road.. your AR shifts to the bill, you slam on your brakes (because you've forgotten about possible threats that might smash into the back of you) and you run across a busy intersection chasing the bill. Thats a bad example, because it's actually dangerous, but imagine instead that the bill was a beautiful woman, the cars behind you were your bad habits and the busy intersection was all the ways you could **** up in conversation. If you are able to shift your AR to this beautiful woman and keep it small, you would ignore the potential threats and they would no longer be distractions.

Now this is where this stuff gets useful. Just like you would somehow be able to dodge the cars in the intersection while chasing the bill (I'm sure you've all experienced something like this.. you pull off an incredible feat without even thinking about it.. a buzzer shot from half-court, the perfect zing in a confrontation, just something when you feel in the zone and do things you'd never normally be able to do), when you really feel in the zone with a girl you somehow know exactly what to say. It's rare for AFCs and even rAFCs to be in this zone, thats why there is such a demand for "things to say when.." and "how should I act if..", but Im sure that real PUAs can get into the zone a lot and then can just freeflow game without even thinking. This is because they have deep-seeded confidence from so much experience, and they don't need to have big ARs because they know there's not much that can threaten them.
ALL YOU NEED TO DO, though, is be able to control your own AR and you will get into that zone.. your reality will become this chick or this PU in it's entirety, and you won't have any distractions. Your brain can use it's incredible tools on just the thing at hand, and damn theyre good tools.. they are how you managed to leap over the hood of the car that was about to smash you in the intersection.

The other way this stuff is useful is that PEOPLE ARE VERY AWARE OF YOUR AR. Ever have somebody just start screaming at something? Way before you know what they're screaming at you perk up and go into alert mode.. you've picked up on the fact that this person's AR is on alert. Or when someone barges into a room and is really exited about something, before you know what it is you start to get exited too. "What is it, what is it?" "A spider!!" or "A big truck full of cookies just crashed outside and there are cookies everywhere!" In the same way as you notice these extreme ARs, however, you also notice subtle ARs, and this is where this stuff is useful. If you are very focused on something, two instincts kick in to the people around you's heads. The first is wondering what you're so focused on, and the second is wanting to be a part of the AR (as part of a validation thing I'm sure). If on the other hand your AR is very wide, but not specifically on alert, people's instinct is to ignore you (because given the fact that you are in the same physical environment, it is a sign of weakness that their AR is bigger than yours).

In conclusion - having good control of your own AR and keeping it as small as possible will not only boost confidence, not only make you much much more likely to succeed in whatever your goal is and block meaningless distractions, but it will also draw people to you.

Next chapter - ****ing with other people's ARs.. I have been and will continue experimenting with this, will post once I have a better idea of it.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
using AR to get what you want
This is something I don't like using, it severely cheapens the benefits of social relationships.. but really this is the key to getting anything you want from people.

Manipulating people is the easiest thing in the damned world. Anyone, anything.. sometimes the gameplan involves a bit of time, but it's always the exact same.

Step 1: Find what gives them confidence
Step 2: Become, to them, (one of) the primary source(s) of (that) confidence
Step 3: Stop giving them that confidence

That's it, then they're pretty much yours. Just learn how to give orders that give the impression of a dangling-carrot bit of confidence they could win back, and they'll do anything from crawling under the six-top oven to clean grease to giving you money to pretty much anything you could ever dream of in bed. Anyone will, everyone would with the right application. Want to apply this to threesomes? Find two girls, give them confidence in their ability to be open minded and enjoy the world for it's pleasures as opposed to it's societal models, make it one of the things they treasure about themself, and then take it away. Stop giving them that confidence. Don't attack, just stop giving it to them.. like a drug dealer would cut them off. Then dangle a bit of it in the air while pushing them to convince themselves they have been brainwashed by society to like certain things.. then validate them again once they do. Then stop giving them confidence again, until they bring up the topic of societal models to try to get your validation again... instead of validating, mention in passing how you admire bisexuals because they are truly free of social models, then drop the convo. Don't give them confidence until they get the idea themselves to 'impress you' by suggesting a threesome.. appear overwhelmed but reserved, IOW show them you are impressed but don't want to give them all their confidence back.. make them KNOW they've found where their confidence has been hiding, make them DRIVE to find it again.. until they meet each other and try to out-do each other with tricks they perform on you and each other, SURE that they have hit the jackpot of validation and you will be their confidence once again.

I feel ill, really. That was ME.. well, actually that was pretty incredible, but it still felt like some mountain I was climbing, and after it was over all that was left was a desire to climb a higher one.

Another example. Want to create a follower? Find out what gives that person confidence (their ability in something or their status in something or whatever), become a main source of confidence in that area (compliment them, be reactive or beta in that subject, etc) and then just stop giving it to them (stop complimenting or being reactive). They don't feel like themselves, they stop feeling confident. You offer them a bit of confidence along with an order, they will follow that order. Do this enough until they internalize the idea that doing things for your benefit sometimes results in them being briefly confident again.

There's a lot of background knowledge that's probably needed for any of this advice to work, like knowing how to find what gives them confidence and knowing what about it gives them confidence and knowing how to make yourself the main source of that confidence, but those things are far too broad to ever be covered in text. Just, study people.. spend some time experimenting with giving people confidence or recognizing sources of confidence.. something I just really can't explain through text.

Now that I've posted it, let me tell you why I don't like it.. social interaction for the sole purpose of ego validation and sexual gratification becomes poisonously hollow after you get good at it, but I've found lasting satisfaction from several longer term relationships. My new ideal is to have this stuff IN my head but not be consiously using it, so I can return to a naturalistic state of mind (dropping consious game) and still succeed.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
I banged Jesus's Wife Mary Magblahblahblah 10 times last night. It felt good.. THE CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!!


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
Chapter 3 - Awareness/Analysis Radius

Changing the subject, I want to talk about another part of our brain.. the part that keeps track.

There are two tools our brain uses to function. One is our intelligence, the thing that finds the quickest path from point A to point B, and the other is analysis. The intelligence takes the forces and factors at play and 'problem solves' for us. Before we can use our intelligence to GET from point A to point B, we have to be aware of the forces and factors, and we have to create a map: This is where our Analysis Radius kicks in. What our Analysis Radius does is in the blink of an eye sizes up everything and makes a map. We see a chair, it goes on the map as 'obstacle' and as 'sitting tool'. When we want to sit down, our intelligence takes the forces and factors and finds the quickest and best way to solve the problem.. it consults the map and we go to the chair without even thinking. If we want to walk across the room, our intelligence consults the map and we walk around the chair without even thinking. The analysis radius is the 'map'.

There are countless ways something can be put on our map.. 'eatable', 'sharp', 'moveable', etc. A knife is 'sharp', a block of cheese is 'eatable', and when you want to solve a problem such as making a sandwich your intelligence will consult the map, and you will use the knife to cut a slice of cheese. The things on our map are not always physical, though. If you are working on a diffucult question on an assignment, the things on your Analysis Radius will be the forces and factors relating to the question at hand. In essence, the Analysis Radius is the scope of the things you have analysed as forces and factors. If you can't find your keys, it's because they aren't in your Analysis Radius: either you can't see them or you didn't notice them when you did. If you can't solve a math problem, it's because you don't have the right formula or understanding in your Analysis Radius.

The other part of the 'analysis' part of our brain is called the Awareness Radius, hereafter referred to as AR. If the Analysis radius is the map of things we've analysed, the Awareness Radius is the things that we are still analysing. The awareness radius is the 'radar screen', or in other words it is the things around us that we are actively keeping track of. For example, if instead of cheese, we saw a rabbit, the rabbit would go in our AR. The reason for the AR is that when there are things that behave dynamically as opposed to uniformly, we have to constantly update our Analysis Radius to use our intelligence to solve the problem. When wanting to eat the rabbit, our Analysis Radius will notice that the rabbit is moving, and to eat it we have to stop it from moving, so we consult our map and will grab something pointy or blunt. The rabbit, however, is now running away, and our Analysis Radius tells us to chase it. When the time is right, our Analysis Radius will be such that our intelligence will tell us to strike. Our AR is the radar screen of things on the map that may change our Analysis Radius. We see a bear, we keep track of it, and if it gets too close it then it will go on our Analysis Radius as an imminent threat and our intelligence will tell us to get the hell out of Dodge.

There are many ways something can go on our AR. Some simple examples are 'potential threat', 'potential meal', 'potential benefit', 'potential mate', etc. When you are walking close to a cliff, the cliff goes in your AR as 'potential threat', and you try to keep it as 'vertical drop' on your Analysis Radius as opposed to 'imminent threat'.

To sum up, your Analysis Radius is everything on your map that is has a definite label, and your Awareness Radius is everything on your map with a potential label. When something is in your AR, you are constantly monitering it so that you will know when it becomes a definite. That in essence is the PURPOSE of the AR, and also our main motivation - We are constantly trying to put things from our AR into our Analysis Radius so we can use our Intelligence, and to do this we have to make things in our AR a definite.

The most important thing to remember about this topic is that when there is something in your AR, you act differently.. infact you REACT to the thing in your AR. You are trying to figure it out, and that takes over your brain, leaving no room for the intellegence part of your brain to kick in.

Excercise #3 - The next time you are out, try to see the difference between Analysis Radius and Awareness Radius. A car driving by goes in your Analysis Radius (because you already KNOW how it will behave in relation to you), a bike driving by on the same sidewalk as you goes in your Awareness Radius until you know it won't (or will!) hit you. Try to feel the difference.. try to feel yourself subconciously paying attention to things in your Awareness Radius. If you hear a noise behind you and don't know what it is, you will turn around so you can analyse it and put it in your Analysis Radius.. the reason you turned was because the noise got into your AR, and you wanted to get it out.

Chapter 4 - Tying it all together

Our AR is the sum of things we are keeping track of, and we are constantly trying to get things OUT of our AR and into our Analysis Radius. If there is a hot girl nearby, she will go in our AR and we will find ourselves acting differently around her, trying to either turn her into a mate, or if we're shy and don't think we have a chance with her, trying to neutralize the threat she has to our EGO. What that means is we basically try to act cool around her, no matter who we are. If we're shy we just don't want her to notice us, if we're not we want her to submit to us. The point is, WE notice HER, and wether or not we want her to notice us we ACT DIFFERENTLY. We are actively paying attention to her, even if we aren't speaking or looking at her. That is called 'having her in your AR'.

I want to use a little analogy to show how having a lot of things in your AR (or having a BIG AR) shows weakness, and having very few things in your AR (having a small AR) shows strength. Imagine you are a rabbit out in a field.. as a rabbit, almost anything that moves that is bigger than you is probably out to eat you. Every time you see something move, you analyse it.. if you didn't, you'd get eaten. Your AR is huge, because you are constantly monitering your entire surroundings on the lookout for a predator.
Now imagine you are a bear, eating a rabbit in a field. As a bear, there is almost nothing in the woods that can hurt you besides other bears, there are no threats. Therefore the only things besides bigger bears that ever go in your AR are 'potential food' and 'potential mate'. Let's just say you are now chowing down on some rabbit, and you see a small animal walk by. Do you analyse it? Unless it's a bear, no.. you probably don't even notice it. Your AR is small because you are stronger than most things in the forest, and you are already eating. The animal walking by INSTANTLY goes on your Analysis Radius as 'ignore', and you don't even turn your head to find out what it is. Large AR = weakness, Small AR = strength. Large AR = easily distracted, Small AR = focused.
Now picture a guy that is already banging a super hot chick. He won't even notice most girls around him, because A) he is not interested in them and B) they can't affect him... they can try to take him down a peg socially, but he will still be banging someone hotter than them anyway. Unless he sees someone HOTTER than his current girl, he won't be reactive to any girl.. even while talking to them he will be bored, half-assed, and comfortable with ending the conversation at any time.

This applies to us in every area of our social network. If we are socially weak, we pay attention to alot of people.. we wonder what they are thinking, we are constantly analysing them, trying to put them down as friend, neutral or foe in our Analysis Radius. We do this because we are very dependant socially, and how we come off to others matters to us a great deal. On the other hand, if we are socially strong, we don't really pay attention to a lot of people, because we already know they are not a threat to our social standing. They, in essence, go on our Analysis Radius as 'ignore' unless we want something from them.

THE REASON THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW - One of the first things people notice about someone when they are analyzing them, and we are very good at this, is the size of that person's AR. (I think basically what we want to know is "Who is going to be more reactive? Me, or this person?"). We can tell by their body language, their tone of voice, the things they say, and most importantly THE WAY THEY REACT TO THINGS. Ever see a really jumpy guy, that turns his head every time something makes a sound, and think to yourself "This guy is scared of something!"? We are instinctively able to recognize someone else's AR (read ijjji's experiments with a cat).

Excercise #4 - Try to experiment with having people in and out of your AR.. the next time your roomate comes home, try and see if you can go on behaving as if he or she is not there.. singing to yourself, acting the exact way you were when they weren't there.. I think you'll find it very difficult at first. Try to pay attention until you can spot someone else's AR.. if you notice that every time person A says something, he is looking at person B, you can know that person B is in person A's AR. Try to see if you can feel your own AR.. feel the things that pull your gaze, things that you are actively paying attention to. Do this while talking to them and while doing your own thing.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
HAHA macgyver u freak
I knew someone immature would make fun of the religious analogy
I am not a very religious person i was just trying to make a point
sarge on


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Following this makes you a gimp

The problem with following the first two commandments is:

God and People are ****s. They will test that "unconditional" love by making you suffer and suffer.

But then again, I suppose that's what life is. One big test.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
This is powerful stuff. I am too looking for the GRAND UNIFYING THEORY, because if we can take control over our thoughts we can do anything.
AR is not a new theory. It is basically what all religions and self-help movements tell us. Zen is all about AR. A zen master has mastered his AR. Being in the present, living in the moment is narrowing the AR. And so on...
If you want to know more about how we work and how can you master your AR, I know a site which has articles that are really close to the unifying theory. Start from this article and if you're prepared you might see the world a little differently after reading it:

My comments on the commandments:
1. Love the lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind
2. Love your neighbor (your fellow man) as yourself
The reason why Jesus said that and why it works is that our subconsiousness doesn't know the difference between you and other people. The consciousness is there to sort it out who are you and who are you not. But if you love all people there is no need for the consciousness. If you love all people your subconsiousness will interpret that you love yourself, you respect yourself. If you hate other people, what you are really doing is hating yourself and you will feel bad about it. The commandments are mind-hacks - you directly communicate with your brain and that makes you powerful and happy.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for the article miguel

I suppose we are the same in that the philosophical part of the game fascinates me. Techniques are all fine and dandy but the motivation behind them is key.

Please post more articles and AR related stuff and UNIFYING THEORY if you have it, my friend


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
All philosophies and spiritual leaders tell the same thing. From Buddha, Jesus to Krishna and even the most recent ones like Eckhart Tolle and his book "The power of now". It is knowing the DUALITY of our nature.
This guy from http://dirtsimple.org/ took it all, the philosophy and self-help metodology and summed it up so that every computer geek can understand it. It's all there in his articles. For example if you want to know something about attention, which is really what AR is:
(if you understand it you'll come to notice that what we really are is "attention" itself)

Another thing I'm finding useful is Zen. What I like about Zen is that there is no bull****, like god or good/evil and other nonsense. If you practice it maybe you can someday become the master of AR :). You will become ENLIGHTENED.

A merchant came to the Zen master and said, "Master, I know you are busy, so please write on this scroll some maxims of the highest wisdom for me to study."
And the master wrote, "Attention."
The merchant was puzzled, and said, "I don't understand."
And the master wrote "Attention. Attention."
"But all you're doing is writing 'attention'. Isn't there anything else?"
And the master wrote it three times running:
"Attention. Attention. Attention."
Exasperated, the merchant demanded, "What do you mean by 'attention', anyway?!"
"Attention means attention," the master replied.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Migel, im not sure what you meant when you said the duality of our nature. When i read about buddhism, hinduism, sikhism or any of the other eastern religous teachings, they teach the unity of everything. Awarness and Attention is being present in that unity and reality, that unifying force whether you call it god, brahm, waheguru, and even in buddha's case there was a unifying force. If anything there is only one reality(going by many names) and to truly be liberated you must be ONE with that reality.


Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Want to create a follower?

Find out what gives that person confidence (their ability in something or their status in something or whatever)
Kurt Kobain chose grundge as a source to express his pains. A source that was just becoming popular, but touched the feelings of others. It gave young people confidence.

become a main source of confidence in that area (compliment them, be reactive or beta in that subject, etc)
Kurt Kobain's Nirvana was the difinitive band for grundge rock. They were the main source for their feeling and music.

and then just stop giving it to them (stop complimenting or being reactive).
Kurt killed himself. The confidence of the youth was brought to a halt. Result-one of the biggest followings to date. Followers are still coming in today.

I love this thread. Good stuff. Also, most people on here must learn something about manipulation. Those with true self-sufficient confidence cannot be manipulated. Who really defines you? Lot's of wisdom in this thread.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Migel, im not sure what you meant when you said the duality of our nature. When i read about buddhism, hinduism, sikhism or any of the other eastern religous teachings, they teach the unity of everything.
Yes, but unless you are not buddha you are trapped in your dual nature. There is body and there is soul. There is true and there is false. There is good and bad. There is HB and UG...
We do not really understand what this UNITY means. The funny thing is that knowing all this stuff doesn't make you enlightened, because you must experience it. Like in the "the Matrix" you must take the red pill and see for yourself. There are no words to explain what this ONE REALM really means. It's similar to this site, you can sit all day and read these forums but you ain't getting any chicks ;).
V-Don: Great point about Nirvana! Now I know why there are so much fans.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
the wall of ego is what seperates us from being at ONE with the ultimate reality, once you shed that EGO you can see the true nature of evertything.

Ego is I-ness, ego can be seen as a vertical wall standing in the way of a humans true nature and existence.

YOU - I - Reality

by shattering that wall you can see that you are in fact a part of the ultimate reality.


it is said that Man's concern to build up a separate identity is the root of his suffering, Self-assertion is the disease, self-surrender is the cure.

Once you shed away that I-ness and that ego you can be at ONE with the ultimate reality(basically the life force, god etc..) This can be done through many ways, and many religions prescribe different things; meditation, submission, prayer etc. In the end is is the idea of surrendering and letting go of your SELF or EGO to be one with the reality.


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
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AR ****ing, Version 2

More on Killswitch and AR
:: AR ****ing, Version 2
I've just read it, but seems gold.


This is taken out of the method I am still writing. I know, "a METHOD? Who does this guy think he is?". It's still a work in progress, but I have gotten incredible success from working with this AR thing and honestly I think I need to put it into writing. When it's done, dismiss it if you want, but I feel I have hit on some very important realizations, my success is a testament to that, and it doesn't matter how long I've been around as long as the damned thing works.

This is just one small part, I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 12: AR ****ing

Once you've gotten past the main stages of attraction and rapport, it's time to make her fall in love with you. AR ****ing is the way to do that. I generally start doing this on day 2s, as it requires dipping into things that will sometimes make her lose attraction, and to pull it off she's got to stick around during those times. Don't worry, the attraction dip is only initial, after you get going her attraction SKYROCKETS past anything you could achieve with regular game.

Make this chapter a part of your life. AR ****ing, is, simply put, making someone FULLY AWARE of what it's like to be in your AR. How do you do that? Put them in it, then put them out of it. Let them notice the difference... it's a little scary, really, talking about this.. I feel like I am unleashing a potentially EVIL power to the world. Let me hope, at least for the moment, that you are actually a good person, so I don't feel like I am giving the wrong people THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IN INTERPERSONAL CONTROL. I prefer to think of this as a way to show people how beneficial it is to FOLLOW MY LEADERSHIP, to be a PART OF MY TEAM. How do I do this? I make them CRAVE my attention like they would some kind of drug. Then I only give it to them when they are WORTH my attention.. and I slowly back off the dosage until they need to try harder and harder to get it. Eventually, they are doing everything they can to advance MY causes, because they become IN LOVE with my leadership.

When they are IN your AR: They are the ONLY THINGS in your AR. You are basically trying to make them happy and productive, like a good father would to his treasured daughter. All your jokes are for HER, all your efforts are for HER HAPPINESS, all your actions towards other people are for HER COMFORT AND ENJOYMENT. Your AR is still very small, but now it is focused on her.

When they are OUT of your AR: They simply are not in it. You are not considering them, you are not noticing them, you are not actively responding to them. Your jokes are for other people, your efforts are for YOURSELF, your actions towards other people are for YOUR LEADERSHIP. Your AR is very small, but now it is focused on you.

I want to explain how this works. When she is in your AR, she feels like a queen. You are reactive to her (in a good way), she almost feels too good for you (hence initial attraction dip). Then you turn it around, and make her lose those feelings SUDDENLY by dropping her out of your AR. Eventually, after you've done this several times, she begins to associate all the good feelings she gets with YOUR ATTENTION. This is why it acts like a drug: your attention triggers an emotional HIGH, and then is followed by an emotional low when you turn your attention elsewhere. She NEEDS your attention to get back up to those highs, and MAN will she work for it. She will do ANYTHING SHE THINKS WILL PLEASE YOU, and I DO MEAN ANYTHING. That is, after awhile. This is a slow process, and can take anywhere from hours to days.. she's got to be able to have time to make the association. She's got to notice that YOU are giving her those feelings of confidence, and when you leave they leave with you.

How do you do it? Pretty simple..

Step 1: Once you think you've got enough attraction and rapport, or really any reason that she will stick around during the initial attraction dip (with co-workers you can do this without attraction or rapport, because she will be sticking around anyway), start to POUR ON the attention, and shut everything else out of your AR. Nudge her, joke with her, KINO her, ask her about her, probe her brain.. even go as far as making it slightly annoying how much attention you're giving her. Cardinal rule, however.. keep it light, and fun. Don't give her attention in ANY negative way.. don't neg, don't bust on her, don't argue with her. Be her entertainment monkey. Deep, emotional talk is OK, as long as it is positive and very brief. Give her compliments. The goal is to build up her CONFIDENCE.

Step 2: AS SOON as you see her starting to get a little ego boost out of it, as soon as she starts to feel like you're pandering to her, as soon as her enjoyment starts to drop off, as soon as she starts to think "Man, this guy is funny, but I can't even think because he's giving me so much attention", drop it off. Turn it BAM right off. Walk away, turn your head, start talking to someone else, whatever. Shut her right out of your AR. Don't address her AT ALL, and when she addresses you answer distractedly and dismissively and go back to what you were doing. Don't be bitter, or negative, just be very distracted. She will start to wonder "What happened?". Subconsiously she will wonder if she did something to annoy you or displease you.

Step 3: Once she tries to re-initiate you several times, once you can see her TRYING to get your attention back (starts making jokes to you, asking you conversation-starting questions, etc), wait awhile and then turn your attention back on. Always wait awhile, though, so it seems like you're giving her attention on your terms and not just because she re-initiated. She's got to feel that her efforts to re-initiate were pointless (and be embarrassed that she felt the need to try them), and she's also got to be a bit embarrassed at how badly her state took a nosedive when you turned your attention away. "How silly of me, why was I so concerned I had done something wrong? Obviously he was just distracted by something". IMPORTANT - there has to be NO connection between her attempts to re-initiate and your re-initiation, otherwise she will think she's got control of you, and that's bad. It has to seem like you just chose to re-initiate on your own.

Step 4: Now you're paying attention to her again, just like in step 1. What now? go back to step 2. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Some things to consider : the more you've done this, the briefer the periods of attention will become, because she will start to get into the "queen" state quicker and quicker each time you start giving her attention. She will start to auto-state, in a stimulus-response manner. It's important to always let her get to that state, let her stay there for a LITTLE WHILE, and then BAM drop if off again. It's important to wait for her to try and re-initiate, wait awhile, and then turn it on again. After awhile, these things will happen quickly.. you might go through the loop 3 times in an hour.

The end result : she will associate feelings of personal inadequacy with the periods when she is out of your AR (she will probably question this to herself, but it is unstoppable. "Why do I feel so ****ty? Why am I in love with this guy?". This only feeds those feelings of inadequacy). She will start to associate feelings of euphoria with your attention. She will start to TREASURE your attention. And, really, that's it.. when she gets like this she's YOURS, she will do anything you ask her and will do a whole lot more too, all in an effort to please you.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Once AR ****ing has been initiated: EVERY TIME you meet with her again, YOU'VE GOT TO start out in the OFF state, she's got to be out of your AR. EVERY TIME you part ways, you've also got to be in the OFF state. The reason for this is: When you are apart, she will still be at the emotional low, and the only cure for it will be seeing you again. When she does see you again, it still isn't cured.. this REALLY gets her wondering, and that is great. Turn it on a little while after meeting up with her, so that the end result is that TO CURE THE EMOTIONAL LOW, THE ONLY SOLUTION IS SPENDING TIME WITH YOU.

Now, please use this for good.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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Is there a place where I can get this whole guide? All I can find are bits and pieces I want the while thing it seems veeeery interesting