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  1. 4

    What animal would a DJ be and why?

    a bird so I can fly from high above and take a crap on anyone I want
  2. 4

    Small talk is a b!tch

    dude i was about to post a new thread about this because it has been happening to me a lot lately. The funny lines dont always work. And it just really seems like there just isnt something to say. I dont really know how to start a convo very well either. Me: Hey whats up? Her: Nothin...
  3. 4

    My school is the personification of hell

    just dont ever say personification of hell again...that is one of the gayest sayings i have ever heard and if you say it around the one chick you will see...well im sure you can figure out what would happen next
  4. 4

    IMPORTANT: Make sure your eyebrows stay level when you talk!!!

    I just wanna say that this one of the greatest tips ive ever received on this web site. I think my eyebrow movements were being used too much as well. I payed attention to it today and had one of the greatest days with girls and people I had to deal with. great tip thanks
  5. 4

    Rejected Again Today

    Im 155 lbs. and measure up at about 5'10. Nothings wrong with me and i am very in shape and not a bad looking guy. Im half iranian half italian. Play sports, chill with my friends, im 4th in my class with a 4.12 gpa (it goes past 4.0 b/c of college courses) and enjoy the normal things in life...
  6. 4

    I Have It!!! Finally...the Secret To All This

    Thank you for the reply about how to keep being sexual and being good eventhough youre having a rough time DJF. This should be in the bible
  7. 4

    I Have It!!! Finally...the Secret To All This

    Well I know for one thing that there will be a day where i feel sexual with a girl and then then next day im not as sexual with that girl because im either tired or mad about something so then she will get dissapointed and leave me. My biggest problem is stayin in the right frame of mind every...
  8. 4

    Saw my old oneitis and...

    cmon guys...Weve all had the oneitis thing but those are some horrible stories. Go get a job, workout, stop spending your time thinking about them. You only live once. When the doc tells you you have cancer you are gonna think back to the days when you were sittin on your a%% cryin about a girl...
  9. 4


    One of the hardest things to do is come home from a bad day and have to deal with their crap. That is when I get in trouble. For example, ill have a horrible date then i'll come home and my dad will yell at me for not putting the toaster away. Then a fight breaks out right after that. Im glad im...
  10. 4

    No Girls = No Fun

    Lol my problem is that theres not very many good lookin girls in my school. So going into my senior year, im not really excited at all for it because A) There isnt very many girl options and B) Im friends with a lot of people but secretly I think they all are pretty gay people that wouldnt last...
  11. 4


    Yea but im going into my senior year and I wanna have a good relationship with them in the long run. Senior year is the year I need to have fun and tie up all the loose ends
  12. 4


    How do you guys act around your parents? I never get along with my parents. We always fight and then I have to go out and try and work my game like it all never happened. Sometimes I cant go places because my dad will be too pi$$ed or something. I dont even do anything wrong. I get good grades...
  13. 4

    Its not what you say its what you dont say.

    I definitely get what youre saying but how about your voice? I cant seem to figure out my voice lol. When im around people I change it subconconciuosly. It changes when im around afrimericans, then it changes around close friends, then it changes around family, then it changes around girls. I...
  14. 4

    Ah yes...The myspace Boyfriend Application

    I have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to letting girls know my interest for them. So, I ask you intelligent sosuavers what your opinion is on those myspace bf apps out there. You know, the ones that go will you kiss me, will you go out with me etc.? Is this just a test placed by the girl...
  15. 4

    How would a DJ sign yearbook?

    I just sign my name really big and take up half the page to piss them off
  16. 4

    Having No Spotter

    I am just now gonna start increasing my weight heavily so I go from doing 10-12 reps in my set to 6-8 and maybe even down to four when I hit the failure part. So, do I need a spotter if Im working to failure? B/c how am I gonna work to failure if im worried about failing and not being able to...
  17. 4


    I am also worrying about my looks more than my personality, but one confession would definitely be that im 17 but I feel like crying all of the time. Sometimes I will. Its either from my parents or girls or just failing in life. I hate losing.
  18. 4

    I think I have a bad w/o plan and that im underweight

    So all I have to do is this and I will get built?? Ive always thought I would have to do so much more than this. Especially because of my current routine where my list of exercises goes on and on.
  19. 4

    I think I have a bad w/o plan and that im underweight

    I was working my chest, bi's, tri's, and back twice a week. Mon-Back, Chest, Bis Tues-Shoulders, Tris, Legs Thurs-Back, Chest, Bis Fri-Shoulders, Tris, Legs That is what my trainer told me to do. I guess I was doing it all wrong lol. For a while too. So I was thinking about...
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    I guess I need to eat a lot more but won't I get fat or something? Ive always looked at overeating as a bad thing.