what to do when her friends displays IOI and hit on me?

Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
working on this hb 8 at my school, except she always hangs out with her friends, mostly 6s and 7s...i've been acting friendly to them all, but then gotten smiles and unwanted attention from these friends, seriously, i know i dont wanna piss them off, but then i don't want them attracted to me so they feel jealous.

i've kept kino to a minimum, but did use c&f.

any suggestions?

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
They probably act interested because you're focusing on the 8. Girls don't like to be ignored, and when they are, they make their presence known. Group tactics are about ignoring the girl you want, and making her jealous when you keep all her friends laughing and having fun. She's supposed to think, "Why isn't he talking to me? Is something wrong with me?" Then you show a little attention to her and she thinks you're the greatest. Something like that, anyway.

You've reversed it, so all her friends are jealous her, and want to try you out themselves. Either take advantage of that and go for her friends, or change your tactics.