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  1. J

    Should I pay

    :nono: Put it this way. If you believe that by purchasing a drink for a girl is a form of supplication then you are reading too much, not doing enough and and not doing it right. Buying a drink isn't the supplicating factor - it is what you have done before and after. And if you...
  2. J

    'You're a nice guy, but there it ends'

    Dude screw the methods. First fix your inner self, then work on your structure. I actually haven't looked at Gunwitch but if it was telling you what I told you up above then yeah, do that ;). The point is you need to be a catch, and they need to unwrap you and continue unwrapping you...
  3. J

    Should I pay

    It's not Styles method as such, Style just recommends not buying a girl anything until you have done her. I agree - don't buy her teddy bears or gifts until you have worked out your relationship with her. And yeah ok maybe in certain situations you don't buy her a drink because it makes you...
  4. J

    'You're a nice guy, but there it ends'

    Read the DJ bible, that will give you a few pointers. But one bit of advice: you are playing all your cards in one hand. You need to leave bits of yourself for her to find and unravel. She has met tons of guys like you and so you need to be different. You need to be mysterious, different and...
  5. J

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    Well the first thing I have noticed is that there is not an even amount of contribution in the relationship. Why do you love her if she doesn't respect you the same? Some of the others are right when they say you are probably supplicating too much but it may be to the point where you have...
  6. J

    Should I pay

    First of all don't listen to Style and the rest of the "gurus" when they say you shouldn't pay for anything until you have had sex. That selfish mindset will get you nowhere. The underlying point however is that the relationship is about both of you and thus both of you should contribute to...
  7. J

    Strange Situation: Assualt/Rape

    Agreed, I have a girl friend who went through that when she was young. This sucks for you because it is totally out of your control. I mean, an emotional rollercoaster will DEFINITELY kick into her. Seen this from the experience. A lot of wounds were opened up, in my case the girls parents...
  8. J

    Is this push and pull?

    I have just heard this saying a bit and am wondering if push / pull is giving the girl mixed responses: "i would so do you" , "eww, can we not go, i dont want to be seen with you" Is that what it is? If not, what is this? My friends sisters friend (of which we all hang out with quite a...
  9. J

    Best Secret Santa Gift EVER

    I would rather trust a bottler (Smirnoff, etc) rather than the local tinny house (drug dealer).
  10. J

    What version of 'The Game' do I get?

    Hmm. If the uncensored one has everything that the bible has ...shouldn't I just get the uncensored one lol?
  11. J

    What version of 'The Game' do I get?

    Why did he write two different versions?
  12. J

    What version of 'The Game' do I get?

    Which one? #1 #2 They are both different prices and both have different amounts of pages! Is one an American version...
  13. J

    Did anyone end up buying Mystery's DVD's

    Did anyone? I have been absent from this forum for a while... Are they worth it or simply just something that we should download? Anyone managed to find any torrents or something?
  14. J

    sarcasm and insults - comebacks to them!!!

    Get big and kick their ass. Seriously. If you haven't already got smart to them, it will come off as so fake to them.
  15. J

    Trying to better a relationship

    Next time she complains you don't pay for her tell her shes gotta be ****ing joking. Tell her you have a financial problem and then tell her she can stick it and break up with her because she isn't worth your money anyway - haha. Makes me mad just thinking about her expecting you to pay for...
  16. J

    Don't talk no sh!t, don't be no b!tch

    Well remember there are so many variables when it comes to girls. It could be ANYTHING that turned her off you. Give it a week and give her a call and say "look, we bot screwed up. I thought there could have been something good between us, do you want to catch up again?" If no, **** her...
  17. J

    Guys who are naturals with woman...

    Hey bro, your box is full.
  18. J

    Got the KISS! Now what? - Short.

    Great bro! Now there is a few areas that you need to look at. 1) Yes you did the right thing by teasing her. Of course you did, you gave her something most guys can't even think up in their minds let alone do! Good work. You need to keep this up, but don't do everything similar. For...
  19. J

    Hitting On Drunk Girls

    Hey dude. Over here in New Zealand SMS is really popular - well in High School anyway. We always are sms/txting away. What say you don't actually ring her and instead txt her? The next day is usually good. Chuck her a txt and ask her how she enjoyed the night last night. Get a bit of a...
  20. J

    The HS Picture Evaluator!

    In regards to the first guy - your huge. How tall are you? I would suggest putting on a bit of weight - maybe bulk? To me you would look more even. I don't like the jacket, but thats just me. I'm not a leather fan at this age but it does sort of suit you. I guess I'm more of a preppy...