erection issues


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
i used to have a problem getting girls.
no i have absolutely no problem, but now i cant get a ****in boner.
it is humiliating and frusterating.
it started out i was hooking up with this 5/10... it was all i could get before.
so i ****ed her a few times, then the last time, i couldnt get it up, even when she was giving me head. the thing was lifeless.
i stopped hooking up w/ her, probably partially cause i was embarrassed and partially cause i didnt really find her very attractive.
then istarted hookin up with this hot blonde... no reason i shouldnt be able to get it up.
first time i hooked up w/ her she was trying to blow me, and again, the thing was dead. ****ing sucked! so bad. humiliating and dissapointing.
at this point i was really concerned. i started reseaching online. i have no problem getting it hard on my own so its def a mental thing.
i had a nightmare the other night that all my teeth were decaying and falling out. read online that it can mean loss of power or fear of impotence.
i think now im just so worried about it that i cant even get it up.
so ive hooked up w/ this girl like 5 times now, and i can get it up sometimes, she never has gotten me off.
today i was completely sober and i was just fooling around with her so i was hard, she starts blowing me and i just lose it so she stops.
i want to have sex with her, and she wants it to, but even when i get a hard on im afraid to put on a condom, lose the erection, and just be completely humiliated.
what should i do? anyone else ever have this problem? i have no idea what to do. i try not to worry about it but its hard not to. its like i just got over the hump of not bein able to get ass, now that i surmounted that issue now i cant ****in get a boner.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
You are worried and not comfortable. Try doing it in your house, your bed, and with the lights off, with a house to yourselves. I had problems like that my first few times having sex.


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Start putting the condoms while hard and alone.

Do that every day. When you feel confident about putting the condom alone, and having your **** inside it and hard. It will be easier to do it when it becomes "required".

Worked for me.

Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
She is embarassed. She is wondering "is it because I'm not turning him on? Am I not hot enough or not sexy enough?" Sex is not everything in a relationship, obviously she is staying with you because you offer something else other than your c0ck.

A LOT of guys have this problem, I had it, it's okay and it will pass with a little more practice. You're close, to say it's mental means it is in your MIND, really this problem is in your brain.

Every time you've had an orgasm, think of the circumstance? You were alone, probably, in your room in a chair, very quiet and focused, probably with some kind of pornography. I would guess, hard-core pornography because that's the trend. Every time you have an orgasm your brain is flooded with chemicals and it thinks it's having sex. Until now, sex for you is something you do by yourself. The only time someone takes off your pants is the doctor's office.

So for one thing, stop jerking off more than 2x a week. When you do jerk off, think of naked ladies, look at a picture of a naked lady, don't think disgusting hardcore thoughts. Be honest with your woman, tell her to be patient and you'll catch up. Destroy/delete your porno, from now on you are getting actual *****.

Also, if you do all that and want a little insurance policy, an ace up your sleeve, look into this post. I only used that AFTER I met a woman who was patient and loving, who got me over the problem and showed me was sex truly was.

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
i agree with the other guys above.. generally problems with that sort of thing are related to your nervousness or discomfort and aren't a big deal.
you might also consider your diet/exercise/stress level. last year i had occasional sexual problems during a period of high stress/no exercise/eating fast food. you'd be surprised how bad for you something like too much salt can be...


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Have You Tried Going Just For A Regular Check Up.

Erections Come From The Blood Getting Pumped Into Your Penis.

Maybe There Is Something Wrong Internaly More Than Mentaly.

Try Viagra, It Helps Thin The Blood And Allows More Blood 2 Be Pumped Into Your Penis Helping You Keep A Long Erection.

Best Of Luck


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
i dunno... yea ive thought about goibng ot the doctors. trying to avoid it cause lets face it it sucks to talk about. especially in front of someone you dont know.
i foudn this self hypnosis thing online for anxiety... doubt it works but ill give it a try.
im 21 years old. you think i should really try viagra? im pretty sure its mental cause i can geti t up on my own


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I Dont Know Bro,

You Mentiond That Once It Got Up You Didnt Want To Slip A Condom On Cause It Would Go Away....Right??

That Sounds Like Something Aint Working Right In Your Bodies Anatomy.

No Ones Gonna Know Your On Viagra Besides You =)