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  1. B

    This site is TOO BIG!

    this site would be fine if people like you didn't post stupid sh*t you fucin chump
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    OR: Luke Skywalker goes to the beach.

    who gives a f u c k if you went to the beach. stop posting stupid threads
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    u r a f'in idiot Deus ex Pianoforte. I agree with angelus. Looks make a big difference.
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    Tips on book reading

    Instant Rapport by Michael Brooks. Awesome book if you actually use what it teaches you.
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    What's my follow up?

    if you see her again just act friendly. Dont make it all akward. Make small talk. (Hi, How are u). Then tell her its too bad she never called because you had something real exciting planned. If she asks what just tell her there's only one way to find out.
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    Too late to approach?

    You might want to make sure your balls are still attached. It's never too late. Just dont put it off any longer :up:
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    Canceling on her

    I could see how canceling on her might jack up her Interest level. Although it could hurt it too.
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    Canceling on her

    something came up for work
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    Canceling on her

    Hi guys, Been dating this girls for about five weeks now. I have a date with her tomorrow night. We just set this up today but something came up and I probably wont be able to make it anymore. 2 questions. Will this have a negative impact on the situation. What is the best way to tell...
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    How to bring up a LTR?

    What's the best way to let a girl know you interested in more than just sex and possibly a LTR. I know telling her directly isn't the way to go. Should I just wait for her to bring it up. We've been dating for a month or so and already had sex numerous times. Just don't want her to get the...
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    what happens if you don't "next" the girl

    what the f+uck are u trying to ask???????
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    Being Unpredictable

    Lets here some ideas on being unpredictable and being a challenge so they dont lose interest.
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    I ****ed up

    Which one? Not really sure if she saw me making out with another girl. I was at the other end of the bar making out with this girl and when I left i saw her sitting at the end of the bar. She was acting a little different towards me all night. I was trying to get her to go home with me but...
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    I ****ed up

    I cant explain in great detail because I dont remember last night very well. I was completely wasted. Anyways I've been dating this girl for a while and last night I got completely drunk. I wasn't hanging out with her last night but I ended up seeing her at a club. I dont have time to...
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    In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?

    The best way to get yourself out of this rut is to make a change. If u just sit at home and think about how horrible your life is it will remain the same for a lot longer. I was very serious about the affirmations. They help soooooo much. At first it will be very hard but it gets easier and...
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    In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?

    I know this may sound kinda crazy but start doing affirmations every single day. At least three times. The best times to do them are in the morning when you wake up (alpha state) and before you go to bed (alpha state). Dont have time to go into detail but just google it and I'm sure you can...
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    Unreturned text

    Your right. I should change my name. I've got a problem with putting a girl on the pedistal. Dating a few other gilrs also and I would not care if any of the rest didn't return a text. I should change my name to oneitis. At least I can admit it huh:trouble:
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    Unreturned text

    How should I go about handeling an unreturned text. Been dating for a while. Things went well last time we hung out.
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    After the First Date????

    I got this girls number at a bar a few weeks back. We met up yesterday for coffee. Things went well. Had good conversation and she suggested going to a movie sometime. How long should i wait until i call her? Thanks in advance for the advice. By the way she seemed pretty interested!