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  1. R

    religious ppl and non religious ppl-differ

    Bible doesn't actually say that sex is only allowded after marriage (or at least I haven't found that phrase)...but let's remember that marriages were made very differently back then and the language they use was different so we cannot expect to find the words we are using now in the Bibile...
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    religious ppl and non religious ppl-differ

    Ha ha...what have u understood???? Not only regular sex is forbidden...but any kind of sex also. I don't knwo what christians u have met...but they weren't that religious then. About the difference between being a catholic or's jsut that christian has a larger meaning...
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    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    Sapiens, did u mean that men seek to belong to more than one woman? It's this that I understand from this....or what is the biological main difference?
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    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    I've read something interesting these days. It said something like this "It's not wealthy the one who has more, but the real wealthy person is the one who is gratefull for less". I think that if u ask a wealthy person, he will never say he is wealthy enough, in exchange I've seen poor people...
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    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    What if u want more than a f***? What if u want happiness? How can u get that? It's surely not by having more and more boy/girlsfriends...
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    Thoughts On Sexiness, of Men And Women.

    I liked this phrase......and ur oppinion about beauty. To bring some arguments... Beauty concepts have changed a lot during the years...did u notice Venus's belly and strong hips when u look at her statue "Venus from Milo"? By some standards now she would be considered fat...yet, the statue...
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    Sapiens Boot Camp 2006 Sign Up!

    Only guys?? :(( NOOOOOO What about some modifications? :D
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    A DJ Theory: Mathematically Proven! (now with calculator)

    Something I noticed.......Ur theory is based on H.H. Gossen's theory that says something like this: "As the quantity of one good increases, the utility brought by consuming that good, decreases" (and viceversa). His theory also shows that marginal utility always decreases (the premise of ur...
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    Sapiens Boot Camp 2006 Sign Up!

    Are u trying to help me, ethnomethodologist? :) In fact, I was a bit unsure about what this was going to be...and tried to synthesize my answer. What would I do in a bootcamp (that probably is about dating women anyway)? And then I thaught...well, why not? I am very curious...(as always) and...
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    Sapiens Boot Camp 2006 Sign Up!

    I want to see what this is all about...maybe some advice will be generally aplicable :D Can I join in?
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    Would ya do this?

    It's kind of risky and probably won't work......though it's good for ur own experience....u'll learn a lot from these things. So, just for u, i would say go for it.....but for ur succes, I would say...the phone thing is better.
  12. R

    I was just watching MTVs dating show called "NEXT"

    As I know it, playing with ur hair, touching ur ear or any other part of the face means u are not serious (or maybe honest). And about the legs....girls always have their legs crossed, but if they are open to conversation and like the guy, they keep their legs facing the guy ( i hope u...
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    Drunk GF

    I would say be careful with this one....I know they say "In vino veritas", but when u are just too drunk u don't even realise what u say....take it seriously if she says it when sober. It's clear she feels something for u, but because she was drunk, she tends to amplify things If u want to take...
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    how to deal with a AW

    Being too nice is a problem also. Women like nice men......but don't like them to do everything they want. That could have been the problem.... So now u have to have her respect u and look up to u....and this u can make by showing her u are better than her. Sincerely..I don't really know if...
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    What should I think????

    I think we can't say many relevant things at this point now. So we'll see what happens.....
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    They told me I was stupid to go after a guy who was not worth it.....but I say...don't give up without a fight..sometimes the most persuasive wins. As long as she didn' reject u...go on....if u want to be with her...if u really want it...then try! why not? what do u have to loose?
  17. R

    What should I think????

    Saying a thing too much makes u get accustomed to it...and belive it in the he could be manipulating himself....I don't really belive he didn't feel anything and just say that. Maybe I'm very stubborn, but I don't want to give up just like that.
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    What should I think????

    hey "smarty" Who said I stopped by looks alone? He's not that much of a good looker...I liked his style and what I saw in him, thing that other I had men clearly didn't have. I talked to him before liking him, don't worry! I said I didn't know why I started to love him, but I do know what...
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    What should I think????

    I guess this is no answer question......but I appreciate ur help on the matter. need for love really blinds u sometimes.....
  20. R

    What should I think????

    Yes......everyone said u can't force people to love's true. But can anyone tell me why he did that? Why say "i love u" when u don't and then leave that person?