Small talk is a b!tch


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
So i have trouble with simple conversations
flirting is easier for me because you can comment on anything and just drag it on, but regular convos (small talk) seem to be harder to carry on. For example, had a convo w/ this girl in my math class today. I'm usually a little c/f around her, but this time it was just a simple convo, and i think i ****ed it up. Went a little like this.

Her: i think i want a rewrite on my test
Me: why what did u get
Her: 80
Me: Thats not bad. why would u wanna rewrite?
Her: Everyone else did better than me. All my friends got 90's

short pause

Her: man im so glad the teacher put down the formulas on the board for the test cuz when i was writing it i didnt remember anything
Me: Yeah me too. I hope she does that again for this unit cuz theres formulas are ****ing long
Her: Yeah no kidding. Probability is hard
Me: yeah...

I just kinda walked away cuz i couldnt think of anything to say. LOL. Any solutions to my problem?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
She got 80. Her friends got 90. That's Prime picking for this line:

You: "So, I guess that means you'll have to study harder!"
(OR for the guy with balls):
You: "So, that makes you stupid eh?!" (and if she's blonde, double bonus on running blonde jokes)


And 'Probability is Hard':
You: "Well, you must have bad luck if you could only get 80 on this test!"


There, three lines that put you into your speciality of flirting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Jesus Krist you scrub...yaawwwnnnn...
saber101 said:
Her: Everyone else did better than me. All my friends got 90's

Her: man im so glad the teacher put down the formulas on the board for the test cuz when i was writing it i didnt remember anything

Her: Yeah no kidding. Probability is hard
Why don't you just get dumber friends?

Yeah, if only she'd put the answers up there too. Bych.

You know, there's a strong're right.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Docs said:
She got 80. Her friends got 90. That's Prime picking for this line:

You: "So, I guess that means you'll have to study harder!"
(OR for the guy with balls):
You: "So, that makes you stupid eh?!" (and if she's blonde, double bonus on running blonde jokes)


And 'Probability is Hard':
You: "Well, you must have bad luck if you could only get 80 on this test!"


There, three lines that put you into your speciality of flirting.

Thanks Docs. You really are THE Master DJ :up:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
damn spelunker, those are some really good tips. NICE!


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
dude i was about to post a new thread about this because it has been happening to me a lot lately. The funny lines dont always work. And it just really seems like there just isnt something to say. I dont really know how to start a convo very well either.

Me: Hey whats up?
Her: Nothin much. you?
Me: Just getting ready to go to work. (It is at this time that I realize that not only have I began to just talk about myself, but I've realized that I have absolutely nothing to ask her.)
Her: Cool. What time do you go in?
Me: 5. how has work been going for you lately?
Her: Wow so that was a gay question but...okay how about you
(Now im dead)
Theres other times I throw in funny lines that make them laugh but then what are you supposed to say after a funny line? This junk just messes with me all the time now


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Ok, first of all you are on the right track, you have the intention, but you should follow it up with some balls.

"Her: Cool. What time do you go in?"

That is somewhat of an invite.....

Some things you could have said were.

Not until 5, but I do have some time, let's go get some shakes.

Or if you have Major balls make sure you have some time before work, and try something like this

I work at 5, but. *wink* come with me. (Kind of grab her am and go somewhere if there is noone around and lay a fat kiss on her) or just wink and kiss what ever you choose. It has to be a sudden movement no hesitation.

But if you have even more balls than that.

I work at 5 but you want to keep me company until I goto work?
her: yes/no

If yes bring her back to your place bring some heat on her, throw in some convo with her, get her talking about herself.

If not be a little ***** a say

What you can't handle me or something, I only wanted to grab some pizza

Always have a back up plan for any possible situations.


Now if you are back at your place and you are not feelin a vibe, kiss her anyways, if she fusses, or pushes you away, apologize and tell her ot get the **** out lol Just kidding, just tell her that you shouldn't have dont that, and give her a love tap on the cheek and laugh.
