What if cold replies don't work??

Lost In the Seas

Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hong Kong
My relationship with my ex ended a few months ago, but recently i have been catching signs that she want the relationship back. I DO want her back, and i read posts and concluded that however enthusiastic she is to me, be cold to her, make yourself a challenge, do not make it clear that you want her.

And i did just that, she calls me on the phone or talk to me on msn and sometimes i would talk to her with little enthusiasm, or sometimes with great interest to leave her the mystery of whether i like her or not. It seemed to work well as she keeps on coming back, desperatelly wanting to know if i do indeed still like her or not. But just this week her enthusiasm appeared to dropped somewhat, she seems to have given up or something, what should i do now?

Continue to be cold to her? Starts to show interest? Next her? But i do want her

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Mississippi's less sh!tty twin
It depends on how long she's been wanting you back, anyways, if you really do want to be back with her, start hanging out with her in person, not too much and on your own terms, use kino, C & F, etc. And if her interest still isn't there or isn't high enough, next her and get a girl who likes you, you're a DJ for christ's sake, act like one ;)

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Just continue down the road you're on. Associate yourself with other women, become less available but still show slight interest in her. If you said she wanted you back and you felt the same way, why didn't you just ask her back out?