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  1. G

    Intellince and Emotion

    Holy fvck for such a smart boy you sure do mess up a lot in English. Please tell me it isn't your first language. ;) Anyways, I guess all of this talk about crushing someone with your "intellectual prowess" is just overcompensation, you know like the guy who claims to have a 12 inch penis but...
  2. G

    she will only cheat if you let her

    Holy Fyck :rolleyes: Guys shut the fyck up, and get off of the computer, go do something with you're lives. You're talking sh!t to eachother over an internet forum... BTW friv, I'm pretty sure your girl was calling me daddy last night. :p Now for christssake don't ever post again!
  3. G

    I really need help here guys

    Haha, a beagle?! I think its bagle, man. A beagle is a small dog. :p Just find a good opportunity, I'm sure one will come up, and just be confident don't fidget around, and be casual. Really just go skating or play put-put or just hang out for a first date, use your imagination and search the...
  4. G

    I am sooo f*ucked 2

    No, selling drugs isn't badass, its an easy dollar, if anything they'll think you're stupid and lazy :p
  5. G

    Keeping It Hard

    Yeah, foreplay isn't just for girls, just touch her and kiss her all over, and if you don't feel it then you've got bigger problems to worry about...
  6. G

    The super duper uber luber thread on making girls like you

    Look, no offence Danno, but there is already a lot of "super duper uber luber thread[s] on making girls like you" just look in the top right. For christs sakes people just read the damn bible.
  7. G

    Keeping It Hard

    Better be careful, your first is going to be shooting them out like pez dispenser if you're not... :rolleyes:
  8. G

    Keeping It Hard

    just don't masturbate so damn much.
  9. G

    How does the military draft work?

    Hey look, this is getting political, someone shut this thread down. BTW, that was probably done by a terrorist.
  10. G

    Being Raised in a Traditional Family

    just tell them that's not what you're looking for right now. You just kinda want to get out and have some fun. Whoa bad idea, your parents sound really really religious being in an arranged marriage and all. If anything don't tell them that you're just looking to "have some fun".
  11. G

    Being Raised in a Traditional Family

    Whoa, what kind of family were you brought up in? Anyways, get your parents to try and convince you of why you shouldn't date, listen to their reasons in ernst, but if they won't listen to you just play around with girls to get experience, you don't necessarily have to date them, just tease them...
  12. G

    How does the military draft work?

    Dude, you've got bigger problems than the draft to worry about. Bush would never allow a draft, he would be impeached immediately. Yeah Bush doesn't come off as the smartest person, but he knows better than that. Anyways, why is this in the High School Forum? Shouldn't this be in 'Anything Else'?
  13. G

    What if cold replies don't work??

    It depends on how long she's been wanting you back, anyways, if you really do want to be back with her, start hanging out with her in person, not too much and on your own terms, use kino, C & F, etc. And if her interest still isn't there or isn't high enough, next her and get a girl who likes...
  14. G

    Does she really mean it?

    Damn straight, look if she's really sincere she'll at least spell it out.
  15. G

    Does she really mean it?

    WTF? Don't worry about it, look how she worded it she didn't even spell love, she said "wuv", she's just kidding around/trying to make you not mad. Damn you over-analyze stuff. :down:
  16. G

    F*ck, damnit sh*t head f*ck AAAARRGHH!!!!

    Well you shouldn't try to impress them with it, because then you'll just come across as a low-life, but if you can put it in there without doing that go ahead, girls love bad boys, plus you can probably mix it in with some ****y & funny to get them laughing.