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  1. R

    What should I think????

    Yes......everyone sayd u can't force people to love's true. But can anyone tell me why he did that? Why say "i love u" when u don't and then leave that person?
  2. R

    What should I think????

    I do admit he is a jerk.....but noone is a jerk all the time...and with me he tried not to be (at least not all of the time)....till now that he doesn't call. But I still want to make things work... It was because he made me feel good for a short time....
  3. R

    What should I think????

    Thank you for helping me, but what I would like to know is how can u make a jerk realise that he loves u???
  4. R

    What should I think????

    How can I confront him if he is gone and I don't have his telephone number from hsi country??? And if he will come back in the country and won't give me any call...then that will just be it. What I fear is that he will call and say he's sorry for not having called me and make something...
  5. R

    What should I think????

    What if I will move on and on? And leave the next guy and the next guy...and the next after that??? I would really hate this. And i think he feels something......because I saw him and how he acts with others and how he acts with me, but he is like with his head in the clouds and used to taking...
  6. R

    how can I carry the consvesation forward? even if i know them..

    talk about all the things that u have in common...with a work colleague u would normally start a conversation about work.....then move on to other subjects like what's new in town, a new concert...something interesting u've seen in a magazine. I don't think u are really interested in what's...
  7. R

    how can I carry the consvesation forward? even if i know them..

    Hmmm...he can't really stare in her eyes, since she is on the other side of the.....comp :) As an advice, I would say, when she tells u what she had done or what she fells like that day...pick something that u could go deeper into and ask her more about it. Out of all that information she has...
  8. R

    What should I think????

    I see noone can give me an adivce upon this. Oh well, I tried....
  9. R

    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    But well,,,,he is quite right...when noticing a man all those details do count...the way he talks, the ways he dresse....the way he walks even. They all count for first impression. I'm not saying this will make a relationship work, but it's a good way to start one. Walking in a fast pace, if he...
  10. R

    Meeting your soulmate

    Ha ha :) You are 16, but let me tell u that u really show ur age. Your ideas about life and world seem like mine a few years ago. I was also told that you shouldn't do anything till you get married and by anything I mean sexual relationships, not only because of the "products", let's face it...
  11. R

    I don't post often. But now i need the communities help.

    I think you should go for it too.....just don't jump on her so she won't get scared...make sure she's comfortable first and it will feel just great. She gave u all the signs that she likes u so good luck. Don't forget to tell us how it was :)
  12. R

    What should I think????

    Hey everyone, I know this is a men forum...but I just thaught I could pop in and ask for some advice....for who could know better about men than men themselves??? So I will tell u my story....I met my boyfriend (or maybe not any more) in a club where he picked me up. He took me out the next...